Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love



Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Certified Vibrational Sound Therapist, Positive Psychology and Energy Psychology Practitioner, Meditation, Breathwork and Labyrinth Facilitator, Certified Yoga Teacher, as well as a contributing editor for various spiritual and holistic health magazines, T focuses on how energy effects every aspect of our lives. Learn how to raise your awareness, consciousness and vibration so you can live the best life possible. T shares her wealth of information on energy awareness, and also interviews guests who will reveal their own stories, tips and insight to help you tap into the energy of the universe. T is also the Founder and CEO of Sojihuggles Childrens Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization located in Newton, NJ whose mission is to provide underprivileged children with the basic necessities of life so they may grow, thrive and contribute to society in meaningful ways.


  • The All Knowing Diary

    30/10/2013 Duration: 56min

    Have You Ever Wondered . . . How your mind works – our awareness, our ideas, our very instincts? Who or what programmed us? How was life conceived? Who designed birds, the stripes on a zebra, or a tiger’s camouflage? Is language really the extent of how we can communicate? How do so many see, hear or feel a person’s ‘spirit’, (their true self) yet so many others go on ignoring this reality? Why do so many people “know better”, but are still stuck dong what brings them harm or unhappiness? Why do so many people not want to change a thing about life, but still complain about how unfulfilled they are? Why do so many people drink, smoke, and have affairs, yet give advice on how to run a company, or even a country, when they clearly do not even have their own life in order? What if it’s your imagination that holds the key? After all, it is in our imagination that answers come. But isn’t our imagination just all made up? Or is it? Who is to say that what is ‘made up’ is any less real than the reality we live by?

  • What Happens When We Die

    23/10/2013 Duration: 57min

    A psychic's exploration of death, heaven and the soul's journey after death. Is there a heaven? Are there people who have been there and come back? Do we have souls? Can we communicate with deceased loved ones? Based on personal experience  of observing the souls of people nearing death and communicating with souls who have died, psychic and healer, Echo Bodine has found the answer of these questions is yes. Echo demystifies the death experience and demonstrates that there is nothing to fear in dying from this plane and being born into the next.

  • What To Do When You're Dead

    16/10/2013 Duration: 55min

    A fascinating dialogue with the creator of the universe. Death is not real. Our experience of crossing over ot the other side is directly linked to our state of mind whle on earth before passing. Darkness must be overcome, or the soul will remain trapped in the past and attached to things of the world, rather than following spirit to the light of God. Author Sondra Sneed: "I have no interest in the exhaustive attempt to prove that I talk to the Creator of the Universe, or even that this Great Being talks to me." Listeners, she leaves it up to you to decide. TUNE IN!

  • What is Your What?

    02/10/2013 Duration: 52min

    Discover the one amazing thing you were born to do. Steve Jobs said, "We're here to put a dent in the Universe." Cinderella was a peasant turned servant who became a Princess. Luke Skywalker, a humble farm boy ended up being the savior of the galaxy. In both cases, their inherent greatness was suppressed by difficult childhoods and buried by harsh circumstances. How did they learn to shed the shackles of their past and become their true selves? They didn't change from being one type of person to becoming an entirely different person; not at all. They got in touch with their inner greatness, discovered their true potential and achieved profound fulfillment and success. So can you. Once you shed your skin and dump your baggage, you'll possess the magic to positively affect an incredible number of poeple. You'll become who you were born to be and you'll not only gain great benefits for your own life, but for the lives of everyone you touch. How does it get any better than that?

  • Do Not Go Quietly

    18/09/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    In our society, once you hit a certain age, respect seems to disappear. We are not aging wisely when we ignore those who are older simply because of the fact that they are indeed older. We’re talking about a tips for a lifestyle revolution; Identification of and ways to eliminate limiting beliefs we hold about aging; Encouragement to pursue one’s dreams; Primary questions about life’s purpose; Ways to harvest the wisdom and experience of the past and invest it in the future; Attention to the inestimable value of forgiveness, Curiosity and other tools that re-inspire passion; Tips on experiencing present moment awareness; Learning how to stay in touch with feelings; The difference between believing and knowing; Mastering life’s three great illusions; Getting over being right; Packing for the future; The difference between dreams vs. desires; What we can’t take with us; How to make peace with life and befriend death; Creating a legacy & stewardship of hope; Exploring marvelous new possibilities; and unders

