Ninja Jill Knows



Listen in as Jill, your Personal Strategist and Energetic Ninja shares tools and techniques to create the life that you desire and the business that you truly want. Each episode will provide you with strategic and energetic tips and tricks to live the life you truly want by shifting your mindset, exploiting your skillsets and focusing on your Soulset©. You will discover how to save more time, energy and effort while focusing on your purpose and the call of your soul.


  • Episode 340: Finding your Voice

    25/10/2020 Duration: 12min

    I believe that a big part of this journey of life is to find your voice, use your voice and share your voice.  When I say voice, I do mean literally your speaking voice but I also mean that your actions are a voice too. They tell a story about what you are willing to endure, what you are willing to do and what you won't accept.  Your voice is shown in what you say and what you do. Over the years, my voice has become much stronger, my ability to question things has grown immensely (I share exactly what has happened in our family that has change this) and I am much more confident in standing in my truth.  My life does not dictate my voice. My voice dictates my life.  Listen to find out why you need to find your voice, use your voice and share your voice. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill

  • Episode 339: It is like Being Forced to Change

    22/10/2020 Duration: 13min

    Something happens. It changes everything.  But, you didn't want it to change. You were happy with what was happening in that part of your life. So, you feel like you are being forced to change. Why? Because you can't go back. You can't undo what is done. It's changed things too much. It's changed how you feel, how you look at things and what you will do.  It's changed and it's forced you to change too.  In this episode, I talk about being forced to change after my baby died. I was so different that I couldn't go back except that I loved the way my life was before. I couldn't go back though. This was hard to accept but I had too. Listen in for more of the story. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  So many readers are saying that my book, When the Meaning is Lost, has helped them t

  • Episode 338: Shifting Energy in your Home to Create a Shift in your Life

    18/10/2020 Duration: 12min

    I believe that your home is your FOUNDATION. It is the space where you can rest, renew and reset. It is a place where your dreams come to life, where your goals are set and where your intentions are created. If your life is not what you want it to be right now, you can create a shift by shifting the energy in your home. In Feng Shui, I've learned that the state of your home reflects the state of your life. And when you shift the energy in your home, you change your personal energy which then creates a shift in your life.  Listen in to find out 3 simple ways to create a change in your home that will shift your life!  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  To learn more about Feng Shui, check out my online course Getting the Energy Flowing. So many readers are saying that my book, When

  • Episode 337: Who are You Living For?

    16/10/2020 Duration: 10min

    Are you living your life for you?  OR Are your choices being influenced by those around you, your environment, social media and society?  You need to be living for you. Be sure that you are choosing what you want most in your relationships, your work, your health and your personal growth. You need to be living for you. When you do this, you give others permission to do the same. Don't let someone or something else choose for you any longer. Your life. Your choice. Create the one you want to live! Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  So many readers are saying that my book, When the Meaning is Lost, has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning aga

  • Episode 336: Today Prepares You for more Success Tomorrow

    13/10/2020 Duration: 11min

    What YOU DO TODAY creates your opportunities for tomorrow.  The choices you make right now and the actions that you choose to take today will directly impact your success tomorrow.  Not taking conscious action keeps you stuck in a past pattern and stops you from accomplishing your dreams, desires and goals sooner. You need to choose something different in order for something different to happen. What you do today prepares you for tomorrow. Listen in to find out how to choose for tomorrow. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  So many readers are saying that my book, When the Meaning is Lost, has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel see

  • Episode 335: It is really only a moment in time

    04/10/2020 Duration: 12min

    I know, it doesn't feel like a moment in time but it is. I know that it feels like forever that you've been crawling out of this pit, that bad things keep happening, that you can't seem to get done what you want, that the grief is all consuming or that things keep being hard.  I get it. I've been there. And I will still tell you that I know that it is only a moment in time. But, I will also say that this perspective comes when you look back, not when you are in it.  If you remember this though and choose to accept this moment and the reality as it is, then you will be more free to move your way through it. You will gain some energy back and forge ahead creating what it is you do want more of.  Whatever is happening in your life right now is a moment in the span of your entire existence and eventually you will see it this way too. Until then, it's all about taking one step at a time and living your way through it. Listen to find out how I lived through my hardest moments in time and what it taught me that I w

  • Episode 334: How am I Dealing with All of This?

    02/10/2020 Duration: 15min

    How am I dealing with all of this? This was a great question from a friend of mine this week. Quick answer: I'm not. But, I am.  I am dealing with it by not dealing with in a way. I am very strict about filtering what I am consuming about the state of the world. I am in the know of all of the major things but I am not allowing the toxicity to enter my world and my mindset.  I am taking care of my physical health in a much bigger way (with the 3 Ps...listen in to find out what they are) and I am making sure to create space (even a few minutes) for me each day.  Listen in to find out how I am dealing with all of this and the tools that I use to ensure that I am moving forward regardless of what is happening in the world around me.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  For more informat

  • Episode 333: What are YOU Creating each Day?

    25/09/2020 Duration: 11min

    This is YOUR life.  This is YOUR day.  It's not actually controlled by anyone else (even if it feels like it is).  Your life. Your choice. Your creation.  What you spend time on each day reflects what is actually most important to you. If I were to get on a call with you or send you a text and ask what you spent time on today, does it reflect what you want to create most in your life? If it does! Amazing! If it doesn't, it should!  Listen in to this episode to dive deeper into why each day is so important and how you spend your time matters so much to the life that you are creating right in this moment.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL F

  • Episode 332: Did you know that there are 3 Abundance Areas in your Home?

    22/09/2020 Duration: 14min

    This is one of my FAVORITE topics! I love talking about how to use Feng Shui to attract more abundance into your life. Actually any discussion, teaching or question about Feng Shui is my favorite. It has been such a gift in my life since 2006 which is why I have an online training program that shows you how to use Feng Shui in your home and it's also why a Feng Shui book is in the works! In this episode, you will learn the 3 abundance areas in your home based on Feng Shui and what Feng Shui cures you need in each area to enhance that energy in your space. Feng Shui is all about a flow of energy in your space and it's such an easy tool to use to not only shift the energy in your home but also change the energy in your life. You will learn how to change the energy at your front door and the back left corner of your space in addition to why it is so important to keep your stove and oven very clean. You are going to learn how to keep the abundance area flowing in your life! Listen in and share this with a friend

  • Episode 331: Accepting it and Liking it are Two Different Things

    13/09/2020 Duration: 10min

    Life isn't always easy. We can find ourselves in situations where we don't want to be, that we don't like and that we want out of. This is going to happen (if it isn't already happening or happened). One of the most powerful ways to move through any circumstance or season in your life that you unwillingly find yourself in is to accept it. Now, accepting it DOES NOT mean liking it. Accepting it also doesn't mean that you become complacent. But by accepting it, you now get to choose what you want next and you can take the next step. Listen in to find out when in my life I chose to accept even the hardest of things knowing that that was the first to healing, to moving through it and to creating what I actually wanted. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FR

  • Episode 330: What will You Choose for the Rest of 2020?

    10/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    How many of your 2020 goals have you achieved? How many of your 2020 goals are no longer relevant? (lots of mine aren't any more) There are 4 months left in this year, it's time to make a strategy and a plan to create more of what you truly want. While this year may not be what you wanted it to be, it's NOT OVER yet. It's not time to stop. It's time to KEEP GOING! You still have time to create more of what you truly want and get closer to your dreams, desires and goals (even if they've changed).  Listen in and choose to give the rest of the year everything you've got! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui online training series, click here

  • Episode 329: Creating the Energy in a Space for Working and Learning

    08/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    If everything in energy, then this means that things in your space are either working for you or working against you.  Since 2006, I have been using (and teaching) FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui to shift the energy in our home to "work for us". With all of my girls at home this year learning virtually, it was time for an energetic shift in each of their working and learning spaces. I needed the energy in these spaces to match the need for focused learning and producing results. Listen in to find out 3 easy ways to change the energy in your child's or your work space with these Feng Shui tips and cures.  When you shift the energy in your home, you shift your personal energy.  When your personal energy increases, it can directly impact what you can create in a day.  This episode shares with you how to enhance the energy in your working and learning spaces in your home! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and b

  • Episode 328: Letting go of what was

    26/08/2020 Duration: 11min

    Sometimes you just have to move on.  You can't look back.  Things change.  Life happens.  Holding onto what was doesn't allow to you create what's next.  In this episode, I share how I let go of what was in my life to make room for what's next. Right now, all of us are being "forced" to let go of "what was", accept "what is" and then figure out what's next.  Listen in to find out how to let go of what was! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui online training series, click here. So many readers are saying that my book, When the Meaning is Lost, has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health

  • Episode 327: Good things happen to good people?

