John Nashid Focus On Issues

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:37:00
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Discussing serious Issues and the effect they have on our communities life.To build a strong community you must first have open dialog on topics which affect your community.Dialog helps to develop a new perception, a new way of seeing what was not seen before.It also helps to build strong, morally;balanced leadership. It is only G-d's truth that defeats falsehood.Thank you,I am your host, John Nashid, New Mind Development project


  • Oppression is Worse Than Slaughter

    21/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    Quran, 2:190. Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. 191. And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith. 192. But if they cease, Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. 193. And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah. but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression.

  • The Ramadan Sessions

    14/04/2024 Duration: 37min

    Al Islam is established on Five principles, or pillars: Faith, Salat, Charity, Fasting in Ramadan, and Hajj; Pilgramage. We will start with Faith: or Tawhid, there are SIX FUNDAMENTAL BELIEFS: The Oneness of Allah (Tawheed) His Prophets His Books His Angles Resurecction Day Divine Ordinance 

  • Three Battles the Muslims fought against their Oppressors.

    27/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    We will be talking about three battle that the Muslims had to fight against their oppressors who were trying to destroy Islam and the Prophet Mohammad, the Messager of Allah, after the Flight from Mecca to Madina. Prophet Muhammad was a peaceful man, he wanted peace for all, but if was Allah that commanded him in Revelation to Fight. 2:190, 2:191  The Three Battles and their signifigance. Badr, Adha, and The Battle of the Trench, also The Confederacy.

  • Ramadan, Fasting to Learn Self Restraint

    23/03/2023 Duration: 47min

    Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar following the lunar calendar. The fast starts with the sighting of the new moon of Ramadan, fasting from sunrise to sunset, Ramadan ends with the sighting of the new moon, or thirty days. Ramadan is followed by a celebration called Eid El Fitr. Ramadan is mentioned in the Holy Qur'an 2:

  • The History of Al-Islam in Westchester County, NY, Jail and Human Rights #3

    05/03/2023 Duration: 30min

    We will be talking about the drug that enslaved young African Americans, Prison, and the politcal rhetoric that followed. The history of Al Islam in the Westchester County Jail, 1984 to 2021, Al Islam in the Human Rights Commision in the city of New Rochelle, NY.  2001-2006, and the Islamic radio broadcast of Imam Mohammed, WVOX, 1460 am radio, New Rochelle, NY 1990s

  • The History of Al-Islam in Westchester County, New York #2

    25/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    We will be giving an overview of the establishment of the foundation for the religion of Islam in Westchester County, NY Under the leadership of Imam W Deen Mohammed. Following the Quran, and the Traditions of Prophet Muhammad.

  • The History of Al-Islam in Westchester County, New York #1

    19/02/2023 Duration: 30min

    We will be talking about the creation and the many developments in the establishment of an Islamic community in  Westchester County NY, Mainly, Mt Vernon, and New Rochelle, NY, by African Americans from former slavery ancestory. The Nation of Islam in Mt Vernon, and Al- Islam proper in New Rodhelle. The early membership, differnt locations, and the many trials and hardships. From 1969 to present. And the indroduction of Al Islam into the Westchester County Jail. 1984. Allah, The Quran, Prophet Muhammad, Mosque or Masjid, Imam W Deen Mohammed Taken from my autobiography (life story): "In Black and White" By John J. Nashid

  • The Importance of Community Life Today

    27/09/2020 Duration: 27min

    Our African American community started out in America as a community under slavery, separated from civiilzation. A strong community produces a lasting establishment; education, business, families, culture, etc. Today we are still dependents of the former masters, we must become independent contributors, creating a new mind,and new leadership for the future.The

  • The American Flag, and Imam Mohammed

    12/09/2020 Duration: 29min

    In America there is knowledge for the people of understanding and symbols for those who lacks clear understanding. Quran, 96 Read in the Name of your Creator, Who Created, Created man, or the human mind from a small thing.

