Lenexa Baptist Church (video)



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  • Practically Speaking - Eternal Wisdom vs Earthly Wisdom - Audio

    26/10/2023 Duration: 52min

    You will not live this life forever. This isn't something we like to think about often and can seem somewhat morbid. However, God's Word says that it's the realization that we don't know how long we have on this Earth that leads to wisdom. James 3-5 talks about two kinds of wisdom: one that lives for eternity, and one that only lives for the here and now. God is also clear: you might find temporary success with worldly wisdom, but ultimately it leads you down the path of pride. If you are wondering: how do I know what happens after I die AND how should that shape my life, this week's Practically Speaking message is for you!

  • Practically Speaking - He Gives More Grace to the Adulterer - Audio

    19/10/2023 Duration: 44min

    Our desires in our hearts, our different passions in this world are waging a war against us, against our relationship to God. Our honorary guest speaker Ryan Manring shows here how befriending the ways of the world around us is cheating on the creator and generous God, who desires to save us and be in relationship with Him. While we all are found guilty, He gives more grace. Hear the good news in this weeks message from the Block KC

  • The Vision of the Block KC - Audio

    12/10/2023 Duration: 20min

    "We make every effort to see the hope of Jesus change the world and the local church through the lives of young adults." The Block KC was started and continues to this end, as we desired to be faithful to our God and Savior Jesus Christ. Listen to this short, special message to learn more about our "why", and consider joining us and many other brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who live to be used by God to change the world!

  • Practically Speaking: Your Words Direct Your Life - Audio

    05/10/2023 Duration: 44min

    James 3 is one of the most helpful places in the Bible for understanding our tongues - understanding the power of our words. Grab a Bible and listen along as we see the importance and impact of our words, and to see how God calls us to a better way of speaking and living.

  • Practically Speaking - Faith Through Life's Difficulties - Audio

    21/09/2023 Duration: 43min

    The book of James in the Bible is a favorite of many because it gets right to the point - and that’s what our first message in this series does. Difficulties are inevitable, our faith gets tested, and we are prone to wander. How do we trust God and have joy through it all? That’s what James intends to help us with, listen here to find out how!

  • Fight Laziness - The Battle to Work Hard and Believe what's True - Audio

    14/09/2023 Duration: 47min

    We all know laziness is bad. But, do we know why we are so often prone to be lazy? God’s Word teaches us some often overlooked wisdom: laziness is linked to fear and takes place in the battleground of our minds. As young adults, we might feel tempted to fill up our time and schedules to avoid laziness and procrastination, but really the Bible says the true answer is diligence and trust. Come check out our final week of our Sin series as we look at God’s wisdom of how to seek life and responsibility and put laziness to death.

  • Fight Envy - The War against Covetousness and the Joy of Contentment - Audio

    31/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    For young adults, few challenges can be harder than watching your peers seemingly outpace you in life goals or milestones. Whether it’s relationships, possessions, or career, it can be a challenge to not compare ourselves to others. God has a lot to say about the rottenness of envy, but also about the life that is found in contentment. Come check out Week 6 of Sin, as we talk about how to fight envy.

  • Fight Dishonesty - The Fight to Have Integrity and Reject Lying - Audio

    24/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    Few sins erode trust faster than dishonesty and deceit. Yet, lying and the distortion of the truth is often treated as a trivial matter-or even a necessity. On the other hand, integrity is costly in the moment, but leads to a clear conscience. God graciously gives the option of integrity to us, and encourages us to avoid deceit by sharing all of its damaging ends. Come check out Week 5 of our Sin series as we look at Genesis 20 and the contrast of integrity and dishonesty.

  • Fight Pride - The Choice of Self-Focus or Self-Forgetfulness - Audio

    17/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    One of the most destructive traits a young professional can allow in their life is pride. Pride will eat away at a healthy job, healthy friendship, healthy romance, and especially a healthy walk with Jesus. Self-focus can look like an overinflated ego or a paralyzing sense of insecurity. But freedom is found when we step out of the spotlight through humility and self-forgetfulness. Come check out Week 4 of Sin as we look at 1 Samuel 18 for examples of how to point glory to God rather than desire it for ourselves.

  • Fight Bitterness - The Desire for Justice and the Choice of Forgiveness - Audio

    10/08/2023 Duration: 41min

    Week 3 of this series is all about relationship - God created us to be relational beings, who desire to love and be loved. The sin that often gets in the way of receiving love and produces hatred and anger is bitterness. When it comes to getting payback, desiring justice, or wanting to act out in revenge, bitterness-and unforgiveness- is at the root deep in our hearts. Listen to hear how believing in Jesus and entrusting justice to God will help you live a life full of love and peace with flourishing relationships all around.

  • Flee Lust - The Battle for Healing and Freedom from Sinful Sexual Desire - Audio

    03/08/2023 Duration: 48min

    In the second week of our “Sin” series, we address the elephant in the room of a room full of Young Adults. The statistics themselves show that lustful addiction is one of the crippling vices of our generation. Listen and see how Gods design for sex, intimacy, desire, and marriage are beautiful and honorable, and that healing from the grips and damage of lust are offered to you by the blood of Jesus Christ.

