Those Conspiracy Guys

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 672:45:49
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Those Conspiracy Guys is an Irish comedy podcast where we discuss all types and genres of conspiracy theories, paranormal happenings and true crime from Atlantean myths to Zapruder films; from ghosts and demons to alien abductions; from werewolves and vampires to CIA assassins and Russian spies. We have a big episode every two weeks, a True Crime show every other week and loads of other stuff every so often and you can head over to the website for details.Our aim is to cast a light into the dark corners of corruption, conspiracy and suppression. We want to scour a web laden with tales of political intrigue, extra-terrestrials, rogue governments, secret societies, the paranormal, murder, mayhem, deceit, destruction, the cryptozoological and the psycho-pharmacological and present the fable of the 21st century: The Conspiracy Theory.It's a Podcast that asks the unanswered questions of the wildest mysteries and weirdest truths from throughout our history. Taking universally available information from all around the internet and beyond, we'll provide a funny and friendly resource for all your conspiracy needs.With weekly Podcast episodes and our constantly updated website Those Conspiracy Guys want to bring some truth to your inquisitive ears.No topic is too delicate or outlandish and we want to make it palatable for everyone from beginners to experts. From the average guy on the street to a die hard conspiracy nut, we want to bring you the great conspiracies of time immemorial to the ones unfolding around us everyday. We avoid the tinfoil hats and poorly crafted sci-fi stories that litter the internet, to bring you conspiracies that you have heard about and more that you havent. We are gleaning information from a seemingly insurmountable wall of waffle and running our common sense detector over some of the misinformation that lies in the stagnant swamp of the web.We are but 'humble' Irish people, with a propensity for critical thinking and common sense, and a host of friends with the same mindset, but we all have a third eye squinted open for the strangeness of truth and are all tireless in the never ending quest for the opportunity to have the craic.Have you ever watched the news and thought that doesnt look right?.Have you ever questioned main stream media or questioned what main stream even means?Have you ever agonised over the official version of events that seemed like they were the script of a bad movie?Then this is the podcast for you. We analyse easily available material and cast a critical eye over it; discussing the validity of its sources and its credibility as fact. Sometimes we believe it, sometimes we dont, but you can make your own mind up because we are just a bunch of people with some free time and questionable search histories. You can support our show by visiting and donating. You will get access to awesome exclusive content and be able to interact with us like you're the favourite in the family!


  • The Toybox Killer

    26/07/2019 Duration: 02h21min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we talk about one of the worst, most sadistic, and prolific of the American serial killers; from a metal container out in the desert landscape in New Mexico, this time we are talking about The Toybox Killer.David Parker Ray is thought to have killed over 60 people in some of the most sadisticcruel and brutally inventive ways known to humanity. This guy went medieval on prostitutes, wandering waifs, and wayward teenagers with his on again off again girlfriend. They would pick these girls up at a local saloon and imprison them in a container filled with torture devices.Its a story that has to be listened to to be believed and joining me to tell the terrible tale is TCG original flavour Eamonn O'Neill. You can tell Eamonn all about it at podcast is supported by the generous donations of the wonderful folks over at Patreon. If you want to support the show and get exclusive content, ad-free episodes, access to live chats and p

  • History of The Netherlands

    17/07/2019 Duration: 50min

    SWAPCAST - On this SwapCast I join Julian and Joe from The History of The Netherlands podcast, on location in Amsterdam; where we chat about their podcast; some very interesting Dutch political attitudes; how such good looking people can be bred in a swamp and why its so much better to learn about all this stuff while in a boat on the water!Joe and Julian are the presenters of The History of The Netherlands but they also have a couple other podcasts too. You can find them and their stable of shows at 'Republic of Amsterdam Radio' and all the links are just below. These other shows include 'Free and Fearless' a story of Dutch resistance against the Nazis; and 'Stuff What You Tell Me' which is full of stories of rebellion and resistance through history, art and culture.You can also see them live and in person if you are visiting Amsterdam by taking a trip on the canals with Those Dam Boat Guys! You can book a trip and get a very unique experience of Amsterdam from the safety of a boat where you can drink, eat a

