Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 11:29:56
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Self improvement can be a challenging process. Subscribe to the Kain Ramsay: Life Balance Coaching Podcast now available on iTunes.In this exciting and innovative podcast, I share many of the most impacting insights and principles I’ve learned about some of today’s most relevant topics that influence your life on a daily basis.This weekly audio program will provide you with the most insightful and effective life principles I have learned, for transforming your thought life, and for allowing you to make significant progress in the most important life area’s.I’ll regularly share secrets, tips and strategies you can action immediately to improve various aspects of your life and overcome many of greatest challenges that we face.Come on this exciting journey of self discovery, and I’ll look forward towards sharing with you high impact truths about the nature of reality and the core of your identity, to enable you for living with far deeper passion, drive & purpose for the rest of your life.If you find this Podcast helpful, please like, subscribe, review and share.


  • Identity Crisis: Part 2

    03/11/2014 Duration: 09min

    Some of the world’s greatest architects might suggest that the greatest prisons are those that have been built of cast Iron, reinforcement and concrete. However, I’m going to suggest that the most enslaving prison man can be kept in — is the prison of his own mind, the prison of his beliefs, the limitations of his thinking, and the nature of his own relative subjectivity. The mind can be humanities own worst enemy with it’s self defeating conversations with itself alongside its limited understanding of how we can most effectively pursue the things that we want most in life. There was an ancient Greek Philosopher called Plato, who over 1500 years ago made an interesting statement in one of the things that we can often value the most in life …. our opinions! You can become as successful in the eyes of society as you like, however if you commit to travelling down this road — don’t expect to experience the depth of FREEDOM, PEACE and JOY that you TRULY hope for in life as societies rules won’t give your life

  • Identity Crisis: Part 1

    03/11/2014 Duration: 17min

    Many people in the world of business and in life choose to ignore the value and importance of personal authenticity. Companies will invest hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions, to portray themselves as creative and as glamorous to consumers and on an individual basis, millions of people all around the world will attempt to portray themselves across the social media's as far more enhances versions of themselves than what they actually are. The increased number of people who use social media today, however, enables most of us to see through this. It is the transparent and authentic people today who experiencing more success, and as the world becomes more desperate to separate what's genuine from whats not, this norm will only become more entrenched. Authenticity, along with awareness and attitude make up his three-ingredient recipe to happiness. Actress Meryl Streep once encouraged the students in a presentation she delivered to embrace themselves and the skills that they possess right now in the

  • A Strategy for Life: Part 2

    03/11/2014 Duration: 08min

    In order to act, you must have a purpose. If you want to act successfully in all but the most mundane affairs, you must embrace that purpose with a burning desire. Many people think they want to be successful, but since they do not back that thought with an intense drive, they never achieve success. Cultivate your desire. Feed it with thoughts of yourself enjoying whatever it is you seek. It’s like stoking the furnace of a steam engine. You need to build up enough pressure to carry yourself over hills; if your desire doesn’t burn hotly enough, you’ll find yourself stalled and rolling backwards. The secret to action is a red-hot desire. ‘It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.’ - Alan Cohen

  • A Strategy for Life: Part 1

    03/11/2014 Duration: 10min

    The thing about kids is that they often don't develop their fears and insecurities until they've been TAUGHT how by their 'often' insecure parents. Sure, some of the kids already have more natural ability than others, but from between the years of birth to around about 6 - 7 years of age, everyone is at the same starting line. It is only as we get older (more mature, wiser, longer in the tooth and 'experienced') that we begin putting people into buckets. i.e. He’s a marketing guy. She went to a Private School. He's a Banker. She's Gay. He's Fat. She's Rich. He's poor ... and you can probably begin to see where this is going. It’s hard to believe that ALL people are still at the starting line in terms of their potential at ALL times! Everyone has the ability to do whatever they want to do in life, but only IF they have a strong enough DESIRE to find a STRATEGY that'll get them there!

