Austin Chinese Church



Austin Chinese Church - English congregation sermons


  • Joy Breaks Forth

    06/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    In a year full of suffering and darkness, the feeling of bleakness can take over. Not only is there a hope to cling onto, God promises a joy so obvious will come that it cannot be missed. - Pastor Dominic Chan

  • Peace Will Be With Us

    29/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    One thing the year 2020 has revealed to us is humanity's sinful nature, brokenness and penchant for unrighteous behavior. In this Advent season, we must long for something different, for God to break forth from the uncertainty and hurts of life. Let us wait in anticipation for the peace, joy, love, and hope of God to unleash his healing upon our distressed world. - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Nobodies Who Are Somebodies For the Sake of Everybody

    22/11/2020 Duration: 55min

    One of the biggest reasons for joy in my life? All of you! The pandemic has made this even more apparent as we try to find the right balance between wisdom and care. The end result is that we haven't been able to see each other for several months which is very sad. But if people are a gift from God, and at this time we can't really see people, how are we to reconcile this situation? What does the Bible say about our community and our relationships? How does God view the lives that He has placed together in Austin, and specifically in ACC? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Bearing Fruit for Life

    15/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    We have so many reasons to be joyful about. One is knowing that God desires us to bear fruit throughout all of life. This will entail making choices that reflect his righteousness. And when we do, we will bear fruit even in old age in order to glorify God and be a blessing to others.  - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Perspective - What Do You See?

    08/11/2020 Duration: 46min

    In the midst of the storms and challenges of life, we have been given a gift: God's perspective on the situation. No matter if it is a tough situation at home, a relationship that is painful, a health scare, a job related obstacle, a class that is overwhelming, or a deep sense of loneliness. The list of real life situations goes on and on. When we are confronted by them, we have an important choice to make. How will we see life at those crucial moments? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The Last Thing He Wanted for You

    01/11/2020 Duration: 32min

    2020 has been a year with challenges, problems, fears, and troubles. However, as a Christ-follower, we must also remember God's grace, blessings, joys, peace, and love. In this month of November, we are going to focus on purposefully thanking God and intentionally looking "for His fingerprints" in our lives and in the lives of those around us. What are some "Reasons for JOY" in your life? - Pastor Dominic Chan

  • The Feet of Peace

    25/10/2020 Duration: 44min

    Too many voices have filled the airwaves of life, many seeking to destroy what God had originally created in his image. But, the death and resurrection of Jesus offers humanity the peace that can be found in relationship with God. The church is called to be the feet of this gospel, to bear witness of Jesus as the peace offering. We are called to be ready at all times to testify to this gospel of peace.  - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • The Sojourner's Mission

    18/10/2020 Duration: 32min

    Let's face it, it's easy to get used to the routine of life and to settle in what we know. It's nice having the comforts of life and to live by the status quo. But this has never been what God's mission for us has been. He's called us to be sojourners in this world. Will you be a settler or will you be a sojourner? Will you stay, or will you go? - Pastor Patrick Yao

  • Be His Beautiful Feet

    11/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    None - Pastor Wayne Chen

  • He Will Make Straight Your Paths

    04/10/2020 Duration: 34min

    When would a person allow someone else to drive his/her car without knowing where they are heading? Let's assume it is foggy, at night time, and in a part of the world with which you are completely unfamiliar? When? Only when you know and completely trust the one who is driving! However, along the way there are fears, anxieties, and urges to take over the wheel, especially when it seems like the drive has been dragging out and the route seems confusing. What if the car is your life, and the driver is God? Will you trust Him? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Instead...

    27/09/2020 Duration: 48min

    You might have heard some people say that “the ends justify the means.” That is, as long as the “good” result is reached, how we get there is not that important. However, the Apostle Paul challenges us in Ephesians 4 to interact differently in situations than the world does. He used the word “instead” or “rather” several times to contrast the difference. The blind spot is that we often just do things like the world does and think that the ends justify the means! But God has given us a higher calling. Paul says, “But that is not the way you learned Christ.” What can we learn today to help us shine brightly for Christ, and to give hope to this world, instead of responding just like any person without Christ might respond? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Look Up On People

    20/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    We tend to look down on people because we think we know them and understand the situations they are in. So, what happens when God opens our eyes to see beauty, rather than ashes, in people's lives? We look up on people as God lavishes his love on them.  - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Hijacking the Hurt

    13/09/2020 Duration: 53min

    It has been a challenging time in the last several months as people are struggling with physical health, emotional volatility, and relational stretching like never before. In our desire to understand God's heart for justice and love for all, we have had a steep learning curve. The need to learn purposefully has forced us to learn to listen and feel, sometimes way outside of our comfort zones. What did Jesus model for us when He interacted with people who were hurting? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • It is My Problem

    06/09/2020 Duration: 36min

    How often do we see a need or injustice taking place in someone's life but we choose to ignore it or pretend it doesn't exist? The barrier of saying "It is not my problem" must be overcome because God calls us to live justly and mercifully to our neighbors. To love God with all of our heart, soul, strength, and mind means our neighbor's concern is our concern too. It's when we lovingly give to others that we testify to the eternal life we have in Christ Jesus. - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Now You See Him, Now You Don't...Then You Will

    30/08/2020 Duration: 43min

    This passage has so much in it, but variations of the word, "appear" shows up several times. What was John trying to highlight? He is talking to professing believers, and highlighting the fact that Jesus has come...and will come again. Why did He come, and why will He come again? Does it matter to us? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • You May Know

    23/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    As John concludes his letter in 1 John, he encourages his readers to know who they truly are in Christ Jesus. Despite the heresies creeping into the early church, he reminds them that those who believe in Jesus as the Son of God have eternal life and are children of God. Know these essential truths in order to live faithfully to God's purpose and will.  - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Assurance from Reliable Testimony

    16/08/2020 Duration: 38min

    How can followers of Christ know that God’s message about salvation through Jesus is true? John points us to three reliable witnesses that testify that Jesus is God’s son, leading us to assurance of eternal life. - Gregg Orr

  • Faith to Overcome

    09/08/2020 Duration: 38min

    We normally attribute victory solely to hard work and training. But, in 1 John, overcoming the world's influence takes faith - "And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith." What must our faith look like to demonstrate godly victory? - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Affected to be Effective

    02/08/2020 Duration: 37min

    The words "perfect" and "love" are used several times in this passage. John seems to say that God desires to perfect our love for Him and others by what His perfect love does in, and through, us. "Affected" is a verb, while "effected" is a noun. What is the effect in us when God's love affects us? What is going on, and what is God's end game? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The Jesus Test

    26/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    "We live in a time when many people claim to know the truth. Their faith is real, but in what (or whom) is their faith placed? John wrote about the most essential doctrine that will help us to discern truth, and to avoid following false doctrines. This truth will set us free to love, and to live for, God wholeheartedly. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

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