  • Flee Idolatry - The Fight to Worship the One True God - Audio

    28/07/2023 Duration: 48min

    Everyone is worshipping something, whether we know it or not. However, in our modern world, idol worship seems to be foreign and disconnected from our day to day experiences. But idolatry is a lot more subtle than that, and so much more devious. By replacing God in our lives, we throw off the center and balance of our hearts. God has a much better plan, and by focusing our attention on His loving kindness and goodness to us, we can learn to flee idolatry as young professionals.

  • God the Spirit - What does it mean to be Spirit-led? - Audio

    20/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    In the church, people often talk about wanting to be Spirit-led. But what does this mean? If you're not a Christian, this probably sounds overly confusing or mysterious. If you are a Christian, you might want Spirit-led preaching or Spirit-led worship. Does this mean it needs to go on for hours and be unplanned? Or is being Spirit-led just getting the right feeling about something. We see a very clear picture in God's Word that isn't clearly reflected in a lot of the use around us. Come check out our final week of The Holy Spirit as God's Word answers "what does it mean to be Spirit-led?"

  • God the Spirit - The Holy Spirit is a Helper who helps us know Jesus and His Word - Audio

    13/07/2023 Duration: 47min

    Following Jesus is a high call: dying to self, loving one another, and fighting sin. If we aren't careful, we can get the mindset that we need to power through on our own or that we are supposed to clean ourselves up. Thankfully, God empowers us to live this way by giving us the Holy Spirit to live within us. In John 14, Jesus Himself describes the role of the Holy Spirit in our lives. If you have ever wanted clarity and confidence about if you have the Holy Spirit, who He is, and what role He plays in your life, then come join us for Week 2 of our series on The Holy Spirit.

  • God the Spirit - What does receiving the Holy Spirit mean and what does it lead to? - Audio

    06/07/2023 Duration: 58min

    The Holy Spirit is God, part of the Trinity, but there can be a lot of uncertainty about His role and presence. Maybe you don't know that He was a promise, or maybe you don't know much about God at all, but God's Word brings clarity into confusion. The day of Pentecost was a huge day in salvation history because it's the first day that God lived IN His people, and there are great implications because of that. If you want to know what does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit and what does it lead to, come check out Week 1 of our series on the Holy Spirit as we check out Acts 2 and a broad look of the Bible as a whole.

  • Real Life Biblical Manhood - Audio

    29/06/2023 Duration: 48min

    What does it mean to be a man? There are a plethora of opinions and ideas on what manhood and masculinity truly are, and yet so many of them fall short, often doing damage to men and those around them. Thankfully, God's Word is not silent on the topic of manhood. He gives a clear outline from the beginning of time what He created men for, and He gives us those details in Genesis 2 and 3. If you're a man and look for truth on what you are called to, or you're a lady looking for godly characteristics in a future spouse, come check out Week 5 of our Real Life series as we finish up with a look at what it means to be a Real Life Man of God.

  • Real Life Biblical Womanhood - Audio

    22/06/2023 Duration: 57min

    Ever wonder what real biblical womanhood actually looks like? Culture has all kinds of opinions and thoughts on how women should act, think, and behave, and it can be confusing, frustrating, and maybe even discouraging to sort through to find the truth. Thankfully, God, who created women in His image, has a beautiful design and plan for women to follow. Women have a special role in the church and in society at large, so join us for Week 4 of our Real Life series as we invite our Women's Director, Karrington Anderson, to chat with Luke about what it means to be a Real Life woman of God.

  • Real Life Rest - Audio

    15/06/2023 Duration: 52min

    The real world is full of responsibility and work to do, and while that is a privilege, it does highlight our need for rest. However, our world often seeks distraction and diversion over true rest and restoration. As a result, young adults often seek rest from sources that only lead to further tiredness, apathy, or even stress. Because of this, we need someone to guide us to rest. Thankfully, in Psalm 23, God says that He is our shepherd who restores our souls: both in good times and in hard times. Come check out Week 3 of our Real Life series as we talk about how to have Real Life Rest through God and His gifts to us.

  • Real Life Work - Audio

    08/06/2023 Duration: 53min

    One of the biggest parts of living as an adult is work. In fact, most statistics would say that we spend over 40% of our time doing some kind of work, whether that's our jobs, volunteering, housework, or managing finances. Unfortunately, our world oftentimes presents two equally unhelpful views of work: idolatry or idleness. The option can seem as if we either need to workaholics who never take a break, OR continual break-takers who never seem to work hard. Thankfully, God's design for work is neither. Come check out Week 2 of our Real Life series as we look at how the Bible teaches us about Real Life Work, not from our own ability, but by the grace of God.

  • Real Life Community - Audio

    01/06/2023 Duration: 47min

    Let's face it: navigating life as a young professional is a challenge. Between work, finances, play and living situations, finding a community of people to connect with and get real often gets pushed to the back burner. However, we were made for community, and God's Word is far from silent on the subject. In fact, it is impossible to follow God wholeheartedly and not be in a Christ-centered church and community. The Apostle Paul in Galatians 6 shares key truths about how to live in a real way with real connections to real people, and the life that comes with living in this way. Come check out Week 1 of our Real Life series as we talk about how to have real life community.

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