  • Low Confidence - You are not alone!

    03/11/2014 Duration: 10min

    (Snippet taken from an article written by Lynn Hirschberg for Vanity Fair magazine in 1991) In 1990, Forbes estimated Madonna's pre-tax income to be $39 million (and her earnings since 1991 at $125 million); her Blond Ambition tour sold out in twenty – seven cities; her concert on HBO was the highest-rated non-sports event ever on that network; and her albums went double-platinum. “But at what cost?” asks Christopher Ciccone, who was the art director of Madonna's Blond Ambition tour that same year. “People who don’t think the controversies and the press affect her are wrong. She doesn’t work up a strategy for all this attention. It’s just who she is and what she does. And there is definitely a cost.” Which isn’t to say that Madonna has any real regrets. Or, to he exact, “I have so many,” she says, “and I have none. I wish I hadn’t done a lot of things, but, on the other hand, if I hadn’t I wouldn’t be here.” She pauses. “But, then again, nobody works the way I work.” It’s that discipline, matched with tal

  • The Power of Choice

    03/11/2014 Duration: 16min

    Perhaps the most powerful influences in your relationships, on your attitude and in your personality is what you say and believe about yourself in private. It is not what happens to you in life that’s important, but how you respond internally to the situation you find yourself in and what happens to you, that determine your thoughts and feelings, mind power, and, ultimately the actions you take in life. By learning to police your thoughts and control your inner dialogue, or “self-talk,” you can begin to assert control over every other dimension of your life. You are continually faced with challenges and difficulties, with problems and disappointments, with temporary setbacks and defeats — virtually every problem you face in life will have a relational component to it. Problems are an unavoidable and inevitable part of being human. But, as you learn to draw upon your natural and instinctive innate resources to respond effectively to each challenge, you grow and become a stronger, bolder and more confident p

  • The Answer you've always wanted!

    03/11/2014 Duration: 08min

    Here is one of my favourite inspirational tales and I hope you find it insightful: It wasn't long after the Gods had created humankind that they very soon realised that they had made a huge mistake. The creatures that they had created were so adept, so skilful, so full of curiosity and the spirit of enquiry that it was only a matter of time before they would start to challenge the Gods themselves for supremacy. To ensure their pre-eminence, the Gods held a large conference to discuss the issue. Gods were summoned from all over the known and unknown worlds. The debates were long, detailed, and soul-searching, and lasted well into the night. They were all unanimous about one thing. What differentiated the Gods from the mortals that they had created were the differences between the quality of the resources they had. While humans had their egos and were concerned with the external, material aspects of the world, the Gods had spirit, soul, and an understanding of the workings of the inner self. The Gods realis

  • How to become qualified in Confidence!

    03/11/2014 Duration: 09min

    We all think that we'd know confidence if we saw it ... right? Isn't it what the person who speaks first and longest at the office meeting has? Isn't it what your friend who always seems so sure of their opinions has? Despite common cultural beliefs and opinions, Confidence isn’t about throwing your weight around or talking over people or always being the first to jump in. Confidence isn’t an attitude at all. You know that old expression about something being all in your head? Well, when it comes to confidence the opposite is true. Confidence is about the actions you take and NOT about the postures you strike! Having confidence is taking action. We all want to do or try certain things but fear they are just beyond our reach and yet we worry about failing. Those nerves are normal – everyone has them. The difference between a confident person and an unconfident person is simply that the confident person acts on their ambitions and desires and who does let that fear of failure stop them. And the notion of c

  • Practice doesn't make perfect - but it does make Permanent!

    03/11/2014 Duration: 11min

    Confidence is one of those rare commodities that successful people seem to have in spades, but then there are people who are very low in self-belief and who struggle to get anywhere in life. As I considered how to get more confidence and better results, I wondered to myself, “What comes first?” Do you need confidence to get results? Or do you feel good about yourself because things have gone well for you? And what if you lack both, so you don’t know where to start? As I began to consider my own past, I was able to remember times when my confidence enabled me to achieve some very great things ... and then there were times when my confidence was built upon the results that I saw at that exact point and time in my life. My confidence has enabled me to perform well in interviews, speak with passion in front of hundreds of people and build rapport with clients. And every time I’ve done well in any of these circumstances, my self belief has gone up. So what’s the answer? Some will claim one or the other, but

  • Introduction to the ULTIMATE Confidence Building Programme

    03/11/2014 Duration: 04min

    The ULTIMATE Confidence Coaching Program has been specifically designed in view of empowering you to maximise your personal confidence, transform the quality of your relationships, enhancing your communication skills with others and increase your Self-Esteem by giving you deep insights into who you truly are. This High Impact Coaching program will enable you to achieve the life results you really want by teaching you life changing truths and principles that if you apply, stand to completely transform everything about your life! Over the next 40 lessons (or 8 hours), you’ll grow to understand how to become a far more effective version of you, living with deeper authenticity, far more inner peace and more passion for life that you may even have thought possible. We’ll explore your hidden treasures and work towards shifting your perception of yourself to a far higher level that will enable you to know how your personal values determine you actions, experiences and life’s outcomes. Together we'll shift any ne

  • For 'Singles' who don't wanna' to be 'Single' no more

    18/07/2014 Duration: 13min

    The single life can be either be one of liberation, excitement and creativeness - or one of desperation, anxiety and full of fear of being 'left on the shelf'. In this closing and penultimate podcast of the Relationship Coaching series I've been doing, I've focussed primarily on the singles by offering a message of hope and challenge for moving forward with more passion, vigour and anticipation for what will some day be your turn. Enjoy! I'll look forward to starting the next programme next week which will be themed 'The Ultimate Personal Development Programme'. If you've enjoyed the last 20 podcasts, I know you will LOVE the next 20! Kain

  • The penultimate principle for Building Relationships that last ... or is it?

    11/07/2014 Duration: 09min

    Over the last few months I have released these podcasts, centred around the theme of Relationships, how to get the most from them, how to enhance them, and how to build them based upon foundations that will outlast the test of time. This may be the last in this series, although it also may not be - I might have one FINAL bonus audio for you next week to 'wrap' everything up for one final time. It would be great to hear your thoughts and any questions you have about the last 18 podcasts I've produced and I'll do my very best to respond to as many as possible. I'll look forward to hearing from you, Kain

  • Your time for change is NOW

    04/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    If you decided that you wanted to go back to education and train to become a pilot, would you expect to have a few years of hard work to do? It's highly probable that you would, and I'm also presuming that you know it would take at least 5 years of commitment and dedication to achieve these qualifications and reach the level of skill necessary for you to fly a passenger filled aircraft! What about if you decided that you wanted to be able to play the violin at orchestra standard? Again, it might take many years of practice to be able to fine tune your skills. Reaching these kinds of standards would require a level of dedication and perseverance that most people would never choose to commit to. Not too many people would argue that to become a pilot or a talented musician takes practice and that it does not come in a week or a month but can take decades for them to really reach the top of their chosen profession. Yet why do so many people think mastering themselves and their lives should be so easy? I was

  • Get MOVING: Where the rubber hits the road!

    04/07/2014 Duration: 07min

    This is a practical exercise which gives you an opportunity to consider and apply some of the key principles and stories I've shared throughout this Ultimate Relationship Coaching Programme. It would be great to get your feedback on the changes you intend to make and also about your overall thoughts on the entire programme. I'll look forward to hearing from you soon, Kain

