Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Sermon messages from Central Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia


  • More Effort to More Jesus, Part 2


    Do you ever feel like you’ve got a million things on your mind or on your to do list? Are there emails sitting in your inbox that you feel like you should get to? It’s so easy, and all too common, to become so engulfed in the day-to-day that we lose the obsession of Jesus growing ever larger in our minds, our hearts, our homes, and our church. We’re tempted to settle for a little Jesus. Join us as we build one another up to shift from more effort to more Jesus.

  • More Effort to More Jesus, Part 1


    What is your reason for being? Jesus designed His church to take the fullness of Christ into every corner of culture and every sphere of society. That is a huge calling and God handpicked you to be a part of it. We're praying our theme will shatter your small dreams and God will awaken you to the reality that you were made for more. Join us as we begin our new sermon series and theme for the year, Made for More.

  • Martha and the Need To Be Understood


    There are so many distractions in our world aren’t there? What if we’re missing things God wants to teach us because we’re so busy doing good things, but we miss the best thing? The problem isn’t unique to us, people have dealt with this for centuries. Join us Sunday, we’ll be amazed by all 66 books of the Bible as we consider what it's like to learn from Jesus Face to Face.

  • The Woman at the Well and the Need for Relationship


    It is said that people are like icebergs. We reveal about 15-20% of what is really going on in our lives. The other 80-85% we keep hidden below the water line. Imagine someone coming along who knows everything you've ever done, the full 100%, every last skeleton exposed. And right when you're about to be embarrassed and ashamed, they say I love you anyway.

  • The Wedding Party and the Need To Be Celebrated


    Sometimes we can’t kind find what we’re looking for because we are looking in the wrong place. Where do you look when you want to celebrate? We’ll talk about that as we celebrate together this Sunday.

  • The Crowds and the Need to be Involved


    God designed church to be a team sport because we, His people, are the church. Inherit in that very design, God created a body without any spectators. Each member has a role to play. We are so excited for Involved Sunday this week, because it is an opportunity for each member to pray about how God has made you to build up the body. We hope to see you here this Sunday and you’ll be sure to be encouraged to get off the bench and into the game.

  • The Blind Man and the Need to Encounter


    Have you ever played the blame game? Something goes wrong and you start pointing fingers trying to determine whose fault it is only to find several fingers pointing back at you. What does all that accomplish? When Jesus came face to face with a blind man and with us he wasn’t interested in pointing fingers, but getting to work. I’m sure you’ll be challenged and encouraged as we celebrate together.

  • The Madman and the Need for Peace


    Have you ever wanted to get away for a little rest and relaxation? Jesus left the crowds and the chaos continued as he came face to face with a madman. The details of this encounter are both ghastly and captivating. Join us Sunday to see what one meeting with Jesus would do for this madman and ask that meeting with Jesus would do the same for us.

  • Trusting vs. Fearing


    We’ve been talking about effective post-Christian evangelism in our This vs That series. As we conclude we’ll discuss one of the hardest parts – playing our role and trusting God to play His. Jesus said, “If I am lifted up, I will draw all men to Me.” Do you trust Him to do that? Don’t miss the dramatic conclusion to this series.

  • Modeling vs. Telling


    We all have certain traits where those who know us best say, "that's just ______________!" We might deny it, but everyone knows. There is something about the way we live that speaks louder than our words. The same is true for evangelism. This Sunday we will see how Jesus modeled this to his friends on the road to Emmaus.

  • Being Invited vs. Barging In


    We continue down the Emmaus road, learning from Jesus how to share the gospel in today’s world. And that involves the hard step of waiting to be invited. So what do we do while we wait? Let’s talk about that in today's sermon.

  • Listening vs. Speaking


    In our attention-deficit world, listening is a great gift. People love telling their story. They’re telling it hundreds of different ways – twitter and tattoos, photos and Facebook. Listening to what people are saying is a selfless act. It’s gift. When we listen to others, we demonstrate what God is like because we have a God who listens and draws near. Come and listen this Sunday.

  • Walking vs. Standing


    What matters more, the journey or the destination? This week, we’re continuing our sermon series on the journey that Jesus took with two of His disciples down the Emmaus Road, and we’ll see how joining others on the journey can make a big impact on both them and us. Come and join us this Sunday—especially you dads—as we journey together on this mission of sharing Jesus and impacting people!

  • Lessons From the Road


    Our mission is to Share Jesus and Impact People. And we all would like to live our mission with greater effectiveness, right? During the next 6 weeks we will join Jesus on the Emmaus Road as he engages two sad, cynical disciples shortly after his resurrection. We will closely examine the way Jesus impacted them so that their spiritual eyes would be opened. You’ll be sure to see the way Jesus interacted with these men is often different than most approaches today. Join us and prepare to be challenged during our next sermon series titled This vs. That.

  • Unstoppable


    It's been an exciting year working our way through the book of acts. We've seen the rise and growth of the transformational church. It has flourished despite persecution, beatings, imprisonment, and even the murder of her members. You want to be sure to be here on Sunday for the dramatic conclusion of Acts: The Unstoppable Church.

  • Defense


    Our lives need vision. We need clearly articulated destinations that guide all our efforts and energies. For, Paul, that compelling vision was his encounter with Jesus Christ. Everything he did, whether he was on trial or shipwrecked, was guided by that vision. What about you? What compelling vision drives your life?

  • Pressure


    How well do you hold up under pressure? This week we will take a seat inside a courtroom and watch as Paul is on trial. How will his faith stand up under the interrogations of both Jews and Romans? How does your faith stand up in the public square? Come celebrate new members with us this Sunday and be challenged to develop a faith that holds up under pressure.

  • Control


    Happy Mother’s Day to all of our Moms! I don’t know about you, but I need a reminder alerting me to important days like this, otherwise I’d forget. You’d think with all of the digital reminders we have today that we’d never miss anything really important. The truth is we miss the most important things all the time. Don’t let that be the case on Sunday! Come and let’s celebrate together!

  • Purpose


    Would you like to be a highly effective Christian? After 3 years of establishing the church in Ephesus and equipping leaders, Paul bids a long farewell. It is the only message in Acts from Paul to Christians. It is a fascinating study on Christian living. Join us this week to discover some habits of what makes a transformational church unstoppable.

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