Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 335: It is really only a moment in time



I know, it doesn't feel like a moment in time but it is. I know that it feels like forever that you've been crawling out of this pit, that bad things keep happening, that you can't seem to get done what you want, that the grief is all consuming or that things keep being hard.  I get it. I've been there. And I will still tell you that I know that it is only a moment in time. But, I will also say that this perspective comes when you look back, not when you are in it.  If you remember this though and choose to accept this moment and the reality as it is, then you will be more free to move your way through it. You will gain some energy back and forge ahead creating what it is you do want more of.  Whatever is happening in your life right now is a moment in the span of your entire existence and eventually you will see it this way too. Until then, it's all about taking one step at a time and living your way through it. Listen to find out how I lived through my hardest moments in time and what it taught me that I w