    23/08/2020 Duration: 12min

    I'm a good person... Why did this happen to me?  Have you heard this before? Has someone said this to you? Have you said it to someone else? Have you said this to yourself? Things happen. It's not based on whether you're good or bad. It's life. It happens.  Good things happen to good people.  Bad things happen to good people.  Things happen. Listen in to find out why I feel that the "bad things" contain some of the biggest gifts and might just end up being a good thing.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  So many readers are saying that my book has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, check out my book When the Mea

  • Episode 326: The only way is through

    20/08/2020 Duration: 10min

    Sometimes when something happens in your life, you find a way around it but more often than not, the only way to the other side is through whatever has been placed in front of you. I was reminded of this in a very simple way which I share in this episode but it made me think deeper about how going through something is full of gifts too.  You learn more about yourself. You find out what you're truly made of.  You experience life in a deeper way.  You see things from a different perspective.  If you find yourself in a situation in your life right now that you didn't expect or that you didn't want or that you don't know what to do about, lift your head up and find your way through it. It might not be pretty, it probably won't be easy but it will be worth it in the end. Listen in to find out how I made my way through. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email. 

  • Episode 325: Feng Shui Blessings

    24/07/2020 Duration: 11min

    I am ALWAYS amazed at what happens when I shift the energy in my home using Feng Shui. Even after 14 years, I am so grateful for this tool to create a space that not only supports our energy as a family and creates a foundation for our daily lives but also allows me to create a shift of energy in all areas of my life.  Whenever you switch up the energy in your space, something happens. I call this my Feng Shui Blessings.  The Feng Shui Blessings come in many forms and unexpected ways and that is always the best part I think. Listen in to hear a few of my more recent Feng Shui blessings and how you can begin to create your own too.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information

  • Episode 324: Did you know that loose ends are clutter too?

    12/07/2020 Duration: 13min

    How many things are unfinished in your home and work right now?  Think about it... Are there phone calls you need to make, emails you need to write, house projects that need finishing, craft projects that are almost done, work projects that are 95% complete?  Did you know that ALL of these unfinished things are loose ends and they are impacting the energy in not only your home and your work but in your life too? They are HOLDING you back. When you complete them you are creating space for new things to come into your life and for the energy to flow. Listen in to find out what loose ends I needed to clear up and how you can do this too! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more informat

  • Episode 323: Living with Purpose every day

    04/07/2020 Duration: 08min

    This is how you create more of what you truly want. This is how you fill your tank.  This is how you were meant to live.  Living with purpose every single day will change your life. It will change how you see things, how you do things and what happens.  It will fuel you to do more, be more and create more. Listen in! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui online training series, click here. So many readers are saying that my book has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to create meaning again and to feel seen and supported, ch

  • Episode 322: You need to say NO to be able to say YES

    01/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    I never used to be able to say NO easily. Now, I can. (Not every single time but the vast majority of them and it has given me my life and freedom back.) Learning to say "no" is one of the most powerful things that you can do to create the life that you want most.  Listen in to find out why saying NO means that you get to say YES to even more of what you truly want.  Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui online training series, click here. So many readers are saying that my book has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major life changes. If you need some hope, a way to cre

  • Episode 321: I realized that I did it!

    28/06/2020 Duration: 10min

    That moment that you realize that you made it through.  You know the feeling. All of a sudden, you realize that is over, that you did it and that you can continue to move forward.  If you are in the middle of something right now whether it is with your relationship, your health or your wealth, just know that you will make it through and you will get to that moment where you realized you did it!  Listen in for more! Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily:  Click here to download my FREE I Feng Shui'd my Life ebook. I share how this tool changed my life! For more information on my FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui online training series, click here. So many readers are saying that my book has helped them to find meaning again after loss and hard life experiences like divorce, health crises and major

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