Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The All Knowing Diary



Have You Ever Wondered . . . How your mind works – our awareness, our ideas, our very instincts? Who or what programmed us? How was life conceived? Who designed birds, the stripes on a zebra, or a tiger’s camouflage? Is language really the extent of how we can communicate? How do so many see, hear or feel a person’s ‘spirit’, (their true self) yet so many others go on ignoring this reality? Why do so many people “know better”, but are still stuck dong what brings them harm or unhappiness? Why do so many people not want to change a thing about life, but still complain about how unfulfilled they are? Why do so many people drink, smoke, and have affairs, yet give advice on how to run a company, or even a country, when they clearly do not even have their own life in order? What if it’s your imagination that holds the key? After all, it is in our imagination that answers come. But isn’t our imagination just all made up? Or is it? Who is to say that what is ‘made up’ is any less real than the reality we live by?