Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The Numbers of Your Life



Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? Would you lik to know what you will be facikng in the year ahead? The practice of numerology can reveal these answers and more. Jean Ray has been practicing numerology for over 35 years and she is going to teach us how to find out what our individual numbers mean and how they impact our lives. Get a pad of paper and a pencil and get ready to learn what YOUR life numbers mean to YOUR life. This chart will be referred to during the show so be sure to either print it out or copy down the information so you have it readily available.   1 AJS 2 BKT 3 CLU 4 DMV 5 ENW 6 FOX 7 GPY 8 HQZ 9 IR Join us for a fun and entertaining evening that may bring insight to those areas of your life that have confused you or where you have asked the question: "why?" To schedule an in-depth numerology reading with Jean Ray, please e-mail her at Mention Energy Awareness Radio to receive a one-hour reading for only $50.