Tenderfoot Yogi Podcast And Audio Blog: Perspectives And Insights For Ease In Your Awakening



Whether you have been on a spiritual path of awakening for decades or are just curious about waking up to a new way of being here, tenderfoot yogi offers short and sweet insights, ideas, perspectives, tips and tricks for gaining more meaning and incorporating sacred living into our daily lives. The tenderfoot yogi blog and podcast explores mindfulness, meditation, yoga, general spirituality, conscious choice and other topics that help us gain ease and lightness and freedom in all aspects of daily life. Also visit www.tenderfootyogi.com for all blog posts and to get your free eBook.


  • How to magically increase your free time

    27/04/2018 Duration: 17min

    It is ironic that one of the most common reasons people offer for why we don’t meditate is that we don’t have enough time. It is ironic because one of the huge benefits of a sustained meditation practice is an overall increase in just that – time. Of course, it’s counterintuitive to think that taking… Read more The post How to magically increase your free time appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How to turn negativity into the good stuff

    20/04/2018 Duration: 15min

    The idea of positive thinking can sound a bit Pollyanna. Can everything truly be cured, fixed, uplifted, turned around simply by thinking good thoughts? Actually, it has more to do with allowing our thoughts to be what they are and allowing ourselves to be how we are that eventually shifts a tide from negative to… Read more The post How to turn negativity into the good stuff appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • The path from surviving to thriving

    06/04/2018 Duration: 16min

    Do you ever find yourself watching television or movies and wondering whether there is a different kind of life you could be living? A life that includes more? More money, more love, more ease, more kindness and compassion and freedom and did I already say Love? This is a natural thing that all of us… Read more The post The path from surviving to thriving appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Hack your spiritual freedom with a mantra

    30/03/2018 Duration: 18min

    At this point you’ve heard of mantras. But what exactly they are, what they do, and when and how and why to use them can get murky. Also, where does a mantra fit in with meditation, how is it different from an affirmation, and why does any of it matter? If we gain some clarity… Read more The post Hack your spiritual freedom with a mantra appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • What to do when you don’t know what to do

    23/03/2018 Duration: 19min

    Sometimes we wake up in the morning and aren’t quite sure what to do. We find ourselves with many questions. It may seem that everything is a question. Past choices combine with decisions about the future into one big pile of uncertainty. It can be unsettling. What if it’s OK to feel uncertain and unsettled?… Read more The post What to do when you don’t know what to do appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Release yourself from isolation

    16/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    Whether it is working out at the gym, a home yoga practice or your general approach to life and society, isolation does not work. It’s not the best approach for our physical bodies. It’s not the best approach for our mental and emotional health. And it’s not the best approach for our spiritual growth. There… Read more The post Release yourself from isolation appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How to concentrate, no app required

    09/03/2018 Duration: 18min

    It is not a bad thing that western science and technology so regularly finds its way to supporting and reinforcing that which yogic science has known for centuries. Concentration can be learned and memory can be improved. But what if we did not have to go out of our way to learn and improve these?… Read more The post How to concentrate, no app required appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • The opposite of Love

    02/03/2018 Duration: 17min

    It is completely possible to wake up each morning, breath in and out all day and participate in the world without being alive. It is possible to simply exist. But this is not you, not if you’re reading this now. You want more than to simply exist. The funny thing is that we don’t actually… Read more The post The opposite of Love appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • A new kind of love song

    23/02/2018 Duration: 17min

    Boy I love a good love song. Who doesn’t? With the heartache, the longing, the passion and desire and joy – what’s not to love? Whether your idea of a love song comes from Mozart, Metallica, Elvis Presley, John Legend or Adele – the thing that all love songs have in common is that they… Read more The post A new kind of love song appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Do the work of your joyful soul

    16/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    There are many definitions, interpretations and belief systems pertaining to a human being’s soul. But we need no definition, interpretation or belief system in order to begin exploring our soul’s awareness. If you are of the opinion that there is more to our human existence than waking up each day to go to work, provide… Read more The post Do the work of your joyful soul appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • The boy who learned to speak

    09/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    A long time ago there was a young boy who grew up in a small village. He was a fine boy, a smart boy, a boy with a big heart. He spent most of his time at home with his father. They did not have a lot of money, but were able to live a… Read more The post The boy who learned to speak appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How to awaken with ease

    02/02/2018 Duration: 16min

    Some of us are awakened into this new way of being with a gentle nudge. But not most of us. It is all too easy for us humans to fall into automatic patterns, inherited belief systems and succumb to the draw of surface level living. So then it takes most of us a bit of… Read more The post How to awaken with ease appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Don’t let your intelligence limit your awakening

    26/01/2018 Duration: 15min

    We love our minds. We play trivia games. We read about history. We debate philosophy. We discuss politics and world affairs. So, it’s no wonder that it is completely natural for us to approach our spiritual lives with the same intellectual rigor. Maybe this is why it takes so many of us, almost all of… Read more The post Don’t let your intelligence limit your awakening appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How yoga is different from meditation

    19/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    Meditation must be one of the most misunderstood practices ever to reach the western world. With as much main stream press as meditation has received in recent years, and as common as it is for someone to nod his head when we bring up the idea, it is still surprising how little is actually understood.… Read more The post How yoga is different from meditation appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • The purpose of life

    12/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    The title of this post will seem less bold when the simplicity of the idea is revealed. Life is full of experiences, some bigger than others, and all of which can show us fear, joy, pain, gratitude, compassion, and a host of other life lessons. It turns out that it’s actually fairly easy to turn… Read more The post The purpose of life appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How to get what you want

    05/01/2018 Duration: 16min

    Chances are that right now there is something you want – a desire for something. It may be a material desire such as a vacation, or a desire for a particular outcome to a situation. Whether the desired outcome is a successful business venture, a meaningful romantic relationship, deeper meditations, or an end to all… Read more The post How to get what you want appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • The Food of Awakening

    22/12/2017 Duration: 19min

    By now you’ve likely heard the idea that we feel more alive when we eat food that is more alive. But what is it that we really gain from eating this way, and why does it matter? And what does it mean to ‘feel alive’? Eating well is essential for our health, we know this,… Read more The post The Food of Awakening appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • That person’s fear is not yours

    15/12/2017 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever been called a ‘sensitive’ or ‘oversensitive’ person? I have. Being sensitive is a powerful thing. It opens the door to empathy, compassion, insight, passion, and deep awareness beyond the surface level of the lives so many around us are living. But with this gift of sensitivity comes the risk of absorbing unhelpful… Read more The post That person’s fear is not yours appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Let go of your need to sacrifice

    08/12/2017 Duration: 17min

    The history books are filled with martyrs. Human beings across the centuries who have sacrificed themselves for the benefit of humankind. Historically this is someone who endures great sacrifice, even the greatest sacrifice, for a matter of principle. But there is another type of martyr, one who exists in our modern society, and we have… Read more The post Let go of your need to sacrifice appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • How meditation is different from prayer

    01/12/2017 Duration: 15min

    It is certainly possible, and quite common, to practice meditation exclusively for the benefit of improved concentration, better focus, increased mindfulness and for general peace of mind. These are wonderful benefits for sure. In addition, and if we choose, we can also allow meditation to be a spiritual practice. Regardless of which category you fall… Read more The post How meditation is different from prayer appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

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