Jj Virgin Lifestyle Show



Celebrity nutrition and fitness expert JJ Virgin, author of New York Times bestsellers The Virgin Diet and The Sugar Impact Diet, provides simple, effective strategies for fast, lasting fat loss. The JJ Virgin Lifestyle show provides valuable, easy-to-implement strategies to help you lose weight, eat healthy, turn back the clock, and become your healthiest, most vibrant self.


  • Is Wild-Caught Really Better? Your Guide to Intelligent Fish Buying With Jeff More

    01/10/2014 Duration: 16min

    Buying fish can easily become confusing. In this podcast, I've asked fish Guru Jeff More how to make the best buying decisions. Is wild-caught always best? Is farm-raised fish ever okay? What conditions make most - but not all - farm-raised fish so unhealthy? Some of Moore's answers might surprise you. They certainly did for me. Listen to this podcast and you'll be armed with all the right information including types, brands, country of origin, and stores to buy fish intelligently without all the confusion.

  • Dining Out without Sacrificing Your Dietary Dignity

    24/09/2014 Duration: 10min

    Restaurants can be tricky, especially if your goal is fast fat loss or lasting fat loss. In this podcast, I'll provide simple strategies to navigate any menu to make low sugar impact choices that make you healthier and leaner. Restaurants are notorious for sugary sauces, food intolerances, and gigantic portions. I'll provide helpful, fun effortless strategies to modify the menu to fit your goals. I'll even tell you about how to enjoy dessert without any morning-after regret!

  • Six Simple Strategies for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    17/09/2014 Duration: 11min

    JJ Virgin shares six simple, cutting-edge, easy-to-implement strategies that help you lose fat fast and keep it off. Among those strategies include a meal replacement shake, stop eating three hours before bed, pinpoint hidden sugars and other food intolerances in your diet, burst training, and varying your calories.

  • Going Gluten Free while Having a Life

    10/09/2014 Duration: 08min

    Gluten could be holding your health hostage in ways you may not consider. Bread and other gluten-containing foods (yes, even "healthy" ones like wheat bread) can stall fat loss and trigger or exacerbate numerous symptoms like headache and fatigue. In this podcast, I'll provide easy swaps - what I call lateral shifts - to ditch gluten without deprivation. I'll also show you how to challenge gluten to see whether you can occasionally handle it. When many clients pull gluten for as little as 3 weeks, they feel a "new normal" and those last few pounds finally disappear. Are you up for the challenge?

  • Choosing the Right Protein Powder for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    03/09/2014 Duration: 07min

    Many popular protein powders contain whey, which is derived from milk, often cheaply produced, potentially creates food intolerances, and can actually stall fat loss by raising insulin levels. In this podcast I'll provide better protein alternatives that don't create reactivity, will help you reach your goals, and that you can confidently use every morning for fast, lasting fat loss.

  • 5 Strategies to Get (and Stay) Motivated for Fast Fat Loss

    27/08/2014 Duration: 06min

    Does lack of motivation hold you back from achieving fat loss and optimal health? In this podcast I'll tell the story of Bryn, one of my clients who lost over 100 pounds and rediscovered happiness and a new lease on life. She implemented 5 strategies I'll describe here. Over my nearly three decades as a health and fitness expert, I've found putting these strategies into action can help you get fast fat loss and maintain that loss.

  • You Can Lose Weight without Exercise, But…

    20/08/2014 Duration: 14min

    In this podcast I'll provide strategies to lose fat fast. Changing what goes onto your fork and reducing your sugar impact are simple but powerful strategies for fast, lasting fat loss. I'll also discuss why exercise becomes crucial for lasting fat loss and optimal health, and provide some intense, effective strategies to get a complete fat-burning workout in just minutes a day.

  • The Best Way for Fast Fat Loss (Hint: It doesn’t involve exercise or counting calories)

    20/08/2014 Duration: 07min

    The best way for fast fat loss doesn't involve counting calories or exercising. In this podcast you'll learn seven foods that hold your health hostage and stall fast fat loss. You'll also learn a simple strategy you can implement right now, which can double your fat loss.

  • My Top Needle Mover for Fast, Lasting Fat Loss

    20/08/2014 Duration: 12min

    Discover the number one thing you can do to burn fat and keep it off. It's inexpensive, takes just minutes to create, tastes delicious, and helps you attain fast, permanent fat loss.

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