Moneystepper Q&a Podcast



Answering Your Personal Finance Questions 3 times a week


  • Question 55 - Buying A House For The First Time Next Year

    21/12/2015 Duration: 06min

    Jenny asks: "I'm almost 23, and I'm in a position to buy a house next May. My question is, do you think next May will be a good time to buy a house? Or should I wait until later in 2016 or even May 2017 to purchase?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 54 - Taxes On UK Property When Abroad

    18/12/2015 Duration: 04min

    Ed asks: "I live abroad, earning and paying tax there. We pay no tax on our income in the UK, and we don't submit a tax return. Should we be paying tax on the earnings for our property in the UK?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 53 - Capital Gains Tax On Land

    16/12/2015 Duration: 03min

    John asks: "A family member is due to sell some land for in excess of £1m. What tax would be payable on this as it has no residential property on it?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 52 - How To Split The Equity When Buying With a Friend

    14/12/2015 Duration: 13min

    Brian asks: "My girlfriend and I are in the process of buying a house with a close friend of mine, with the aim of selling it on in 3-5 years. What is the best way to split the equity/proceeds from the sale?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 51 - Should I Get A Help To Buy ISA

    11/12/2015 Duration: 07min

    Frankie asks: "I was wondering what your thoughts were on the new help to buy ISA. Is a time limit to use the grant? What happens if I don't put in £250 every month? What do I need to be careful of when considering this?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 50 - Repayment or Interest Only

    09/12/2015 Duration: 10min

    Kryptonite On Twitter asks: “Which is better for property investors... Interest only mortgages or repayment mortgages?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 49 - Capital Losses On Gifts

    07/12/2015 Duration: 03min

    Adam asks: "My dad owns a ground floor flat and he is gifting it to me. He bought the property for £150k, it's now worth £160k but needs about £10K spent on it to make it properly habitable. What would be the CGT situation here?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 48 - What Tax Do I Pay On Freelance Work?

    04/12/2015 Duration: 03min

    Michael asks: "I'm a journalist who is registered with a company on a PAYE tax code, but I do some occasional work outside of it. Do I need to register for assessment on the HMRC site? And when it says receipts, what does it mean?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 47 - How Can I Get Out Of My Car Lease?

    02/12/2015 Duration: 05min

    Mark asks: "I picked up a lovely car a couple of years back at a reasonable monthly rate. Everything was fine until I decided to change my job and it has become apparent that it's just too much of a drain on the family finances."  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 46 - Should I Buy My Brother's Property

    30/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    Zac asks: "My brother is currently living in a property worth £80k he's renting the property for £425 per month from our cousin. Would it be better for me to have a buy to let mortgage and he pays me direct like im the landlord?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 45 - Advice On My Credit Score

    27/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    Jessica asks: "Hello, I would like some advice on how good/bad my credit score is for my situation and if there is anything I should do to increase it. I did a credit score check today and I am 2/5 - 561 credit score. Any information would be helpful."  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 44 - What Are My Pension Options

    25/11/2015 Duration: 06min

    Steve asks: "I’m 25 and my employer matches my payments up to 5%. The Pension policy is "Aviva Pensions Mixed Investment (40-85% Shares) S2". Any tips on how I should be managing this better? Any good resources you would recommend?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 43 - How To Treat DB Pension In Net Worth

    23/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    Matt asks: "I’m struggling with our DB schemes and how to include those in the net worth calculation. I also have a DC pot from a previous employer where the statement is issued annually. How should I account for the monthly value of this?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 42 - Limits on cash, S&S and HTB ISAs

    20/11/2015 Duration: 03min

    Tony asks: "How do I invest in a stocks and shares ISA and a cash ISA in the same year without breaching the ISA rules? I haven't opened any this year as I'm waiting for the Help to buy ISA."  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 41 - Capital Gains Tax On Inherited Property

    18/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    Bert asks: "My late mother’s house was left to me and my sister in my mothers will. Probate has been granted. To reduce CGT, do I need to register this property in my and my sisters’ names before I sell it or can it be done by another method."  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 40 - What Is The Best Short Term Investment

    16/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    Muhammad on twitter asks: “What is the best short term investment?”  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 39 - Do You Count Student Loans In Your Net Worth

    13/11/2015 Duration: 03min

    Chris asks: "Maybe a stupid question, but I was wondering if I should include my student loans as part of your net worth calculation or not?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 38 - Should I Buy A New Car On Lease, PCP or HP

    11/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    Tony asks: "I need advice on the best way to buy a new car. I just can’t figure out what the best way to buy would be - Lease, Hire Purchase or PCP? What would you do in my position?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 37 - Buying A House To Rent Out

    09/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    Amy asks: "I'm a graduate who has been working for one year. I've secured a transfer outside of London but I keep my London wage. I will be moving to Birmingham where housing is much more affordable. Should I buy a house a rent a room to a friend?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Question 36 - Can I Keep A Payment Made In Error

    06/11/2015 Duration: 02min

    Johnny asks: "A staff member requested a loan of £500. The loan payment to this staff member was made, however it was accidentally made for £5,000 instead of £500. Is there any piece of legislation that allows me to issue a statutory demand for a refund?"  See for privacy and opt-out information.

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