Jj Virgin Lifestyle Show



Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin, author of New York Times bestsellers The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet, provides simple, effective strategies for fast, lasting fat loss. The JJ Virgin Lifestyle show provides valuable, easy-to-implement strategies to help you lose weight, eat healthy, turn back the clock, and become your healthiest, most vibrant self.


  • Discover What You’re Really Hungry For

    13/04/2016 Duration: 26min

    Is losing weight really about food? Why do we often know what to do but still don't do it? In this episode I'm talking with one of my best friends, celebrity nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella. Cynthia helps women discover what they're really hungry for so they can finally make peace with food and themselves. You're going to discover how to get reconnected to who you REALLY are, how to be happier and experience more love, the truth about transformation, and a lot more. After listening to this episode, you'll finally see beyond the food at the bigger picture so you can shift your life and experience more passion, meaning and connection!

  • What To Do When You’re Ready To Give Up

    06/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    What does it take to heal when you're sick, you've gone everywhere and no one can figure out what is wrong with you? That's what you're going to discover on this episode as I talk with my guest Dr. Shiroko Sokitch. You're going to hear about the miracles she's seen with her patients and the missing ingredient that can change everything in your healing journey. You'll hear what Dr. Shiroko has seen time and time again with her patients that have led them from being chronically sick with no answers to being better than ever!

  • The Truth About Living Healthy

    30/03/2016 Duration: 43min

    In this episode you're going to hear me talk to author, health expert and co-founder of Annmarie Skin Care, Kevin Gianni. Kevin was doing everything right (or so he thought!) He had the most nutritious diet (a raw-food vegan diet), he was addicted to finding the rawest, vegan, organic, healthiest food…and he was 25 pounds underweight, irritable, had a low sex drive and was headed toward self-destruction. You'll hear about what Kevin did to finally get better sleep, increase his sex drive and experience more calm - and - what you can do to live a healthy, awesome life.

  • Secret Therapies Used By The Healthiest People Alive

    23/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    I had a really bad knee injury when I was young, and there's something I did to stay healthy and fit for a long time without surgery. In this podcast, I talk with Dr. Robyn Benson, creator of The Self-Care Revolution, about IV Therapies to help your performance, boost your immunity, get rid of pathogens in your system and a lot more. Plus, you're going to learn about Prolozone, cutting edge oxidative therapies, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and regenerative medicine that can help with cartilage and mobility in your joints, reduce pain and even help with facial rejuvenation. There are innovative therapies that can transform your body, health and life and I’m excited to share them with you on this episode!

  • Willpower Won’t Work

    16/03/2016 Duration: 31min

    1400x1400One of the things I've been looking at for years is STRESS. Stress can make you age faster, lose your sex drive and gain weight! Oftentimes we're too stressed to even think about stress, so in this episode you're going to hear me interview an amazing Yale trained medical doctor and health expert named Aviva Romm to discuss the role your adrenal glands play, how your adrenals work when it comes to CRAVINGS and how to handle stress in your body. After listening to this episode you will finally see why willpower alone doesn't work and what to do instead of white-knuckling your way through stress and food cravings.

  • The Cancer Conversation

    09/03/2016 Duration: 26min

    There is more cancer going on today than there used to be: 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Any time I get the call or email about someone who has just been diagnosed with cancer, the first person I send them to is my guest on this episode, Dr. Nalini Chilkov. She is doing some of the most innovative, breakthrough work on cancer and how to never get there in the first place. She has helped thousands of people achieve and maintain extraordinary health and longevity and she is my go-to expert on all things related to cancer. In this interview you'll learn about why cancer is so prevalent today, how sugar is linked to cancer, how to turn cancer promoter genes off and cancer suppressor genes on, and a lot more.

  • Creating Better Than Perfect Health

    02/03/2016 Duration: 23min

    I did a deep dive survey with my community and what I discovered was fascinating. It turns out that people weren't taking action on their health because they didn't feel like they were worth it OR they had failed so many times in the past that they lost belief in themselves. So in this episode I'm excited to share a conversation I had with Dr. Elizabeth Lombardo who has been called America's most requested celebrity psychologist. She helps free people from counterproductive mindsets and stress caused by perfectionism and our inner critic. In this interview you're going learn how to pinpoint your inner perfectionist thought patterns or behaviors, transform them, and create the life you love!

  • Eat Fat, Get Thin!

    24/02/2016 Duration: 22min

    For decades, medicine and pop culture have told us that eating less fat is the secret to sustained weight loss, health, and longevity. Yet Americans are sicker and fatter than ever. In this episode, I'm talking with my friend and New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman who is one of the top 10 most influential people in health. You're going to discover the truth about fat, what Dr. Hyman eats every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and what it really takes to lose weight. Plus, Dr. Hyman talks about the ethical, environmental and health issues when it comes to eating meat. After listening to this episode, you're going to have a plan for achieving optimal wellness, preventing disease, and feeling your best!