  • Common Sense in Uncommon Times

    11/09/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    The world is changing. Your life has changed, wherever you live, whether you approve or not. You are being affected. Your normal routines can now be interrupted at any time. There are no guarantees of stability or safety, so you need to be prepared, for your sake and for your loved ones. There are new threats and new responses. We are no longer insulated from the chaos of the world. These new possibilities must be understood and preparations made. Last year alone, 32 million people around the world were displaced by weather. Hardly a week passes without some new, dramatic disaster. If it isn’t the weather, it may be some other crisis – bombs hit the Boston Marathon, factories collapse in Bangladesh, a Texas fertilizer plant levels a town, massive wildfires burn hundreds of homes, and bridges collapse without warning. Floods, fire, hurricanes, tsunamis, blizzards, terrorism, it’s all around but . . . There is hope. There are things we can do to prepare. What are the four basic emergency situations you may f

  • The Numbers of Your Life

    04/09/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? Would you lik to know what you will be facikng in the year ahead? The practice of numerology can reveal these answers and more. Jean Ray has been practicing numerology for over 35 years and she is going to teach us how to find out what our individual numbers mean and how they impact our lives. Get a pad of paper and a pencil and get ready to learn what YOUR life numbers mean to YOUR life. This chart will be referred to during the show so be sure to either print it out or copy down the information so you have it readily available.   1 AJS 2 BKT 3 CLU 4 DMV 5 ENW 6 FOX 7 GPY 8 HQZ 9 IR Join us for a fun and entertaining evening that may bring insight to those areas of your life that have confused you or where you have asked the question: "why?" To schedule an in-depth numerology reading with Jean Ray, please e-mail her at Mention Energy Awareness Radio to receive a one-hour reading for only $50.  

  • The Spiritual Human

    28/08/2013 Duration: 01h08min

    A poetic gujide to Life on Earth It is your divine birthright to live joyfully! What are we here for? That’s the question of life for most of us traveling this human path. Life can be such a mystery – sometimes fun and easy, other times difficult and painful. To live in full awareness, with our innate divinity actively guiding our lives, is to truly be a spiritual being, having a human experience. When we discover meaning in our human existence, life becomes a grand experience. Join us for a fascinating discussion on the secrets of life - easily and simply, you will be transformed both in mind and soul.    

  • The Global Heart Awakens

    21/08/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Most human histories are about power and politics, but the Global Heart Awakens offers the first narrative of human evolution told from a woman’s perspective and from the standpoint of the heart. This archetypal history of humanity offers a formula for creating a sustainable future and how we can get there. Anodea Judith explains in detail why we are facing a profound global initiation, and shows that—despite the dire crises we now face—humanity is moving forward on a journey to planetary adulthood.   For several decades, futurists and commentators all across the spectrum have proclaimed that humanity is experiencing the biggest shift in its evolutionary history. As more and more of us wake up to this fact, we are brought face-to-face with fundamental questions:   • Who are we in the light of our planetary crisis, and how did we get here? • What happens if humanity fails to respond constructively to its challenges? • Where will we go if we make the right choices? And, what will it take to make these cho

  • Meet Your Happy Chemicals

    14/08/2013 Duration: 01h05min

    So, what makes you happy? Do you like being happy? Would you like to be happy more often? Humans have emotional ups and downs because we’ve inherited the operating system of earlier mammals. The mammal brain releases dopamine when we approach a reward, and serotonin when we get respect. Oxytocin gives us a good feeling when we trust, and endorphin makes us feel good when we’re injured. These happy chemicals evolved to do a job, not to surge all the time. Your brain defines that job in its own way because it built happy chemical pathways from your unique experience. You can build new pathways to turn them on in new ways. Tonight you’ll learn how to get through that challenge. You  can choose new happy habits that are right for you, and repeat them until new circuits build. Our mammal brain evolved to rely on the circuits it built in youth, and to use unhappy chemicals as much as the happy ones. But if you repeat a new behavior for 45 days, the electricity in your brain will start surging down the new path.

  • Note to Self . . .

    07/08/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    If you've ever asked the questions: How can I be happier? Why are things not working out for rme? Where are my meaningful relationships? How did I end up here? You're not alone. Australian speaker and media spokesperson, Alison Nancye is a gifted writer and she writes to inspire positive change in people’s lives. She has inspired companies such as Bendon, Ella Bache and WiFT (Women in Film and Television) to achieve their personal and professional dreams. Using her life-recipes, meditation rituals and life skills training tools, Alison opens her audience’s hearts and minds to create what they would most love at work, in their relationships and in their everyday lives. She gives new meaning to living a life that is balanced and whole

  • Crafting Calm

    31/07/2013 Duration: 01h04min

    Put down the Prozac and Pick Up a Project! As we become increasingly dependent on technology to make our lives easier, we lose the ease and find ourselves angst, overwhelmed and unaware. There is a quiet revolution going on wherein people are choosing to live "handmade" lives. Artisans and everyday crafters are finding a renewed satisfaction in making something with their own hands. The physical and mental benefits in handwork bring about contemplation, serenity and mindfulness. Using a potpourri approach, Maggie Oman Shannon demonstrates that you can "craft the craziness" away for calm, clarity, comfort, contemplation, connection wtih others and/or spirit to reflect and commune within and with the God of your understanding. Creativity is a spiritual journey. By immersing ourselves in a creative activity, we can quiet those voices around and in us and enter into the stillness that characterizes prayer and the "house of love". Whether cooking, sewing, knitting, gardening or scrapbooking, your intention to

