Moneystepper Q&a Podcast



Answering Your Personal Finance Questions 3 times a week


  • Question 35 - Am I Overexposed In My Investments

    04/11/2015 Duration: 08min

    Jenny asks: "I hold £10k of Vanguard FTSE 100 ETF shares (VUKE) and I am buying about £100/month worth and reinvesting the dividends. Am I overexposed to the UK markets? Do I need to diversify my investments?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 34 - Should I Get a 0% Credit Card

    02/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    Kerry asks: "I'm thinking about putting my purchases on a 0% credit card and then put the money into a current account earning 3%. Do you think this is a good idea? What are the risks? What are the best 0% credit cards available?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 33 - Paying Off Debt After A Breakup

    30/10/2015 Duration: 03min

    Alison asks: “I currently have a Santander debt in a joint name since a recent break up . However, I've not had anything to do with the account for years and, and I cannot communicate to my other half. Any advice?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 32 - Saving Cash In The Short Term

    28/10/2015 Duration: 10min

    On Monday, we had a question from Moneystepper Savings Challenge participant Cath about investing more in S&S ISAs. I think that the common guidance on saving for short term goals isn’t the best and hence I wanted to explore further in a Q&A episode.  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 31 - How Should I Invest in a Stocks & Shares ISA

    26/10/2015 Duration: 08min

    Cath asks: "Most of my long term investments are in good pensions and in property (my home and a flat that is rented out). I would like to do more investing in funds and make sure I use more of my allowance. What would you suggest?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 30 - Should I Get Out Of My Overdraft?

    23/10/2015 Duration: 09min

    Jane asks: “I have £2000 overdraft and £1500 in credit card debt. I want to consolidate them together to get extra money to help me stay out of overdrafts but don't know the cheapest way? Credit card ? A big single overdraft? A loan?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 29 - Help To Buy ISA Questions

    21/10/2015 Duration: 06min

    James asks: "Can I invest into a Stock&Shares ISA and still use a Help-to-Buy ISA in 1 December 2015 when it comes out? And is there a maximum income for people who want to use the Help-to-Buy ISA?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 28 - Is A £20k Deposit Enough To Buy A House?

    19/10/2015 Duration: 07min

    Tom asks: "I’m 22 and am looking at buying a flat within my local area for £200k. I have £20k saved and I'm on a £30k salary. Mortgage calculators show me my max loan is £130k. What are some other solutions, other than Help to buy & share ownership?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 27 - Can I Benefit From The Right To Buy Scheme?

    16/10/2015 Duration: 09min

    Abby asks: "I'm 24 and live in a 2 bed flat in South London. I'm starting to wonder if it’s worth taking advantage of the Right To Buy scheme, but it sounds too good to be true. There's got to be something I'm missing?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 26 - What Impact Does Changing Jobs Have On Tax?

    14/10/2015 Duration: 03min

    Eric asks: “On Monday I will be starting my new job. I'm worried that I have overlooked something with my taxes. Do I need to tell HMRC about my new job? And do I need to inform my bank about it? Thanks for you advice.”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 25 - What Do I Do If I've Been Underpaid?

    12/10/2015 Duration: 04min

    Anna asks: “Today I checked my payslips and noticed a big difference from my previous payslips. My new salary is 52k and September’s payslip shows £4,333.33pm. However, my old salary was 48k and payslip showed £3138.56 instead of £4000. What should I do?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 24 - Do I Need To Register For VAT?

    09/10/2015 Duration: 03min

    John asks: "I'm looking into freelance teaching. My costs will be zero, but I’m trying to work out is if I need to include VAT on my invoices or not. I'm not expecting to earn more than a few thousand at most in the year. Do I need to register for VAT?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 23 - Do I Pay Capital Gains Tax If I Don't Pay Income Tax?

    07/10/2015 Duration: 05min

    Joyce asks: “Hi, I am a non-tax payer as I’m below the income tax thresholds. However, I need to sell my buy to let property, which I’ve never lived in. My profit would be approx. £100.000. What would my capital gains bill be please?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 22 - How Does Quidco Work?

    05/10/2015 Duration: 05min

    Martyn asks: “I see on Moneystepper that you recommend using cashback sites like Quidco, but I’m not sure how they work? Do they charge me a fee for my cashback? How do they make money?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 21 - What Stops People From Investing?

    02/10/2015 Duration: 08min

    Monica asks: "I've been trying to convince my younger family members around me to start a regular investment plan into an index fund but it's like trying to talk to a brick wall. What do you think is the thing that people fear most about investments?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 20 - Should I Sell My Appartment To Pay Down My Mortgage

    30/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    Alex asks: "I own an apartment that is rented out and almost debt-free, and a house that is still pretty high in debt. My plan is to sell the apartment, and use the money to pay off the major amount of debt on my house. What do you think?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 19 - What Happens To My Pension When I Move Jobs?

    28/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    Wookovski asks: "I'm changing jobs next month. I currently have a pension with my old company. What happens to it when I change jobs. Does the money get transferred in to the new scheme or does it stay dormant in the old scheme until I retire?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 18 - 17 Years Old, Receiving £10k - What To Do

    25/09/2015 Duration: 08min

    LondonIce asks: "In about a month I'm going to recieve about £10,000 from my parents (I'm 17). Quite honestly, I have no clue what to do with it. Should I invest it? Keep it? I have no clue. What should I do?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 17 - Should I Buy A House If I May Move Soon

    23/09/2015 Duration: 09min

    Danny asks: "I currently have £40k in savings and which to buy a house. However, my position at work is a little up in the air and come April next year, I may be moving work and location. Is it worth buying and renting if I move?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 16 - Can I Live Without A Credit Card

    21/09/2015 Duration: 09min

    Steve asks: “Is it possible to live without a credit card? What are the benefits and disadvantages of having one? Does it help with your credit rating?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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