Taketen4torah Daily Torah Podcast



Take 10 minutes of your busy day for Torah. Spend one 1/100th of your day as meaningfully as you can! Different topics each weekday. Produced by Rabbi Shmuel Ismach of the Young Israel of Great Neck


  • TT4T#783 - Broken Sounds - 8/6/21

    26/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Torah doesn't say much about the obligation to blow the Shofar other than to make a "Teruah" sound. What is that sound? This Ten explores the different possibilities and answers the question of how we possibly could have ever been confused about this in the first place.

  • TT4T#782 - Don't Miss the Teshuva Train

    25/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    There are many practical reasons to take advantage of the process of Teshuva, but there are even more powerful reasons not to squander it. What are these reasons? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#781 - Selichot's Best Line

    24/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Gemara teaches that saying the formula of words known as the "Thirteen Attributes" will be a guarantee for success in prayer. This is why this formula forms the central feature of our Selichos prayers. What is the power of these words? Take Ten to find out.    This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#780 - The Extended Hand

    23/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    Many allowances are made for us to fine the process of change easier than we may have thought. What are they? Take Ten to find out. This Ten is sponsored by Mark and Ellen Newman l'ilui nishmat Ariel Yitzchak ben Meir z"l, Rut bat Avraham a"h, and Yosef ben Avraham Yechiel z"l.  

  • TT47#779 - The l'David Month

    18/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    Chapter 27 of Tehillim is packed with powerful messages, but why are those messages particularly relevant for the period between Elul and Shmini Atzeret? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#778 - Hazard Insurance - 8/17/21

    17/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Torah speaks of the responsibility we all have to ensure that our property is free of all hazards and possible ways that others can get hurt. What are the details and principles behind these laws? Take Ten to find out. This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l

  • TT4T#777 - Two Davids - 8/16/21

    16/08/2021 Duration: 10min

    Every day from Elul through Sukkos, we twice recite Tehillim 27, known as "l'David." Take Ten to understand why the paragraph seems to be describing two different Davids.

  • TT4T#776 - Pursue Peace - 6/16/21

    16/06/2021 Duration: 09min

    "One should love peace and pursue peace." What's the difference between loving peace and pursuing peace? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#775 - The Students of Aharon - 6/15/21

    15/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    Our Parsha describes the overwhelming sense of mourning the Bnei Yisrael experienced upon Aharon's death. Why was his loss so great? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l

  • TT4T#774 - Mitzvot We Don't Understand - 6/14/21

    14/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    There is a category of Mitzvot that we perform even without knowing their reason. Why is this? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by Gail Barnehama in memory of Chaya Yetta bas Gershon a"h.

  • TT4T#773 - Battle Bystanders - 6/9/21

    09/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    Machloket and disputes can destroy lives. What are the obligations of the bystander? Of family members of the disputants? Take Ten to find out.    Today's Ten is sponsored by Annie Karpenstein in memory of Lily Jarzombek, Leah bas Nesanel Yaacov a"h.

  • TT4T#772 - A Fair Fight - 6/8/21

    08/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    What does the great debate between Korach and Moshe teach us about the nature of constructive argumentation? Take Ten to find out.    This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l  

  • TT4T#771 - Falling on Your Face - 6/7/21

    07/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    Our parsha describes a posture of prayer that seems to be of great significance. Take Ten to find out where and why "Nefilat Apayim," or "Falling on Your Face," gained such importance and power.   Sponsored by the Ghodsi family in memory of Chana bat David a"h.

  • TT4T#770 - Helpful Lashon Hara - 6/2/20

    02/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    Lashon Hara is usually understood as evil speech about others. Is there ever a time when such speech can be justified, and even helpful? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#769 - Tzitzit's Power - 6/1/21

    01/06/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Torah promises that performing the mitzvah of Tzitzis will have a larger meaning toward all of your mitzvah observances. How is this so? Take Ten to find out.  This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l      

  • TT4T#768 - Breaking Glasses - 5/27/21

    27/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    Breaking a glass under the chuppah is a familiar Jewish wedding custom. How did it develop? What does it mean? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#767 - Beautiful Mitzvot - 5/26/21

    26/05/2021 Duration: 09min

    We are encouraged to spend more on the Mitzvot that we do in order to "glorify G-d." Is money really the best way to express our devotion? Take Ten to find out. 

  • TT4T#766 - Quoting Sources - 5/25/21

    25/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    Torah story and teaching consist of adding layers upon the teachings of those who came before us. How important is it for those previous teachers to be quoted? Take ten to find out. This Ten is sponsored by the Lewis family in memory of Fred Lewis, Feivel Yitzchak ben Naftali David z"l    

  • TT4T#765 - Moshe Cared - 5/24/21

    24/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    Moshe's career is pervaded with moments of extreme empathy. From his earliest moments to his prayers for his sister, take Ten to learn how this trait defined him. 

  • TT4T#764 - Love to Bless - 5/20/21

    20/05/2021 Duration: 10min

    The Torah speaks of the blessings that the Kohanim were to deliver to the Jewish people. What was the most important ingredient of these blessings? Take Ten to find out.

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