  • There is No God and He is Always with You

    17/07/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    The word GOD means different things to different people . . . what does it mean to you? Brad Warner traveled all over the world speaking to people about Zen practice and deepening his own quest for the true nature of God. Can the Zen approach provide an answer to this seemingly irresolvable debate? Is there a way to be an atheist and still believe in God? Is there a way to be a true believer and still doubt? Why frame things in terms of God anyway? Is it just an outmoded concept that only fanatics talk about? These are the kind of questions we'll explore with author Brad Warner in our discussion of his book: There is No God and He Is Always With You.  

  • Hiring the Heavens

    10/07/2013 Duration: 01h12min

    Do you feel connected to Spirit? I’m not talking about a religious background or affiliation. I’m talking about being connected to the power of the Heavens—and bringing it right down here to Earth to use in your everyday life. For many people, spiritual connection means going to church and praying. And even though they may believe they have a soul or spirit within, they feel separate from the power of the Universe. They can worship it and form religions around it, but it remains outside of them. Only in times of crisis or noble cause do they feel justified in calling upon that power—and even then they believe the response (or lack thereof) is entirely up to God. What we really need is a way to make our lives better. To be happier and more at ease, find a fulfilling job, create a great marriage, help our kids, be a good friend, make payments, reduce the stress in our lives. You know, get through the day with as much grace and wisdom as possible. We need help with the real stuff in our lives—the ups and down

  • My Name is America

    03/07/2013 Duration: 01h02min  www.MyNameIsAmerica.usMy Name Is America on YouTube We're celebrating the 237th Birthday of the United States of America in STYLE!!!!! #1 Hit Recording Artist Todd Allen Herendeen who in 2011 was pleased to become a Straight Arrow Music Recording Artist and released the single "My Name Is America" to radio all over the world. Todd has always had the utmost respect for our military and considers anyone serving or who has served, true heroes! He has been a member of the Sons of The American Legion for 16 years. He and his band have always been and always will be, proud Americans. He is honored to have been chosen to sing this song. Most exciting is the fact that the single has climbed to #1 on the Indie Country Chart! It has gone viral on You Tube and sits right at one million views to date. My Name Is America has taken Todd and his band all over the country to sing for veterans, Wounded Marine Fund Events, the Marine Avi

  • The What Happens if I . . . Book

    26/06/2013 Duration: 01h02min

    Do you appreciate what you have? Are you wondering how you can change those things you don't like? Sometimes it's difficult to understand what we must have given that would explain what we have received. it's called the boomerang theory - emotional action/reaction. Betsy Otter Thompson is joining us to explain how we all can use the action/reaction theory to create the best possible outcome in any situation using practical skills for achieving a richer, more meaningful life experience.

  • Making Your Creative Mark

    19/06/2013 Duration: 01h01min

    While climbing the ladder it can be challenging to achieve success in the marketplace, manage relationships, and keep spirits up. Some doubt that solutions to these very real problems exist, but they do, and world-famous celebrity coach Eric Maisel is joining us to tell us how. In his newest book, Making Your Creative Mark, Eric offers the nuts and bolts of sticking to a successful and fulfilling life to achieve your professional goals.

  • Contagious Optimism

    12/06/2013 Duration: 01h06min

    Join us in Celebrating the Human Spirit!!!!!   Encouragement, advice and guidance from business leaders, visionaries, professionals and ordinary people that will show you how you, too, can soar and flourish in the very midst of life’s challenges.

  • So, We're Still Here. Now What?

    05/06/2013 Duration: 01h03min

    When the world didn’t blow up on December 21, 2012 or wasn’t overrun by aliens, when the third world war didn’t break out in earnest, or the sun go nova, the date was considered a “non-event” and we assumed the prophesies were wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. Something has been happening. And something continues to happen. The frequencies bathing our solar system have been undergoing radical alteration due to our relative position in the galaxy and, in turn, our galaxy’s relative position in the universe. So what tremendous influences are occurring? Will they continue to occur? How will they affect us, and what does this mean for us? Gwilda Wiyaka is considered by many to be today’s foremost expert on the modern day application of the shamanic principle. She is the founder, director, and owner of Path Home Shamanic Arts School, a Colorado state certified occupational school that trains and certifies shamanic practitioners and instructors. As a preceptor for the University of Colorado School o

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