  • Blood Sugar 101

    17/02/2016 Duration: 26min

    Many people don't know they are walking around with elevated blood sugar - and that can put you at risk for dementia, peripheral neuropathy and all sorts of bad news. In this episode you will hear from chiropractor and nutritionist Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo on how to use blood sugar monitoring to design a lifestyle perfect for you so you can create the health you want. When you balance your blood sugar you fix a lot of things FAST and what you're about to learn is going to help you recharge your energy and reclaim your life!

  • The Secret of “Liquid Gold” Bone Broth

    10/02/2016 Duration: 40min

    There's a something I want to share with you that can help you lose weight safely and easily and lead to a healthier, happier, slimmer and younger YOU. On this episode you're going to hear me talk to one of my close friends Dr. Kellyann Petrucci. Kelly Ann is a weight loss and anti-aging expert and naturopathic doctor - and today we're talking liquid gold: Bone Broth! This magic soup is as close to the fountain of youth as anything I've ever seen. You're going to start hearing about this soup all over the place and on this show you're going to discover the two main reasons people have so much trouble losing weight (and the roadmap for losing weight the RIGHT way), 2 blood test you should get ASAP, how to tell how healthy someone is just by looking at their skin, everything you need to know to get started healing your health with Bone Broth and so much more!

  • No Grain, No Pain

    03/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    If you've done The Virgin Diet then you know how I feel about gluten. Gluten is a form of protein found in wheat, rye, barley and many processed foods, and while most of us tend to think, "Oh, proteins are healthy." Some proteins cause our bodies a world of hurt and the protein found in gluten are among the worst. What's worse is we've been eating gluten all our lives, often in hidden places. In this episode I'm going to be talking with Dr. Peter Osborne, one of the world's leading authorities on alternative and functional medicine and natural health with a primary focus on gluten sensitivity and food allergies. We're going to go way beyond gluten and talk about grains and what could be causing you pain and inflammation. By using the strategies you're about to discover in this episode, you will have a drug-free, easy-to-implement plan for eliminating gluten and gluten-like substances, eliminate pain and lead a happier, healthier life.

  • Becoming An Urban Monk

    27/01/2016 Duration: 34min

    Stress, kids, bills, family issues, overhead - with all the demands of day to day life, how do you create more time and energy? In this episode I talk with the founder of Well.org and one of the most influential people in health and green media, Pedram Shojai, about real world steps you can take to feel happier and find peace in your day to day life. You can be a normal, regular person and use the practices you're going to hear about to have more energy, less stress and more fun WITHOUT having to drink any spiritual Kool-Aid.

  • The Truth About SMART FAT

    21/01/2016 Duration: 22min

    In this episode you're going to get to listen in on a conversation with my dear friend Steve Masley, M.D. Dr. Masley is a physician, nutritionist, author, speaker, award-winning patient educator, and a fellow with the American Heart Association, and you're going to learn about fats you should be eating, fats you should NOT be eating and the keys to living a longer, healthier life. Dr. Masley and I discuss our favorite smart fats, how to cook with delicious oils and fats without damaging them and so much more so you can increase your energy, suppress your appetite and get healthy!

  • Setting Yourself Up to Have a Great Day

    14/10/2015 Duration: 07min

    In this podcast, I walk you through a "miracle morning" so you'll have a productive, mindful, fulfilling day. Yes, coffee is among my miracle-morning strategies! What I don't do is immediately check my email, at least not first thing. Not a good idea! I'll walk you through the one thing that totally frames my day. (I can't imagine the morning without it.) I'll discuss my number-one breakfast routine that keeps me full, focused, and burning fat for hours. (It takes just minutes to do and tastes delicious!) I'll talk about how I manage my time so I'm most productive and utilize my energy most effectively. Armed with these strategies, you'll be able to optimize your morning hours so you're productive, focused, and relaxed.

  • Fat, Old, And Losing Your Sex Drive

    07/10/2015 Duration: 11min

    I experienced stress's ugly effects several years ago when a hit-and-run driver left my teenage son for dead. Needless to say, those first few months were incredibly stressful. Heartburn was one of the first signs I was stressed out. Yet if there was any time I needed to be game on, it was during that challenging time. I put everything into place to handle any kind of stress (and hopefully you won't ever be in that kind of stress!). In this podcast, I'll tell you how stress wreaks havoc. (Some of these will shock you!). This vicious domino effect affects everything from your sleep to your waistline to your gut. A wired-and-tired feeling permeates. You don't want to get there! That's why I'll provide some simple, powerful strategies to reduce stress's impact. You'll learn about the nutrient to lower cortisol, why adrenal and thyroid health are so important, the number one vitamin that becomes depleted by stress, and why "vitamin S" might be your magical bullet to reduce stress. Armed with these tactics, you'll

  • What’s Going on Down There?

