Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 340: Finding your Voice



I believe that a big part of this journey of life is to find your voice, use your voice and share your voice.  When I say voice, I do mean literally your speaking voice but I also mean that your actions are a voice too. They tell a story about what you are willing to endure, what you are willing to do and what you won't accept.  Your voice is shown in what you say and what you do. Over the years, my voice has become much stronger, my ability to question things has grown immensely (I share exactly what has happened in our family that has change this) and I am much more confident in standing in my truth.  My life does not dictate my voice. My voice dictates my life.  Listen to find out why you need to find your voice, use your voice and share your voice. Be sure to subscribe so that you can always hear the latest Ninja Jill KNOWS episodes on Apple Podcast or Stitcher. To never miss an episode and be inspired weekly, be sure sign up for my email.  LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill