Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

A Strategy for Life: Part 1



The thing about kids is that they often don't develop their fears and insecurities until they've been TAUGHT how by their 'often' insecure parents. Sure, some of the kids already have more natural ability than others, but from between the years of birth to around about 6 - 7 years of age, everyone is at the same starting line. It is only as we get older (more mature, wiser, longer in the tooth and 'experienced') that we begin putting people into buckets. i.e. He’s a marketing guy. She went to a Private School. He's a Banker. She's Gay. He's Fat. She's Rich. He's poor ... and you can probably begin to see where this is going. It’s hard to believe that ALL people are still at the starting line in terms of their potential at ALL times! Everyone has the ability to do whatever they want to do in life, but only IF they have a strong enough DESIRE to find a STRATEGY that'll get them there!