Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Sermon messages from Central Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia


  • Fear of Missing Out


    This week in our sermon series, "No Fear" we talk about the fear of missing out on the life that God has made us for.

  • Fear of Being Known


    We continue our "No Fear" series this week discussing the fear of being known.

  • Fear of Disease


    As we continue our "No Fear" sermon series this week, Pastor Steve talks about the fear of disease.

  • Fear of Isolation


    This week we begin a new sermon series titled No Fear. Join us in the coming weeks as Pastor Steve discusses fears that we all share.

  • Easter Sunday


    This Resurrection Sunday we look back to the Emmaus Road and the road of redemption.

  • Every Family Has Rhythms


    Every family has rhythms, every family goes through seasons. Check out this sermon to know how to deal with the many seasons of life.

  • Every Family Experiences Milestones


    Every Family Experiences Milestones. Tell the Stories!

  • Every Family Is Part of a Bigger Story


    While we are so disappointed that we are unable to gather at our building, we are thankful that the church will be gathering. In times like these, when life slows down and you may be feeling alone, it is important to remember that Every Family is a Part of a Bigger Story. That’s exactly what we will be talking about in this message. Invite your neighbor, your friend, or your family members to gather with you and be a part of the bigger story.

  • Every Family Has Issues


    When there is a global pandemic it is easy to see the issues facing our world. In fact, times like these help us see the pandemic of sin. Sin affects every country, every person, every family. Every family has issues and in this sermon we will learn from one family some keys to building or fracturing relationships.

  • Every Family Leaves a Legacy


    Every generation passes down something to the next generation. We all want to leave a legacy of significance, but sometimes in the busyness of life what we leave is something less. We aren’t the only ones, the Israelites had a rich history they failed to pass on. Come this Sunday and bring friends. This is a message we all need to hear again and again.

  • Every Family Needs Church Family


    In the church people sometimes refer to each other as brother or sister. When I was younger, I used to think that seemed funny or a little strange. The reason is I never realized the significance behind those terms. I never knew how special those words were to the early church and what they ought to mean to us today. Learn this significant truth that every family needs church family.

  • Every Family Needs Roots


    Whether you have kids in the house or not, whether you live alone or not, whatever your house is like, your home is meant to be a ministry center. One of our primary mission fields is the home. What would happen if you saw your home as a ministry center? What are the disciple-making possibilities? How would that change the way you structure your life? How could your home be an asset in living the Made for More life? During our next series, beginning with this sermon, we will explore these questions and more as we develop a vision for connecting the church and the home.

  • More Programs to More Mission Fields, Part 3


    We read books and watch movies of fairy tale romances. We dream of the perfect marriage. Then reality hits – we’re sinners and there is no perfect marriage. Paul writes of the importance of making your marriage a mission field. And the picture he provides is a marriage we’d all sign up for. Hear how to have a great marriage in this sermon.

  • More Programs to More Mission Fields, Part 2


    When you think of God what attributes come to mind? We often think that God is love, all-knowing, all-powerful, holy, just, the list goes on. One attribute of God we sometimes forget is God is missional. It’s not just something he does, it’s who he is. Theologians refer to Him as the sent and sending God. He communicates that attribute to His church. In this sermon, we will unpack how the sent and sending God sends us.

  • More Programs to More Mission Fields, Part 1


    Did your kids ever have a bedroom that was lots of fun during the day, but at night, when everything was dark, it became spooky? Maybe monsters lived there? It’s easy to be brave, to stand strong when the lights are on, but when everything is dark, that’s another story. God is sending his church to dark places to turn the light on. And light is always more powerful than the darkness. We just have to go with the light we’ve been given.

  • More Control to More Missionaries, Part 4


    It is one thing to know that God made you for more. It is quite another to know how to live that made for more life. In this sermon, the book of Ephesians is about to get real practical. We can’t wait for you to see how to move from the darkness to the light - it’s what the Christian life is all about.

  • More Control to More Missionaries, Part 3


    Have you ever done something silly and then had someone ask you, “What were you thinking??” It’s easy, with the hectic pace of life or the simple force of habit, to do things without thinking. But we’ve been made for more than doing things without thinking. If we’re going to move beyond relying on our own control of circumstances to trusting God wherever He places us, then we will have to be renewed in the spirit of our minds. In this sermon, we continue our series in the book of Ephesians and our focus on making an impact as everyday missionaries. Watch the video of Daniel from Sierra Leone and then click over to listen for Pastor Steve's sermon and stories from his trip to Sierra Leone.

  • More Control to More Missionaries, Part 2


    More than likely, just a few weeks ago, a variety of gifts were given and received in your home. Big and small ones, expensive and cheap ones, exciting and boring ones were given and received…and now comes the question…”What do I do with all this stuff?” Some of it will quickly break and end up in the trash, some will be placed in the back of the closet and forgotten, and some will make their way to the “re-gifting” box for next year…but there are some gifts which will be put to good use. In fact, the very BEST gifts are the ones that end up BEING USED…the ones that fulfill the purpose for which they were given. Join us as we dig into Scripture and take a look at some amazing gifts that God has given to us to equip us for our calling as everyday missionaries.

  • More Control to More Missionaries, Part 1


    In this sermon, we continue our theme for the year - Made for More. Jesus designed His church to take the fullness of Christ into every corner of culture and every sphere of society. That is a huge calling and God handpicked you to be a part of it. We're praying our theme will shatter your small dreams and God will awaken you to the reality that you were made for more. Join us as we dig back into the book of Ephesians. *** Regrettably, the first few minutes of the recording are missing, so the audio joins the sermon in progress. ***

  • Examples Worth Following


    Now that the gifts have been unwrapped and the organizing and reorganizing has begun, you’ve probably been thinking about the new year. 2020. Wow! Remember back in the year 2000 when we thought all computers were going to explode? Time has flown and we still have computers intact. As you reflect over the past year and begin to plan for the new year, we will look through the book of Philippians at the lives of a few men. We will notice some healthy, godly habits that we can make a part of our lives for 2020.

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