  • New Mind Perception, New World Order

    31/05/2016 Duration: 01min

    According to scripture God granted Satan a period of time to deceive Mankind with falsehood. (Holy Quran 2: 30-39) and at the end of that time God sent His last Prophet, Prophet Muhammad, Prayers and Peace be upon him, to reveal God's Truth, which will defeat falsehood and give Mankind a New Mind Perception of God's reality, and peace on Earth. Satan schemes a plans and God schemes a plan, and God is the best of planners. The New World Order in reality is the New World Order of God, for the good of Humankind. Imam WD Mohammed: "New World Order Under God's Purpose",,, March,8, 2003

  • The Duty of The Civilized is to Teach The Uncivilized

    10/05/2016 Duration: 30min

    The teaching of the Nation of Islam was for the purpose of raising the Black; African American people from the grave of ignorants; from the mentally dead state of mind they were reduced to after being enslaved in America for 400 years; physically amd mentally. This teaching and training received in the National of Islam, prepared it's unprepared but sincere followers with culture and refinement; obedience and respect, which was necessary to truly accept True Islam. Al-Islam is Fitrah, or in agreement with the nature that all of mankind was created in by their Creator; the natural human being. Al-Islam is a way of life in agreement with the order of nature in the universe. For all of the children of Adam, who were deceived out of their true nature, and made uncivilized, Al-Islam is The Way back to Civilization and our true nature, and Peace on Earth. Satan's plan was to turn the Human Family into a bunch of savages, and this could only be accomplished when the people are robbed of the knowledge of self. Was

  • Who Is Imam W Deen Mohammed?

    25/04/2016 Duration: 30min

    Imam W Deen Mohammed: A servant of Allah (God), the son of Elijah and Clara Muhammad, raised in the city of Chicago, a special child on a divine mission, to return mankind back to it's origin; to it's original nature, by slaying the Devil of darkness who ruled over humankind by deceit, with the light of God's Truth and understanding. Imam Mohammed never accepted any god, except Allah. He is responsible, with Allah's (G-d's) help, for transistioning the Nation Of Islam and the lanugage of Mr. Fard Muhammad to Al-Islam, proper, The word of Allah; The Qur'an, the model example of Prophet Mohammad, and his clear lanugage of truth and the blessing of understanding. Although Imam Mohammed returned to Allah in 2008, he is very much alive today, alive in his 33 years of dedicated work and sacrifice on this Earth for the good of all. May Allah bless his soul.

  • "A Message of Concern"....." We are no gods. We are only men", Savior's Day #4

    23/02/2015 Duration: 29min

     A Message of Concern  By Imam W. Deen Mohammed What would happen if people would sit in churches throughout the world for centuries with the image of an African American man as savior of the worid before them? What would this do to the mind of the world's children? What would happen to the world's children put under a figure of a particular race presented, pitiable, and in pain "the Savior of all men"? Qur'an, Surah 3, verse 64: "Say, Oh people of the book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but G-d, that we Associate no partner with Him, that we erect not from among ourselves lords and patrons other than G-d. If then they turn back, say ye "bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to G-d's Will)". Civilized nations should want that their religions be also civilized. False worship is the worst form of oppression. We are no gods. We are only men, "mortals from the mortals,He   Allah created" (Qur'an) Visit a Masjid or Islamic Center in your area

  • Willie Lynch and the divided Black Man (African American) #3

    16/02/2015 Duration: 30min

    African Americans in American History Divide and Conquer has long been a stategy among the powerful of the world to gain dominance over the weak, for political, social and economic supremacy. On this program we will continue on the topic of the pass two programs, titled: Police Brutality, "Black Man and Psycological Effects of America", which is holding American back from all that it can be. Willie Lynch Letter:  "In my bag, I have a fool proof method for controlling your slaves. I guarantee everyone of you that if installed it will control the slaves for at least three hundred years. My method is simple, any member of your family or any OVERSEER can use it.I have outlined a number of differences among the slaves, and I take these differences and make them bigger. I use FEAR, DISTRUST, and ENVY for control purposes." Some historians claim that the LETTER is a hoax, because they say they could not find evidents of a Willie Lynch in 1712, in America or England. REAL or FALSE, the proof is in the reality of

