Tenderfoot Yogi Podcast And Audio Blog: Perspectives And Insights For Ease In Your Awakening



Whether you have been on a spiritual path of awakening for decades or are just curious about waking up to a new way of being here, tenderfoot yogi offers short and sweet insights, ideas, perspectives, tips and tricks for gaining more meaning and incorporating sacred living into our daily lives. The tenderfoot yogi blog and podcast explores mindfulness, meditation, yoga, general spirituality, conscious choice and other topics that help us gain ease and lightness and freedom in all aspects of daily life. Also visit www.tenderfootyogi.com for all blog posts and to get your free eBook.


  • Discerning entertainment from distraction

    27/01/2017 Duration: 03min

    We seek comfort. I recall a time in my twenties when I (only half jokingly) responded to a friend who asked me how I was doing, “I’m good, you know, there is always is something on TV”. Silly yes, a total cop out? Of course. But there really was a part of me that rationalized my… Read more The post Discerning entertainment from distraction appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Two Simple ‘Tricks’ to Practice Mindfulness

    21/01/2017 Duration: 04min

    We cannot escape the topic of mindfulness these days. It is a buzzword that has made its way onto the covers of mainstream magazines and runs as a topic on network news. It’s for good reason of course – because it’s the complete opposite of how we humans, especially we western humans, operate these days.… Read more The post Two Simple ‘Tricks’ to Practice Mindfulness appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Beginning a yoga practice – necessity or curiosity?

    13/01/2017 Duration: 04min

    It seems that we human beings make our way to the yoga mat for the first time for a whole host of reasons. For some, a simple curiosity can open the door, and for some it clicks and the path begins. For many others yoga starts with necessity. For myself, I toyed with yoga exactly… Read more The post Beginning a yoga practice – necessity or curiosity? appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Authentic prayer

    06/01/2017 Duration: 04min

    Of all things on tenderfoot yogi, I am probably least qualified to talk about how to pray. But that is changing, because now this thing that for the longest time simply felt inauthentic, has begun to take a different shape. I think that as we start to explore the higher places that exist within us,… Read more The post Authentic prayer appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Doing away with the constraints of labels

    30/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    We seem to have an innate need to label ourselves as one thing or another. A runner, maybe a barefoot runner, a marathoner. Or, a vegetarian, omnivore, paleo. Or, a college graduate, a thinker, a doer, a comedian, the list goes on. Introvert. Extrovert. Jewish. Buddhist. Yogi. Even that which we identify most closely, father,… Read more The post Doing away with the constraints of labels appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Allowing this new version of you

    23/12/2016 Duration: 03min

    I think I’m a regular person. I cook, I do dishes, I work, I play with my kids and help them with their homework. I exercise. I cut my grass, I take my kids on a family vacation. I drink beer – on the weekends, mostly when I’m cooking, and I eat cake and ice… Read more The post Allowing this new version of you appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Live beyond your mind and be enchanted

    16/12/2016 Duration: 04min

    Have you ever had a song come up on Pandora, one that reminds you of a particular person, at the exact moment when you were thinking of him or her? Is this coincidence or something more? We need not pick sides in this debate. I’m here to simply suggest you choose the something more. Why?… Read more The post Live beyond your mind and be enchanted appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Choosing sensory input that lifts us

    09/12/2016 Duration: 04min

    The visual and auditory information presented to us in our daily lives is daunting. In the airport the televisions run CNN with all the latest world tragedies. Movie trailers for psychological thrillers pop in while watching a rerun of ‘The Big Bang Theory’ on TV. Unsightly images show up in the sidebar when searching YouTube… Read more The post Choosing sensory input that lifts us appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Truth and the non-decision solution

    02/12/2016 Duration: 04min

    We have large and small truths come up in all aspects of our lives. In our careers, our family and friendships. Our romantic relationships. Our wants and needs and desires. And as we begin to open ourselves, sometimes we come upon truths that are unsettling, conflicting, confounding and we can feel stuck. What to do… Read more The post Truth and the non-decision solution appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

  • Search less, be more

    25/11/2016 Duration: 05min

    My older brother recently asked me a question about searching for answers. We were on a walk near his home during a visit I was making to Florida – and I had not seen him for a while. He had been reading my tenderfoot yogi posts, the eBook, and had just a few days before… Read more The post Search less, be more appeared first on tenderfoot yogi.

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