Soft Skills Engineering



It takes more than great code to be a great engineer. Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly question and answer podcast where software developer hosts answer questions about all of the non-technical things that go along with being a software developer.


  • Episode 35: Attracting Talent and Quitting Responsibly

    15/11/2016 Duration: 40min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer these questions: How can I attract talent? How do I quit without burning bridges?

  • Episode 34: Do Certifications Help and How Can I Avoid Avoidance?

    07/11/2016 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer these questions: Do certifications help me? How can I solve an avoidance problem?

  • Episode 33: Damaging Your Credibility and Meeting Potential Employers In School

    31/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer these questions: How can a developer damage their credibility online? How can I meet potential employers while I’m still in school?

  • Episode 32: Why Would You Do Contracting?

    26/10/2016 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer this question: Why would a developer leave a full time job to do consulting or contracting? It just so happens that Jamison did this a few months ago, and he shares his experience in making the transition.

  • Episode 31: Going In To Management and Knowing If A Job Is Worth Applying To

    17/10/2016 Duration: 33min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer these questions: Should I go in to management? How do you know if a job is worth applying to?

  • Episode 30: Reaching Consensus and Code Editing Etiquette

    08/10/2016 Duration: 40min

    In this episode, Dave and Jamison answer these questions: How should you reach consensus on a team? Should you always have consensus? What is the etiquette around editing code in a shared repository?

  • Episode 29: What Should I Do When Starting A New Job?

    07/10/2016 Duration: 21min

    Literally the only episode that the advice “quit your job and get a better one” doesn’t apply. Dave and Jamison answer the question: What should I do when starting a new job?

  • Episode 28: How Long Should I Stay At My Job and How Do I Help Junior Developers Improve

    26/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    In episode 28, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: How long should I stay before I quit my job? Two to three years seems fairly normal. Dave sees people with less than 12 months regularly. Staying at a job means you experience things you wouldn’t if you hopped around a lot. It is much easier to see the hype cycle play out if you stick around. You get to see the outcome of your own decisions. Quitting usually == raise. Chronic job hopping might result in a reputation of not sticking with things. Dave thinks you should quit your first job after 18 months because of the Monty Hall problem How do you encourage junior developers to improve? We assume that these junior developers really want to improve. Make it clear that people get stuck and struggle, and that is normal. Make it clear that you don’t want them to get too stuck. Make it OK to ask questions. People generally live up or down to your expectations, so help them feel trusted and that you expect they will be great.

  • Episode 27: Writing Great Resumes and Pushing Back on Non-Engineering Tasks

    19/09/2016 Duration: 42min

    In episode 27, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: How do I write a great resume? Do you really need a resume these days? How important is formatting and good design? What content should be on your resume? Should I push back on non-engineering tasks like PowerPoint presentations? From listener samspot: I am a Sr. Developer and I am often asked to spend time on PowerPoint presentations for funding and other business stuff. I want to ask why the managers, analysts, etc can’t handle these tasks. I find them to be a frequent distraction from my actual responsibilities, especially because these are so frequently “emergency” requests. Should I push back on this work, or is it better to be a team player?

  • Episode 26: Communicate Your Efforts and I Told You So

    12/09/2016 Duration: 41min

    In episode 26, Jamison and Dave answer these question: How do you make sure people know about your good work? See Matt Zabriskie’s great post for background on this. We also mentioned Do Things, Write About It. How do you get your point across effectively so you don’t have to say “I told you so” later?

  • Episode 25: Understanding the Business and Managing Without Being a Developer

    05/09/2016 Duration: 38min

    In episode 25, Jamison and Dave answer these question: How do I understand the business side better? Analysis of tabs vs spaces How does your business make money? Just ask your CEO/manager Kill the myth of the pointy-haired boss Smaller companies expose you to this more Just ask questions: What was our revenue last month? How much did we spend last month? Who are our biggest customers? How does the sales process work? The Dave Smith Method® for learning business jargon. Be kind and have empathy when you learn. Can I be a good technical manager without a technical background? Technical leadership vs management. Management means empathy and understanding. Can you get that without “coming up through the ranks”? What are the skills of a good manager? Does being a developer give you those skills? Dave is a Night Elf Code Mage. How do you handle technical concerns as a non-technical person? Don’t fake technical knowledge. Leading a team wh

  • Episode 24: Should I be a generalist or specialist developer?

    29/08/2016 Duration: 37min

    In episode 24, Jamison and Dave answer this question: As a software developer, should I be a generalist or a specialist? This was inspired by a Twitter conversation here:

  • Episode 23: Joining a startup as a CTO and asking for a raise

    22/08/2016 Duration: 37min

    In episode 23, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: You are asked to be a CTO of a start-up. What questions would you ask in order to decide whether to join, and what things would you give most attention to, if you do join? I REALLY want and deserve a raise so I hope you two discuss how a nerdy introvert gets the CFO of a small privately owned business to want to give her more money when she’s already happily donating an additional 10-20 hours a week.

  • Episode 22: Health insurance and contributing to open source projects

    15/08/2016 Duration: 40min

    In episode 21, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: What’s up with all this health insurance jargon? How do I get started contributing to open source?

  • Episode 21: Giving work to interns and dealing with "dead weight" developers

    08/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    In episode 21, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: What kind of work should interns be given? How do you handle developers who are dead weight?

  • Episode 20: Stories from people who got fired and doing effective code reviews

    01/08/2016 Duration: 30min

    In episode 20, Jamison and Dave share some stories from people who have been fired. We also answer this question: How do I make code reviews more effective? It feels like reviewers fit into 2 categories: either they are too quick and superficial, or they get bogged down in nit picks.

  • Episode 19: Firing someone for a coding mistake and getting demoted

    25/07/2016 Duration: 25min

    In episode 19, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: Would you ever fire someone over a coding mistake? For example, should you empathize with ignorance and explain how SQL injection works or is the mistake so basic as to be intolerable. Would you change your answer if the mistake was found during a code review or found as the source of a data breach? How do you positively represent the desire to be demoted? I am called a ‘senior engineer’, but I got that way because of null instead of actual skill. I would like to be a senior engineer at some point, but I would be a better one if I travel more where I have seniors to look up to, established processes etc rather than stressing about defining everything myself; but that’s a weird thing to say to a current or potential boss and is hard to do without also volunteering for a pay cut.

  • Episode 18: Dropping out of college and preparing for interviews

    18/07/2016 Duration: 25min

    In episode 18, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: I’m a computer science major who still has a couple years of school left. I also have a part time job doing web development. I love what I’m learning and doing at work to the point that I question if it’s worth investing two more years into school. How would you counsel someone in my position? From listener Antonio: How do I prepare for an interview?

  • Episode 17: Side project ideas and getting fired

    04/07/2016 Duration: 25min

    In episode 17, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: From listener Greg Harrison: I want to build a side-project, but my lack of coming up with a good idea saps my motivation. Do you guys have any tips? Have you ever been fired? What happened? How do you bounce back?

  • Episode 16: Dealing with recruiters and learning new things without frustration

    27/06/2016 Duration: 25min

    In episode 16, Jamison and Dave answer these questions: From listener David Renne: What’s the best way to talk to random LinkedIn recruiters, recruiter calls and emails? I prefer the reverse lookup apps to determine if an unrecognized phone number looks like a recruiter it goes straight to voice mail during business hours. As a mid-level dev, i sometimes get frustrated when i try learning new things. how can i be more comfortable as a beginner? Sometimes i get frustrated with myself when i don’t immediately grasp something that i perceive to be very simple. It makes me less motivated to try new things and take risks on new technology, and really feeds my impostor syndrome.

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