  • Seven levels to heaven, "From Father Adam to Father Ibrahim"

    01/05/2014 Duration: 30min

    Heaven is a state of exsistance that all of mankind should be striving to attain in this life. Father Adam (mankind) was created from lowly physical dust and over time evoled out of that state of spiritual darkness or level of incompleteness into his highest excellence, the spiritual light of understanding and obedience to The One God represented in Father Ibrahim. Prophet Muhammad's journey to heaven by way of seven levels of development for the human soul is demonstrated in the examples of seven Prophets, the progression of mankind through seven steps of understanding, to his spiritual destiny for his work of service to the whole of mankind on Earth. Prophet Muhammad, the completed Adam (Man) was in heaven but his work was here on Earth. Praise be to G-d. Imam W Deen Mohammed's insight into the wisdom of the seven steps.

  • Prophet Muhammad, the Second Coming of Christ Jesus Pt. 4

    03/04/2014 Duration: 30min

    Part 4 Christ Jesus and Prophet Muhammad both represents The Word and The Spirit of G-d, His Light; His Spirit; His Truth. Jesus taught in symbolic language and Muhammad came in the end as the last Prophet to mankind, the seal of the Prophets to manifest Jesus signs into clear understanding. Prophet Muhammad is the Second coming of Christ Jesus, not in the body but in The Word and Spirit of The One G-d, The Creator of all material. Part 4

  • Prophet Muhammad The Second Coming of Christ Jesus Pt.3

    27/03/2014 Duration: 30min

    PART 3 Christ Jesus and Prophet Muhammad both represents The Word and The Spirit of G-d, His Light; His Spirit; His Truth. Jesus taught in symbolic language and Muhammad came in the end as the last Prophet to mankind, the seal of the Prophets to manifest Jesus signs into clear understanding. Prophet Muhammad is the Second coming of Christ Jesus, not in the body but in The Word and Spirit of The One G-d, The Creator of all material. Part 3

  • Prophet Muhammad, The 2nd Coming of Christ Jesus Pt. 2

    21/03/2014 Duration: 30min

    Christ Jesus and Prophet Muhammad both represents The Word and The Spirit of G-d, His Light; His Spirit; His Truth. Jesus taught in symbolic language and Muhammad came in the end as the last Prophet to mankind, the seal of the Prophets to manifest Jesus signs into clear understanding. Prophet Muhammad is the Second coming of Christ Jesus, not in the body but in The Word and Spirit of The One G-d, The Creator of all material. Note: This program is based on the teachings of Imam W Deen Mohammed.

  • Prophet Muhammad, the Second Coming of Christ Jesus Pt. 1

    13/03/2014 Duration: 30min

    Christ Jesus and Prophet Muhammad both represents The Word and The Spirit of G-d, His Light; His Spirit; His Truth. Jesus taught in symbolic language and Muhammad came in the end as the last Prophet to mankind, the seal of the Prophets to manifest Jesus signs into clear understanding. Prophet Muhammad is the Second coming of Christ Jesus, not in the body but in The Word and Spirit of The One G-d, The Creator of all material. Note: This program is based on the teachings of Imam W Deen Mohammed.

  • F.O.I.: Fruit of Islam, A Foundation

    06/03/2014 Duration: 30min

     "F.O.I. (Fruit of Islam); the name given to the military training of men that belong to Islam in North America". The seed for the re-establishment of Al-Islam; from Africa to North  America, from the darkness of "mental death" and slavery, to the light of The Holy Qur'an (G-d's Word).

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