  • How to Build Relationships of greater depth & meaning

    27/06/2014 Duration: 16min

    Some of the biggest challenges we can face in our relationships stem from the fact that many people enter into a relationship motivated by what they can get and attempting to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take. I've never met anyone who's ever claimed to be content with surface level, shallow or superficial relationships and in this video I hope to explain why. All of our relationships go through a series of 6 stages, with each one of these stages building upon the last. It is my hope that by you growing to understand the 5 stages that relationships go through, you will be better equipped and prepared to navigate through these stages more effectively without unnecessarily getting "stuck" in any of them which can limit the depths and meaning that potentially your relationships may reach. In the video I have attempted to demonstrate the process

  • How to build Stronger Relationships

    20/06/2014 Duration: 21min

    A strong and healthy relationship can be one of the most effective supports in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, your mind, and your connections with others. However, if the relationship isn't working, it can also be a tremendous drain. Relationships are an investment. The more you put in, the more you can get back. Everyone’s relationship is unique, and people come together for many different reasons. But there are some things that good relationships have in common. Knowing the basic principles of healthy relationships helps keep them meaningful, fulfilling and exciting in both happy times and sad: What makes a healthy love relationship? Staying involved with each other: Some relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but without truly relating to each other and working together. While it may seem stable on the surface, lack of involvement and communication increases distance. When you need to talk about something important, the connection a

  • How to stop 'Self Sabotaging' relationships

    13/06/2014 Duration: 15min

    Have you ever found yourself self sabotaging a relationship? And have you ever thought for a moment as to why you would even do this? One of the things that may help you to recognise self-sabotaging behaviour is to recognise that you are actually trying to protect yourself rather than sabotage yourself. We all have a survival part that is programmed into us, psychologists refer to this part of us as our defence mechanisms. They get activated by fear and go into action in the attempts of protecting us from getting hurt. You might find yourself operating from an unhelpful belief that tells you something along the lines of, "I can't deal with emotional pain," so, you end up finding yourself fleeing uncomfortable relationship situations, or engaging in some other self-protective/self-sabotaging behaviour, as if there is a real physical threat, when in reality the only threat is coming from your very own thoughts and beliefs. As I mentioned in on one of the Section One stories, we become who we believe we are

  • The Catalyst for change in Relationships

    06/06/2014 Duration: 14min

    The core beliefs of many religious groups alongside many of the world's greatest writings and literary works are based upon the ongoing struggle between good and evil that happens inside every one of us and is as old as mankind itself. Yet, while we're generally fully aware of our own personal inner struggles, we can be very quick to condemn others for theirs. Many of the world's greatest Psychologists tell us that there is no such thing as a bad person; there are only bad thoughts, actions and behaviours. Make it a point to search for the best in not just yourself, but also in others. Learn to nurture your best character traits and work on the ones that need improvement. It's only once you have committed to doing this that you become qualified to point out the flaws and imperfections of others - this demands huge amounts of both discipline, and self control! Upon doing this, YOU become the catalyst for positive change in your relationships. Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may

  • How to Identify a WRONG relationship

    30/05/2014 Duration: 06min

    'One day you'll find the right person at the right time and place, then wonder why it took you so long to find the right companion when they've been there all along.' Sometimes as you journey through life you can meet the right person at the wrong time for you, and other-times you'll meet the wrong person at a right time. The trick of life is being emotionally available enough to be able to identify the right person at the right time whilst being completely able to understand the difference. Kain

  • How to reduce 'stress' in relationships

    23/05/2014 Duration: 24min

    “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” C Jung Relationships are the 'Cornerstone' of life and no matter what we say or think about them, we all need and crave them. It's not those superficial or meaningless relationships we crave, but the ones of meaning and depth in which we are able to be free and fully be ourselves. These kinds of relationships can be few and far between! In this Lecture I've attempted to illustrate where the stress that many of us experience in the context of our relationships can stem from. When we place expectations on other people (either too high or too low) we are fundamentally judging them which can always be felt and will generally always be responded to in ways that will very seldom met our personal standards. Learning to manage our expectations of others is key to the development of healthier relationships and the condition of our very own mental and emotional wellbeing. We’re all seeking that special person who is right for

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