  • Fred and Rosemary West

    20/06/2019 Duration: 02h22min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we lift up the patio slabs of deception to find the sludgy bones of truth on this, one of the roughest episodes to date, where we talk about the Gloucester House of Horrors occupied by the infamously cruel Fred and Rosemary West,This terrible tale of rape, murder, incest, abuse, torture, and mutually supported pure psychopathy from these two hell crossed lovers, rocked the world when the vast scope of their dark deeds came to light in the early 90s. Coming from equally destructive upbringings they met and dealt a wicked fate to dozens of young girls; two serial killers unknown to one another; married and in the same house! The story has to be heard to be believed; and I don't usually take content precautions but this one is particularly rough on the details, so go lightly!An amazing case and a great episode and documentaries and other materials will follow! Joining me on this episode is the wonderfully talented Lee Coffey and if you want to find Lee online head to http:www//bitter

  • Tin Foil Hat with Sam Tripoli - George Orwell 1984

    14/06/2019 Duration: 03min

    SWAPCAST - On this SwapCast I chat with Sam and XG about some eerily predictive fiction from one of the most famous authors of the 20th century, George Orwell. His book Animal Farm published in 1945 was a scathing indictment of the communist political agenda and was a massive cultural palette cleanser in a world now faced with an ideological dichotomy of socialism versus capitalism. He detested the cult of personality that had grown up around Stalin during the war years and foresaw the problems that lay ahead for the world should this ideological esteem pave the way for a tyrant in absolute control. 1984 was the extension of this critique and the world that was created in this book was based on the tools and methods of totalitarian dictatorships that are now being echoed in the modern media landscape. The oppressive regime depicted in 1984 ring true today with social media deplatformings mimicking the actions of Winston Smith working for the Ministry of Truth and the Thought Police and blatant propaganda tact

  • The Conspiracy Farm - Agenda 21

    14/06/2019 Duration: 03min

    SWAPCAST - On this SwapCast I chat with Jeffrey Wilson and Pat Miletich from The Conspiracy Farm podcast about the plan to thin the herd all the way from the UN, Agenda 21. There is a cultural and political agenda to undermine western civilisation as it stands, because of some perceived systematic inadequacies in the 'system' Anarchists propose to burn the whole thing down; but the UN and the dark cabalistic powers that be claim there is another way.Agenda 21 is a long term plan to depopulate the planet by poisoning the food slowly; making people infertile and promoting abortion; promoting mass migration and the dilution of western culture; among other methods. I chat with the lads about some of the more famous Agenda 21 plans and TCG has a main episode coming very soon about Agenda 21 so we will go deep and give the details. This episode is available on the main feed for 30 days and if you don't want spoilers for the upcoming deep dive Agenda 21 episode then give it a miss because it hits all the high notes

  • Room 104 - YouTube Censorship

    14/06/2019 Duration: 03min

    SWAPCAST - This SwapCast with Cormac Moore from Dublin's FM104 is about the recent YouTube censorship of conspiracy theory and politically divisive creators. It's known as the VoxAdpocalypse and was apparently started by Vox 'journalist' Carlos Maza as he attacked Steven Crowder, accusing him of homophobic slurs and personal attacks. This started a tidal wave of deplatformings, demonetisations and other ideologically restrictive actions on the part of Youtube. So much so that anti trust proceedings may be in the pipeline. Enjoy this short SwapCast with Cormac and you can find him at podcast is supported by the generous donations of the wonderful folks over at Patreon. If you want to support the show and get exclusive content, ad-free episodes, access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff click here you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the Disco

