Random Assault



The official feed for Random Assault episodes. Keep current with the utter insanity from Matt, Tony, Kate, Alex, Mitch and whoever else might join.


  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 035: I Give Up


    This week Matt wasn't here to keep us in line, so Alex, Mitch and Kate go way, way, way overboard, while Tony gets quietly drunk and rethinks his life.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 034: Phenomenal Rampage


    Holy s***, kids, RA is back for another year. Unless we kill each other. Time will tell. Tons of game content, a discussion on the nature of comedy, and shameless pimping of our "new" site. Which you're reading this on. And is over a month old. Oh, well.

  • It's a Very Random Christmas, Tony: Complete and Unedited!


    Happy New Year everyone! As a special surprise we're uploading the Random Assault Christmas Special recording complete and unedited! Witness the awe inspiring talent! Quake at the sheer magnitude of comedic genius! Thrill at the unprofessionalism!

  • RA XMAS SPECIAL: It's a Very Random Christmass


    Twas a few days before Christmas, 'tis the podcast you crave To achieve this fine special, we all worked like slaves. On iTunes we hung the podcast with care, But you won't read this, so just download it there.

  • Random Assault Episode 033: Objection Overruled


    Goddammit, kids. Are you ready for the final regular episode of the year? This is (almost) it, motherf******, so sit the fudge down and enjoy. This wintry week is filled with actual game content, shocking revelations, thrills, spills, and a very special guest.

  • Random Assault Episode 032: Gorillaz Warfare


    Holy f***, children! After our harrowing escape from the clutches of the vile SlabFlapper on Halloween night, we had to lay low for a while, scrounging food out of British trash cans and working on the street to pay for our tickets home.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 031: Candy Asses


    In this MASSIVE Halloween Podcast, your beloved hosts are thrown into a dark and mysterious place to see if they can live through the night and conquer a horror cliche so big, it might as well be Kate's ass.

  • RA Bonus Cast: Fullmetal Article Spoilerhood


    You kids like Fullmetal Alchemist? Well, ya better, because we've got a 90-minute mini cast where myself and special guest Jayson Canning nerd out and spoil everything! So, if you want a more in-depth discussion of the series than the spoiler free review allowed, give this a listen.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 030: Time Punch Drunk


    Well, we finally got all those damned freeloaders out of the RA Mansion. This week, Mitch brings up stuff no one has heard of or cares about, Tony tells us all about Eurogamer, and Alex finally has had enough of Kate bashing Minecraft.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 029: Big Willy Style


    We’re joined by Billy Fretschl, know to the internet as WillyFresh, Phantom of Krankor, and known to Alex as “my chew toy.” We blather on about Deus Ex, lies our parents tell us, and more stereotypes than a record store.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 028: The Definition of Maturity


    What?! A real girl? Alex brings home his special lady to meet the cast, and instead of any semblance of decorum, we ramble our way through discussions on pornography, body parts, and the power of the human spirit. Meanwhile, Kate grapples with her Pinocchio complex. It’s a laid back, shoot-the-s*** kinda show this week, so gather round and let us whisper sweet nothings in your ears.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 027: Podcastaway iSland


    With no one responsible to supervise us, we produce… an on-topic, relatively filth-free podcast?! This can’t be right. Well, anyway, this week Drew tells us everything we never cared about Dead Island and Catherine, Tony brings us iPhone apps, a Community Service brought to you by Sesame Street, and Kate incurs the wrath of the Comic Nazi.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 026: Lemon Cough Drops


    Two guests in a row? The one and only Ben Coughman joins us this week. We tried to get rid of him, but he just wouldn’t leave. It’s Christmas in September as we discuss family holiday traditions, new and fun uses for citrus fruit, and the ghost of 90s past.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 025: Total Ultra Mega HD Remix Combo Extreme 3


    No, you didn't miss an episode of the best filthy podcast no one ever comments on. After a wild evening involving a fish, a wizard, and a tugboat, Matt went on a wonderful vision quest through the barren wastelands of Delaware, which destroyed his ability to count. Long story short, he made 25 first.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 023: A Taste of Your Own Medicine


    I have no idea what happened because I forgot. So this landing page is now all about me.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 022: F*** o' the Irish


    Mark 'breener' Breen pays us a visit from the land of alcoholism and gingers, to discuss whether on not there really is gold at the end of that rainbow.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode: 021: Cartoon Cavalcade


    CARTOOOOOOOOOOOOOONS! We’re adults, you know. Talking about all the bulls*** of our childhood and how nothing is as good as it was… except that everything is a ripoff of what it was. From Nicktoon to Beavis and Butt-Head (we like the full spectrum) Mitch, Matt, Drew, Kate go on and on and on and on and on and aon (okay, you know I’m reffering to Mitch, right?) Just shut up and enjoy.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 001: Rough Draft


    In our FIRST EPISODE EVER we try to figure out how the hell to podcast and see if it's ever possible to stay on topic (SPOILER : it's not.) We range from talking about our favorite voice actors to our pathetic N64 days, the burdens of 3D gimmickery to our cum schedules. I swear we tried to stay on topic.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 002: Minechat


    Wait... things are actually ORGANIZED?! How the hell did we manage that? Structured subjects range from the 3DS Launch to Sonic the Hedgehog, the downfall of shooters and launch stories... That is, until Alex and Kate show up and the structure falls apart.

  • Random Assault Podcast Episode 003: So Sue Us


    It's our best one yet! We finally finish introducing the six main hosts. We're just in time to fall for a painfully obvious April Fools joke. Yeah, yeah, we're idiots... but you get to enjoy it. Let's chit chat about anime, Street Fighter, GameStop and waaaaaay more.

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