Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

How to reduce 'stress' in relationships



“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” C Jung Relationships are the 'Cornerstone' of life and no matter what we say or think about them, we all need and crave them. It's not those superficial or meaningless relationships we crave, but the ones of meaning and depth in which we are able to be free and fully be ourselves. These kinds of relationships can be few and far between! In this Lecture I've attempted to illustrate where the stress that many of us experience in the context of our relationships can stem from. When we place expectations on other people (either too high or too low) we are fundamentally judging them which can always be felt and will generally always be responded to in ways that will very seldom met our personal standards. Learning to manage our expectations of others is key to the development of healthier relationships and the condition of our very own mental and emotional wellbeing. We’re all seeking that special person who is right for