  • Casey Anthony

    17/05/2019 Duration: 02h18min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we talk about a tragic and very high profile case that inexplicably hasn't been truly solved, but has still ruined the lives of most involved; this time we are talking about Casey Anthony. In 2008 a small child went missing from the Anthony household in Florida, this turned into one of the most high profile trials in US history.Caylee Anthony, born 2005, was under the care of her mother Casey Anthony, 22, when she went missing. With no-one able to verify her whereabouts for 31 days Casey Anthony was arrested and the massive web of lies began. Caylee's tiny body was found by a neighbour and during the ensuing court case, wild accusations of negligence, incest and molestation were thrown around.This is a far from a typical tabloid case and the strange unbelievable story has to be heard. The circumstances around Casey Anthony's testimony, the evidence against her, and her inexplicable exoneration are a puzzle for the most diligent true crime minds. ---Joining me on this episode is ac

  • Anti Vaccination

    11/05/2019 Duration: 06h11min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about probably one of the most contentious topics of our time, and as far as conspiracies go, it's having a very real and measured effect on the health of the human race. We discuss the history and the kooky science behind the anti-vaccination debate.Vaccinations have been an important part of the survival of the human race and in the last 100 years, with the improvements in medical technology, life spans and standards of living have increased exponentially. But recently people have been questioning the legitimacy of vaccinations and even go so far as to question the integrity of organisations like the CDC, claiming many conspiracy level motives such as sterilisation and population control; widespread autism and other neurological maladies; and even something as benign as greedy business practices.This may not be what you are looking for in a conspiracy podcast about vaccinations so tread carefully, but what you will get is a look into the history of vaccines; claims about

  • The Siege at Ruby Ridge

    20/04/2019 Duration: 02h12min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we talk about a lesser known domestic terrorist incident involving the full might of the FBI coming down on a small cabin in the wilderness in Idaho; the Weaver family were ensnared in their mountain cabin in the summer of 1992 in what has become known as The Siege at Ruby Ridge.Pegged as a white supremacist, Randy Weaver moved his family up into the wilderness of Idaho and decided to live a simpler life. His wife Vicky and son Sammy were killed in a shootout with the FBI after an undercover investigation into his involvement with a local white supremacist Neo nazi group resulted in Weaver selling a sawn off shotgun to an agent in disguise.More than 400 agents set up base camp outside his humble home and snipers took shots at him and his family. Hostage negotiators were deployed to diffuse the situation but criticism came in hard for the FBI and their heavy handed tactics. We discuss what happened that day and the political implications it had; the presidents for incidents like Wa

  • Grimerica - Online Censorship

    09/04/2019 Duration: 03min

    SWAPCAST - On this Swapcast I chat with Darren and Graham from Grimerica about online censorship, vaccines, alternative history, and about me and the history of TCG and where its all going! This was done from the lads studio all the way over in Canada and they have a podcast that you can go and listen to now too at with interviews, round table chats and shows like this. They are entirely fan supported so if you like it you can subscribe here and let them know where you found them :) This is a SwapCast which means its basically the same show on both RSS feeds so it will be left up for 30 days (or so) and then will be available on the hosts feed or in the TCG patreon There is a Patreon Only RSS feed in there with all my appearances, interviews, live chats, live shows, and SwapCasts and any other non-branded audio and video content. I want to have the TCG RSS feed be just podcasts, with the mildly frequen

  • Life on Mars

    28/03/2019 Duration: 05h28min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about the most intriguing mystery in our solar system and possibly the key to unlocking the knowledge behind our entire civilisation, finding out where the human race comes from and discovering whether or not we are alone in the universe; we're talking about Life on Mars. Humans discovered Mars more than 3000 years ago but it still seems to be at the forefront of our conversation today despite knowing little more than we did back then. Elon and NASA are working to get as much information as possible back to us; but there seems to be something they are all hiding.Evidence of water on Mars can be seen in the canals and the polar ice caps and the giant, seemingly humanoid stone monoliths are a testament to some sort of intelligence. Matching up the pyramids of Mars with those on Earth in Egypt and possibly even under the ice in Antartica, means that maybe life there isn't so different from what we have here.Emmet Quinn joins me solo for this one and its a whopper! @emequaliser

