Taketen4torah Daily Torah Podcast



Take 10 minutes of your busy day for Torah. Spend one 1/100th of your day as meaningfully as you can! Different topics each weekday. Produced by Rabbi Shmuel Ismach of the Young Israel of Great Neck


  • TT4T#924 - Your Shabbat Place - 1/31/3024

    31/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    One of the restrictions of Shabbat is that we must remain in our "Techum Shabbat" or "Shabbat Boundary." Take Ten to learn more about the details and meaning of this unique law.

  • TT4T#923 - A Shabbat Delight - 1/30/24

    30/01/2024 Duration: 10min

      We know all the prohibitions that restrict what a person can do on Shabbat, but what is the best way to spend your Shabbat day? Take Ten to find out.   

  • TT4T#922 - Your Stone Chair - 1/29/24

    29/01/2024 Duration: 10min

    We're thousands of miles away from what's going on in Israel, and it is difficult to know how best to react. Take Ten to learn about how we understand G-d's empathy and the the empathy of great Jewish leaders of the past. (Empathy #1) This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l    

  • TT4T#921 -0,1,&2 - 10/23/23

    17/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    What can we do in this challenging moment in Jewish history? This Ten describes a framework of three important things to focus on: 0, 1, and 2.

  • TT4T#920 - The Dual Horns

    11/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    The Torah speaks of a Mitzvah to blow horns to organize the camp in the desert, but also to mark the happiest occasions and moments of crisis. What s the nature of this commandment? And how do these sounds connect to each other? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#919 - The Day Between - 5/22/23

    22/05/2023 Duration: 10min

    Today is a very "special" day. Known as "Yom HaMeyuchas," it's a day that we treat as a quasi-holiday. Take Ten to learn why. This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l

  • TT4T#918 - Numbers - 5/15/23

    15/05/2023 Duration: 09min

    Why is the book of Bamidbar referred to as "Numbers"? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#917 - The Wicked Son - 3/30/23

    30/03/2023 Duration: 10min

      When the Hagadah mentions that we "blunt" the teeth of the wicked child, what does it actually mean? Take Ten to find out.     This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#916 - Snatching the Matzah - 3/29/23

    29/03/2023 Duration: 10min

    Many of us have the custom of engaging in the ransom of the Afikoman on the seder night. Take Ten to learn the origin of this custom and why, to some, we've been doing it all wrong. 

  • TT4t#915 - What is Chametz (Part 3) - 3/28/23

    28/03/2023 Duration: 09min

    Continuing the discussion of what Chametz we need to be concerned for, this class moves into the kitchen and areas where eating is involved. 

  • TT4T#914 - What is Chametz? Part 2 - 3/27/23

    27/03/2023 Duration: 10min

    Continuing the discussion regarding Chametz, this Ten covers more on what is defined as Chametz and what we are looking for as we search.

  • TT4T#913 - What is Chametz? - 3/23/23

    23/03/2023 Duration: 10min

    The Torah prohibits Chametz again and again. How do we define this prohibited material? Take Ten to find out.

  • TT4T#912 - Purim Connectivity - 2/27/23

    27/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    The story of Purim is about the unification of Jews amidst a terrible threat. How are the mitzvah commemorations of the day constructed to reinforce the lessons we learned back then? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#911 - The Happy Month - 2/21/23

    21/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    We are taught that we are to "increase joy" when the month of Adar begins. Why this month? What is the nature of this joy? Take Ten to find out.

  • TT4T#910 - The Universal Mishkan - 2/20/23

    20/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    While we might know that the laws of keeping Shabbat are learned from constructing the Mishkan, we might not be aware of the deep similarities between the construction and the actual creation of the world. Take Ten to find out more.

  • TT4T#909 - Be a Loaner - 2/16/23

    16/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    Our parsha discusses a situation when you "might" lend money to someone in need. Take Ten to learn the importance of this mitzvah.

  • TT4T#908 - Paths to Piety - 2/15/23

    15/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    How does one achieve piety? The Gemara suggests that we look towards three areas in particular. What are these three and what makes them so significant? Take Ten to find out.

  • TT4T#907 - The Most Vulnerable - 2/14/23

    14/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    The Torah stresses the importance of sensitivity towards the vulnerable and disadvantaged. How far does this concern go? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#906 - Majority Rules - 2/13/23

    13/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    Our Parsha teaches that "Acharei Rabim l'Hatot," we are supposed to follow the majority. Why and when do we do this? Where is this concept applied? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#905 - Hearing and Remembering - 2/9/23

    09/02/2023 Duration: 10min

    What is the significance of the arrival of Yitro? Why is one man's journey so celebrated and what can it teach us about our encounter with inspiration? Take Ten to find out. 

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