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Who Is Imam W Deen Mohammed?



Imam W Deen Mohammed: A servant of Allah (God), the son of Elijah and Clara Muhammad, raised in the city of Chicago, a special child on a divine mission, to return mankind back to it's origin; to it's original nature, by slaying the Devil of darkness who ruled over humankind by deceit, with the light of God's Truth and understanding. Imam Mohammed never accepted any god, except Allah. He is responsible, with Allah's (G-d's) help, for transistioning the Nation Of Islam and the lanugage of Mr. Fard Muhammad to Al-Islam, proper, The word of Allah; The Qur'an, the model example of Prophet Mohammad, and his clear lanugage of truth and the blessing of understanding. Although Imam Mohammed returned to Allah in 2008, he is very much alive today, alive in his 33 years of dedicated work and sacrifice on this Earth for the good of all. May Allah bless his soul.