    30/09/2015 Duration: 09min

    Let's be honest: We all want great poops, right? And we all know what it feels like not to have those great poops. In this podcast, I'll teach you how so you never again struggle with constipation and other problems "down there." I'll discuss exactly what a well-formed poop looks like. (Don't worry, it won't be gross!) I'll talk about the magic mineral that keeps you regular (you can get it in the bath!) and the vitamin that complements it. I'll provide easy ways to up your fiber along with water for bulky stools. Gut supplements, exercise, thyroid health, and actually making the time also play significant roles keeping you regular. With these strategies, you'll kiss bathroom problems goodbye and regularly have regular poops to be proud of!

  • The Single Most Important Thing You Can Do for… Well, Everything

    23/09/2015 Duration: 10min

    How does a great night's sleep matter? For just about everything, from energy to fat burning! You know the caffeinated aftermath of a terrible night's sleep. In this podcast, I'll also talk about the hormonal havoc just one night's sleep can create. You'll understand why poor sleep makes you wired and tired, and why we frequently exacerbate that vicious cycle. I'll dissect what a good night's sleep means and some simple strategies that help you get 7 - 9 hours of solid, uninterrupted sleep. You might not even know what a good night's sleep is, it's been so long since you've had one! You'll learn the optimal time to exercise for a great night's sleep, nutrients to help you slumber soundly, and why meal timing matters so much to slumber soundly. These strategies guarantee an amazing night's sleep so you feel great and burn fat all day.

  • Balance, Not Lower, Cholesterol

    16/09/2015 Duration: 10min

    Newsflash: Cholesterol is not the best predictor of heart disease! In this podcast, I'll tell you what does matter for men and women to maintain cardiovascular (and overall) health. I'll tell you the 3 vitamins that lower homocysteine levels. Did you know it's not "bad" or "good" cholesterol, but the particle size, that best predicts heart disease? I'll share what raises triglyceride levels (hint: it's not dietary fat). I'll talk about the "biggie" vitamin for heart disease that your doc can test for. Oh, and eggs usually do not raise cholesterol, but I will share with you what do. I'll tell you what to increase in your diet to lower cholesterol. (Some of these will shock you.) And you'll learn about natural strategies that lower cholesterol as powerfully as statin drugs without their side effects. You know I'm going to mention exercise, and I'll give you the best way to lower cholesterol in just minutes a day. Just don't stress out about it, since stress can increase inflammation and other problems! Armed wi

  • But What About the Calcium?

    09/09/2015 Duration: 09min

    Dairy can actually hurt your bones and swallowing a bunch of calcium pills is not the answer. And guys, osteoporosis is not just something that happens to women. In this podcast, I'll talk about why dietary calcium is just a small part of the overall-bone picture, and why easy shifts can boost your bone health. I'll tell you about the key vitamin that helps you optimize calcium (and why you need to probably supplement). Oh, and while you don't want psychological stress, you need to stress your bones to make them stronger (I know, it sounds counterintuitive). I'll talk about the very best exercise to maintain healthy bones at any age. Gut health? It matters more than you might think for strong, supple bones. I'll share the one thing you want and the one thing you want to ditch in your diet for bone health. Trust me, you don't want the first sign of weak bones to be a broken hip! Armed with this easy-to-apply information, you'll have everything you need to maintain great bones - and great health - no matter wha

  • Transform from a Sugar Burner to Fat Burner

    02/09/2015 Duration: 10min

    In this podcast, I'll talk about why you want to be a fat burner, not a sugar burner. (I know, it sounds a little counterproductive at first.) I'll tell you the signs that you're a sugar burner, and why you're probably eating more sugar than you might realize. You'll learn sneaky sugar sources, why "fat free" often means high-sugar impact, and how to ditch that stubborn belly fat. Turning into a fat burner will help you shed excess weight, build muscle, and boost your energy. I'll give you the perfect plate trifecta (trust me, it won't sound like "diet food") that keeps you full 4 - 6 hours so you're not tempted by your coworker's mid-afternoon high-sugar impact catastrophe. I'll even give you the one strategy to totally zap your sugar cravings (you'll never guess this one!) and why fructose (yes, even in fruit) can exacerbate cravings and block fat burning. Incorporate these strategies to reclaim your life from sugar and stay full, focused, and burning fat while feeling and looking amazing.

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