Raven On Podcast

Raven On S4 Recap



It's a shocking display from Natalie this week as she completely fails to remember most of the important events/plot points of Season 4. Lucky Stu is here, as usual, to set things right. Oberyn Martell and the Viper/Hound showdown, the Purple Wedding, Tyrion on trial and the deaths of Shae and Tywin, Littlefinger and Sansa head to the Eyrie, Arya and the Hound buddy-adventure through the Riverlands and Vale, Jon Snow & the Night's Watch take on the Wildlings in the ferocious Battle of Castle Black, and f***ing Ollie enters our lives, only to end Ygritte's. It's a corker of a season, so that explains why this podcast is slightly longer than planned. So much banter!