Taketen4torah Daily Torah Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 34:17:01
  • More information



Take 10 minutes of your busy day for Torah. Spend one 1/100th of your day as meaningfully as you can! Different topics each weekday. Produced by Rabbi Shmuel Ismach of the Young Israel of Great Neck


  • TT4T#944 - Getting for Giving - 3/12/24

    12/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Is it appropriate to receive an honor or recognition for doing a good thing or for giving a donation? Take Ten to learn the answer.

  • TT4T#943 - Responding to Cynics - 3/11/24

    11/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    How important is it to answer cynics' claims? Should they be dismissed out of hand, or should we defend ourselves? Take Ten for a Torah perspective on the damage cynics can cause and the responses they require. 

  • TT4T#942 - Poles of Interperetation - 3/5/24

    05/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Why does the Torah list all of the intricate details of the construction and dimension of the Mishkan? Using one example, we explore the thought processes involved. 

  • TT4T#941 - The Shabbos Romance - 3/4/24

    03/03/2024 Duration: 10min

    Why are there so many references to love and relationship on Shabbat? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Rydzinski family in memory of Edith Weg, Itta bas Shaya and Chana Sara Feuer. 

  • TT4T#940 - Your Shabbat Glow - 2/29/24

    29/02/2024 Duration: 09min

    We learn that there is a "glow" that shines on our faces on Shabbat. What is the nature of this glow, and how can we benefit from it? Take Ten to find out.

  • TT4T#939 - Milk and Meat - 2/28/24

    28/02/2024 Duration: 10min

      The Torah repeats the prohibition of "Don't cook a kid in its mother's milk" three separate times. Why the redundancy? Take Ten to find out.   

  • TT4T#937 - Moshe's Glow-Up - 2/27/24

    27/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    When Moshe descended from the mountain with the second set of Luchot, he is described as being aglow. Take Ten to learn the reason for this glow and the various ways it has been misunderstood throughout history.

  • TT4T#937 - Why is there a Siddur? - 2/26/24

    26/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Our Siddur is full of words and phrases that make up Jewish prayer. Why are these words required? Why are any words required at all? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l

  • TT4T#936 - What is Work? - 2/22/24

    22/02/2024 Duration: 10min

      We learn from multiple sources that constructing the Mishkan was forbidden on Shabbos, but why does the construction of the Mishkan define what is forbidden on Shabbat? Take Ten to find out.   

  • TT4T#935 - Aleinu, the Exit Plan - 2/21/24

    21/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Why do we find the prayer of Aleinu at the close of our Tefilot? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#934 - Purim Katan - 2/20/24

    20/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    When there are two months of Adar, the holiday of Purim is observed in the second month, while the 14th and 15th days of the first Adar are known as Purim Katan. What is the nature of that "small" Purim? What are its laws? Take Ten to find out.  Today's Ten is sponsored by the Brownstein family in memory of Florence Brownstein a"h, Feiga bas Moshe.

  • TT4T#933 - Universal Mishkan - 2/15/24

    15/02/2024 Duration: 10min

      While we might know that the laws of keeping Shabbat are learned from constructing the Mishkan, we might not be aware of the deep similarities between the construction and the actual creation of the world. Take Ten to find out more.  

  • TT4T#932 - Building a Shul - 2/14/24

    14/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Take Ten for a look at the modern-day "Mikdash" that exists in every community and how its construction is of great symbolic and financial importance. 

  • TT4T#931 - Why Bless When We are Done? - 2/13/24

    13/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Is it more logical to make a Beracha before or after we eat? While the Torah explicitly mentions the blessing we should make following our food, does that actually make the most sense? It sure does. Take Ten to learn why. This Ten is sponsored by Donna and Joseph Hecht in memory of Veronica Hecht, Sarah Gittel bas Mordechai on her first yartzeit, and David Gad, David ben Nissan VaLeah on his yartzeit.

  • TT4T#930 - Extreme Empathy - 2/12/24

    12/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    When our nation is facing challenging times far away, it can be difficult to stay properly focused on the suffering of others in our busy and distracted lives. Can the Torah teach us some ways to empathize? Take Ten to find out.    This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#929 - Redirecting the Lost - 2/8/24

    08/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    Our Parsha describes the level of obligation we have to help redirect a person's lost items. To what extent does this requirement extend to one's "lost" soul? What should be our attitude towards our obligation to inspire those who are not as inspired as we are? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#928 - The First Laws? - 2/7/24

    07/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    After receiving the Torah, we read this week of the "mishpatim," the first laws that we received thereafter. But can these laws really be the first and only laws that we received? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#927 - First Blessings - 2/6/24

    06/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    We make blessings before and after we eat food. The Torah mandates the one that follows, but the source for the first blessing is more unclear. How do we know we make these blessings? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#926 - The Vulnerable - 2/5/24

    05/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    How extremely does the Torah speak of our obligation to ensure that widows, orphans, and the vulnerable are treated well? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#925 - Interpersonal Blessings - 2/1/24

    01/02/2024 Duration: 10min

    We know that there are mitzvot that are between Man and G-d and those that are between Man and Man. You may have never realized that for some reason, we don't make blessings on those mitzvot between Man and Man like visiting the sick, or tzedaka. Why is this? Take 10 to find out. 

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