  • The Hinterkaifek Murders

    08/03/2019 Duration: 01h51min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we talk about one of the longest running mysteries in Germany and a pretty grizzly crime that has people scratching their heads even to this day, The Hinterkaifek Murders. In a small German hamlet a family is found dead with no evidence and no suspects. They were brutally bludgeoned to death by an unknown assailant; but local tales tell of a history of abuse and incest in the family. Musician Steven Gormley joins me on this episode and he is the one singing the beautiful alternative theme tune. You can find him and his music at and on Instagram and Twitter @moonlooksonMURDER BOOK PODCAST AND DARK SACRED NIGHTThanks to Murder Book Podcast for supporting this episode of Those Conspiracy Guys. Check out Michael Connelly’s new “Murder Book” podcast here on Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts or at https://www.murderbookpodcast.comYou can check out 'Dark Sacred Night' at Michael Connolly's website here https://www.michae

  • Cannibalism

    01/03/2019 Duration: 05h40min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode of Those Conspiracy Guys we discuss the last taboo and a dark subject that some may not be able to stomach, we are talking about Cannibalism. For hundreds of thousands of years humans, or a variation of humans, have been eating each other, and mostly not just for food. Eating ones enemies or neighbouring tribes is still common practice in remote parts of the world.Often Cannibalism is seen as a last resort for the desperate and infirm, with famous stories of plane crashes, boats lost at sea, and travellers stuck in the mountains; but it is all too common in regular life too. In the animal kingdom cannibalism was used as a tool of intimidation and control. The most extreme way to threaten ones own species. Or often it is used to dispose of a mate that has served their purpose and is almost unquestionably accepted. But when humans do it there are much more dire consequences. Degenerative brain diseases, murderous blood lust, and extreme psychological disturbance are but a few of the

  • John Wayne Gacy

    22/02/2019 Duration: 02h19min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we dive deep into the history of Pogo the Clown aka John Wayne Gacy and try to figure out where his insatiable blood lust came from. Lauren Kelly O'Sullivan joins me to talk about John Wayne Gacy and his unorthadix life and seemingly endless capacity for charm and manipulation. Gacy had an incomparible skill for weilding power and the lengths he would go to to satisfy primal urges are yet unmatched. Guilt and shame from his youth played a big part in his future crimes and the fraternal order he joined in Iowa, his split personality and ability to live two different identities, and his skill in coercing people to do his bidding made him one of the most prolific serial killers in history. In his own words "you'll never find them all"This episode is brought to you by HelloFresh. Get $60 off, that’s $20 off your first 3 boxes: and use the code tcg60. Thanks HelloFreshLauren Kelly O'Sullivan is a broadcaster, radio presenter and entrepeneur and you can

  • The Death of Bruce Lee

    15/02/2019 Duration: 04h26min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode of Those Conspiracy Guys we talk about arguably one of the most famous people on the planet; whose legacy is honoured in the four corners of the world, whose life showed us the possibility in diversity and whose mysterious death left unanswered questions and suspicions to this day; this episode is all about Bruce Lee. Born in San Fransisco and raised in Hong Kong, Bruce Lee led a varied and bizarre life coming from winning dance competitions and taking part in gang fights on the rooftops of Kowloon to majoring in Drama and creating his own martial artform; Lee left an indellible mark on modern culture.Trained in Kung Fu as a wayward youth, Bruce Lee showed skill and discipline for martial arts. After moving to America he began his own school teaching a modified version on Wing Chun and participating in competitions and showcases. It was at one of these competitions he was discovered and the glitz and glamour of Hollywood were within his reach. He modified his martial art into what

