Those Conspiracy Guys

Room 104 - YouTube Censorship



SWAPCAST - This SwapCast with Cormac Moore from Dublin's FM104 is about the recent YouTube censorship of conspiracy theory and politically divisive creators. It's known as the VoxAdpocalypse and was apparently started by Vox 'journalist' Carlos Maza as he attacked Steven Crowder, accusing him of homophobic slurs and personal attacks. This started a tidal wave of deplatformings, demonetisations and other ideologically restrictive actions on the part of Youtube. So much so that anti trust proceedings may be in the pipeline. Enjoy this short SwapCast with Cormac and you can find him at podcast is supported by the generous donations of the wonderful folks over at Patreon. If you want to support the show and get exclusive content, ad-free episodes, access to live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff click here you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the Disco