Those Conspiracy Guys



Those Conspiracy Guys is an Irish comedy podcast where we discuss all types and genres of conspiracy theories, paranormal happenings and true crime from Atlantean myths to Zapruder films; from ghosts and demons to alien abductions; from werewolves and vampires to CIA assassins and Russian spies. We have a big episode every two weeks, a True Crime show every other week and loads of other stuff every so often and you can head over to the website for details.Our aim is to cast a light into the dark corners of corruption, conspiracy and suppression. We want to scour a web laden with tales of political intrigue, extra-terrestrials, rogue governments, secret societies, the paranormal, murder, mayhem, deceit, destruction, the cryptozoological and the psycho-pharmacological and present the fable of the 21st century: The Conspiracy Theory.It's a Podcast that asks the unanswered questions of the wildest mysteries and weirdest truths from throughout our history. Taking universally available information from all around the internet and beyond, we'll provide a funny and friendly resource for all your conspiracy needs.With weekly Podcast episodes and our constantly updated website Those Conspiracy Guys want to bring some truth to your inquisitive ears.No topic is too delicate or outlandish and we want to make it palatable for everyone from beginners to experts. From the average guy on the street to a die hard conspiracy nut, we want to bring you the great conspiracies of time immemorial to the ones unfolding around us everyday. We avoid the tinfoil hats and poorly crafted sci-fi stories that litter the internet, to bring you conspiracies that you have heard about and more that you havent. We are gleaning information from a seemingly insurmountable wall of waffle and running our common sense detector over some of the misinformation that lies in the stagnant swamp of the web.We are but 'humble' Irish people, with a propensity for critical thinking and common sense, and a host of friends with the same mindset, but we all have a third eye squinted open for the strangeness of truth and are all tireless in the never ending quest for the opportunity to have the craic.Have you ever watched the news and thought that doesnt look right?.Have you ever questioned main stream media or questioned what main stream even means?Have you ever agonised over the official version of events that seemed like they were the script of a bad movie?Then this is the podcast for you. We analyse easily available material and cast a critical eye over it; discussing the validity of its sources and its credibility as fact. Sometimes we believe it, sometimes we dont, but you can make your own mind up because we are just a bunch of people with some free time and questionable search histories. You can support our show by visiting and donating. You will get access to awesome exclusive content and be able to interact with us like you're the favourite in the family!


  • Slenderman

    07/11/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY - On this episode we look at the horror fairytale of theSlenderman. A concoction of Creepypasta, the name for a modernre-imagining or fabrication of scary stories. A spectre of a tall thin man, be-suited and be-tentacled, we'lldiscuss the genesis of this terrifying character and the rabidspread of his mythos and influence amongst lovers of fear. And we'll cover the shocking way this fabricated figure hasfound a place in the real world, through mind and matter, theSlenderman moves to murder. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If you want to support the show and get this and all other episodes ad-free, exclusive and early access content; access and updates on live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff click here you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the Discord, watch video version

  • Werewolves

    24/10/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY - On this episode we go on the hunt for Werewolves. The mythicalcreature of a half-human, half-wolf hybrid whose roots run deepthroughout civilization. We'll be looking at the historical references of human-animalshifting and the streamlining of these tales into the modernWerewolf fable and it's now legendary status in modern mythos. From Parisian baby eaters to Native American spiritual guides we'll be tracking the curse of the Werewolves and the practical magic their tales have on the psyche. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If you want to support the show and get this and all other episodes ad-free, exclusive and early access content; access and updates on live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff click here you want to follow TCG on social platforms including the Discord, watch video ver

  • Mermaids

    17/10/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY -On this episode we dive into the underwater world of the marinecryptid and it's mythic depictions throughout mankind's history.Tall tales of mermaids have been around as long as humans havefared the seas. Their classic description is that of alluring female torsos withwith the tail of a fish, skilled sirens who sometimes soothe wearyseamen, and other times lure them to Davy Jones' locker. A creature of the paranormal or a forgotten and undocumentedline of our biological evolution, we take a look from every angleat the mystical realm of the Mermaid. So man the decks, hoist the rigging, and pass the rum. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If you want to support the show and get this and all other episodes ad-free, exclusive and early access content; access and updates on live chats and private social media like Instagram and Discord and a whole load of other stuff

  • MK Ultra and Mind Control

    02/10/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY -On this episode we tackle the dark and disturbing world of theMK Ultra program. A mass of varying CIA operations all centered onthe goal of human mind control and behavior modification. Starting in 1950 with the newly formed Central IntelligenceAgency this program was born into an era of a paranoid arms race inweapons, drug and psychological warfare. From LSD blind drops and CIA run brothels to involvement of the revolution movement, anddrug culture, of the 1960's. Continuing covertly until 1973 we'll cover all the information,which is still being constantly uncovered today, of the widereaching and terrifying nature of the unconstitutional and inhumanefacets of the MK Ultra program. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If you want to support the show and get this and all other episodes ad-free, exclusive and early access content; access and updates on live chats an

  • The Sandy Hook School Shooting

    25/09/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY -On this episode we look at the Sandy Hook School shooting, oneof the most polarizing suspected 'False Flag' events in US history.Occurring in December 2012 this mass shooting was carried out in anelementary school leaving 26 people dead in total in a small townin Connecticut. The conspiracy theories are outlandish in their accusations of'crisis acting' on behalf of law enforcement, medical examiners,witnesses and even grieving parents. A conspiracy theory boosted byvideo evidence of the scene, interviews and testimony, failures inprocedures and even the impossible logistics of the officialnarrative. We'll cover all the evidence and theories, even those that go sofar as to suggest there were no victims, there was no school, themajority of the town itself was in on the event and even that thesuspected shooter never even existed. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If y

  • The Ouija Board

    17/09/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY - On this episode we play with the parlor game that became asupernatural phenomenon. A direct line to the land of the dead or atool to bring out the automatic information contained within all of us? We aim to unlock the secrets of the Ouija board and investigatethe claims of it's connection with an unexplained realm and how itfits into the overall narrative of the world of the paranormal. We also look at the history and genesis of this controversial toy and it's rise in prominence throughout the flourish of paranormal interest of the early 20th century and how, through it's placement in modern media it has become an item laden with otherworldly attributes, equally feared and maligned today. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS feed from Patreon. If you want to support the show and get this and all other episodes ad-free, exclusive and early access content; access and updates on live chat

  • 9/11: The September 11th Attacks

    10/09/2014 Duration: 04min

    PATREON ONLY - On this episode we tackle the grand conspiracy of our generation. The September 11th attacks in New York city. An event which changed the economic and geopolitical landscape of the world as we know it, but one whose official story is among the most challenged in history. Since 2001 huge amounts of videos, reports and expert testimony has contradicted not only the NIST report of the collapse of World Trade Center towers 1, 2 and 7 but also the actions of the US government and military hierarchy before, during and after the attacks. With allegations and accusations of controlled demolitions, phantom planes, advanced energy weapons, military stand-downs, intelligence oversight, planted evidence, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Osama, Saddam, George Bush and My Pet Goat we cover every theory and every string of the of the most tangled conspiracy web of our times. ____________________This episode of the podcast is available here only through an exclusive RSS

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