  • The 27 Club

    30/01/2019 Duration: 06h40min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode,​ we talk about the infamously tragic collection of now-classic music stars that died at the height of their careers but at a very early age; now collectively known as The 27 Club. Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin were the original three dying at the end of the 60s and leaving behind them the legacy of one of the wildest and most progressive periods in human history. Their passing sounded a death knell for the counterculture and its hopes for the future.Fast forward to the 90s and a seeming revival of 60 cultural progressiveness and also the tragic death of Kurt Cobain by suicide. Cobain's death reinvigorated the 27 Club mythos and people started to wonder what was it about the age 27 that caused so much heartache coupled with unbridled success? In recent years others have been added to the roster of the 27 Club like most recently Amy Winehouse but others still are being posthumously gilded with the moniker of 'worthy' of entry. Jean Michel Basquiat, a new york artist who d

  • The Golden State Killer

    17/01/2019 Duration: 03h03min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode, we talk about Joseph James DeAngelo now known as The Golden State Killer and his 40-year​ reign of terror on the unsuspecting residents of California. During the 70s DeAngelo committed a series of brutal rapes and murders but did so in many different areas and with seemingly different motives and techniques.He was mistakenly identified as the Visalia Ransacker, The Original Night Stalker and The Diamond Knot Killer by law enforcement; thinking these murders were committed by different people. His preparation, execution and psychological terrorism after the crimes had been committed have never been equalled​. His efficiency and careful planning left him unapprehended until the summer of 2018.I'll Be Gone in The Dark, the book by Michelle McNamara, and her tireless work writing about this case brought new evidence to light in the years preceding his arrest. DNA evidence and modern investigative tools finally put a name to the criminal known by so many aliases. Johnny Daly from @Dis

  • The War on Drugs

    31/12/2018 Duration: 07h05min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about an issue that permeates the fabric of society in almost every way possible and is considered a long term malicious attacks on American society and one of the most insidious systems of class based justice ever created; The War on Drugs.In the 1970s America was facing a crisis; a moral and social cancer that threatened the American way of life. Richard Nixon declared a war on drugs to combat their corrosive effect on the youth of America. Others claim it was an attempt to maintain control on a population that was becoming wise to the marinations of the political elite and the culture those new citizens were growing up in had harmless party drugs at its centre.Laws and governmental organisations that exist today were created in this time and in the 1980s during the crack cocaine epidemic plaguing American cities; Reagan announced the Zero Tolerance policy which led to hundreds of thousands of young men and women being incarcerated for much longer than necessary. The pri

  • The Somerton Man (Taman Shud)

    07/12/2018 Duration: 01h57min

    TRUE CRIME - On this episode we take on one of Australia's most mysterious deaths in the shape of The Somerton Man also known as The Taman Shud Case. A man found on the beach in Adelaide with no ID, no next of kin, some strange items on his person and, as it turned out, a very secretive local history. Was there some international spy carry on? Maybe a murder to hide some embarrassing secrets? Who knows but some new scientific revelations could shine some light on the identity of the man at least.Jarlath Regan joins me on this episode and you can find his chart topping show called 'An Irishman Abroad' here and check out his Patreon page here where you will find his other podcasts 'Men Behaving Better' and 'An Irishman Behind Bars' or if you want to hear the episode where I join him on his show to talk about podcasting, life and loads more you can find that here podcast is supported by the generou

  • Bohemian Grove

    28/11/2018 Duration: 03h49min

    DEEP DIVE - On this episode we talk about the best and worst kept secret in the community of elite billionaires that rule the world, Bohemian Grove. Nestled deep in the forests of Redwood trees in Northern California, this luxury campground sees the best and worst of high society gather in a highly exclusive clandestine fraternal ritual comprised of chants, burning effigies, nudity, sexual activity, and talks and presentations by some of the worlds most qualified and experienced speakers.Some allege that the burning is of real bodies and that there are prostitution rings set up specifically for this 17 day long mid-summer jaunt in the woods. Very few whistleblowers have spilled the beans on the Grove and sensational claims have been made by infiltrators like Alex Jones. But we wonder what really goes on in there?Im joined by Emmet Quinn ([]( and Shane Brown ([](

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