John Nashid Focus On Issues

The Duty of The Civilized is to Teach The Uncivilized



The teaching of the Nation of Islam was for the purpose of raising the Black; African American people from the grave of ignorants; from the mentally dead state of mind they were reduced to after being enslaved in America for 400 years; physically amd mentally. This teaching and training received in the National of Islam, prepared it's unprepared but sincere followers with culture and refinement; obedience and respect, which was necessary to truly accept True Islam. Al-Islam is Fitrah, or in agreement with the nature that all of mankind was created in by their Creator; the natural human being. Al-Islam is a way of life in agreement with the order of nature in the universe. For all of the children of Adam, who were deceived out of their true nature, and made uncivilized, Al-Islam is The Way back to Civilization and our true nature, and Peace on Earth. Satan's plan was to turn the Human Family into a bunch of savages, and this could only be accomplished when the people are robbed of the knowledge of self. Was