Lenexa Baptist Church (video)



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  • Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave - Audio

    25/05/2023 Duration: 44min

    As we finish out Jesus' Greatest Hits, it's only fitting that we close with the most pivotal story in His life, the Bible, and human history: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many have heard this story, and many haven't. But why is it such a big deal? How does it relate to my life as a young adult? Did you know that the Apostle Paul tells us that without the resurrection, the whole of Christianity would be worthless. If you want to know why Jesus died and why it's even better news that He rose again, come check out Week 4 of Jesus' Greatest Hits from the Block KC.

  • Jesus healed a blind man and can give us sight too - Audio

    18/05/2023 Duration: 39min

    Jesus claims that He is the light of the world, but what does that mean? How does that relate to a man who was born without ever being able to see light in the first place? Jesus gives light to both our physical and spiritual realities; if you have ever found yourself asking why things happen, God's Word has an answer for you. Come check out Week 3 of Jesus' Greatest Hits as we take a look at John 9 and Jesus' claims that He is God and that He is the light of the world. As always we'll see you next week, Thursday at 7pm!

  • Jesus walked on turbulent waters and can guide you too - Audio

    11/05/2023 Duration: 41min

    One of the most famous miracles of Jesus is found in Matthew 14, where He walks on water to his disciples. But did you know that it was in the middle of a storm to help his disciples? All of us have gone, are going, or will go through the storms of life, and God wants us to be firmly rooted in Him. If you have ever felt like your life was out of control, there is good news: a good God is in control of the storms in your life, and He offers a way through. Come check out Week 2 of Jesus' Greatest Hits as we talk about how to survive the storms of life by keeping our focus on Jesus.

  • Jesus satisfied the crowds and satisfies us too - Audio

    04/05/2023 Duration: 48min

    Ever felt run down, stressed and like you're running on empty? God promises that we could have life to the full, but it can be rare that we experience that truth in our day to day lives. When Jesus was on Earth, crowds of hungry people followed Him seeking to be full, and He fed thousands with only a few loaves and fish. In the same way, Jesus wants to meet our needs. If you are looking for satisfaction in any area of your life, come check out Week 1 of Jesus' Greatest Hits as we study the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand.

  • Jesus - How to run the race of faith - Audio

    27/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    The Bible gives us a lot of examples of men and women who had great faith- but is that same faith possible for us? It is, if you know how to run. God says that all of us are on a race trying to get closer to God: some of us are at the wrong starting line, some of us are running with extra weight, and some of us are wandering around in circles. Thankfully, God gives us the perfect example of faith through His Son Jesus Christ. Come check out the finale to our Footsteps of the Fatihful series as we look at Jesus' faith in the Father, and how to run unhindered.

  • Moses - How to choose faith over everything - Audio

    20/04/2023 Duration: 49min

    Young professionals face many choices each day. From big choices about jobs and plans to small choices about social plans and time management, we are bombarded by our surroundings and our own selves to make up our minds. God says plainly that faith is a choice, but what does that mean for us, and how do we choose faith? Moses is a great example: when faced with all the status, treasure and pleasure the ancient world had to offer, he chose faith in God. Listen to week 3 of our Footsteps of the Faithful series to find out how to choose faith over everything.

  • Abraham and Sarah - Building your life on God's promises - Audio

    13/04/2023 Duration: 55min

    We are all building our lives on something: our own plans, our parents' hopes, our friends' interests, or countless other options and opinions. But how do we know if we chose the right foundation? Abraham and Sarah lived by faith, and although they lived 4000 years ago, their lives are still an example of choosing the right foundation: God's Promises. In this week's message, we'll look at what God has promised to His followers for their present realities and future hopes, as well as how to live life in response to those promises. Join us and listen in to Week 2 of our Footsteps of the Faithful series, and we hope to see you in person Thursday nights at 7 pm!

  • Abel - What is faith and what does it look like? - Audio

    06/04/2023 Duration: 51min

    We all have faith in something. Whether it's our bank accounts, an upcoming vacation, a future romance, ourselves or God, we are each building our lives on faith. But what is faith exactly? And what does it look like to live by faith? In the first week of our new series, Footsteps of the Faith, we answer these questions as we look at the life of a man named Abel. Hebrews 11 highlights key parts of Abel's faith, and in turn, shows us how to live by faith as well.

  • Before I Do : God's Design in Marriage - Audio

    30/03/2023 Duration: 49min

    Like all things the Creator God has created, marriage was created for a good reason and for a good purpose. However, in the world we live in, understanding and living in that purpose is a challenge, with endless opinions on love and differing "wisdom" when it comes to what Marriage is. God in His kindness has revealed its reason and purpose, look with us in this message as we look how God's way is better than any other, all the more reason to trust in Jesus.

  • Before I Do: How to Find Romance - Audio

    23/03/2023 Duration: 47min

    Dating in today's world is full of questions: everything from "should I even date this person" to "how do we date without getting our hearts broken" to "when should we get engaged?" With all kinds of advice from friends, family, and media giving confusing or even conflicting messages, we are often left wanting a guide in navigating romance. God Himself designed romance, and His Word is a simple, although challenging, guide for how to find love and navigate the mystery of romance. Check out our third installment of the "Before I Do" series where we take a look at Jesus' words to us and how it relates to our love lives.

  • Before I Do: Dangers in Dating Thirsty - Audio

    17/03/2023 Duration: 36min

    We all have an innate desire to be satisfied, but what happens when we try to fill that need with love that doesn't fill? Love, sex, and dating can be challenges for young adults when we try to find our own path to satisfaction. This is nothing new, as Jesus actually met a woman who was living the same way with unhealthy relationships 2000 years ago. Join us for our second talk in the Before I Do series, as we learn the dangers of dating thirsty and the satisfaction that comes from knowing God.

  • Before I Do: Scared of Singleness - Audio

    09/03/2023 Duration: 54min

    For young adults, there are very few topics that are more challenging to navigate than love, dating and looking for marriage. However, we don't have to be in the dark; God's Word has truths for us in each stage of a relationship: even being single. Let's be honest: singleness can be scary. There are a lot of fears associated with being alone, missing out on love, being unloved, or never getting married. While we are all looking for love, the Bible reminds us that ultimately God is the one who loves us perfectly, and His Words to us can expose these fears and bring them into the light, so that we can trust Him in the dark.

  • Is there hope for my thoughts? - Audio

    02/03/2023 Duration: 51min

    The Bible teaches that there is a daily war waged in our minds, but oftentimes it can feel as if this battle is always going to be a losing one. Young adults are constantly bombarded with intrusive or unwanted thoughts from without and within. However, God's Word also teaches that there is hope for our thoughts, and his name is Jesus. Check out the finale to our Mindfull series as we look at how the good news of Jesus gives us a battle plan for our minds.

  • Our people affect our thoughts - Audio

    23/02/2023 Duration: 43min

    Nobody shapes our thoughts and actions (for better or for worse) as much as our closest friends. So what does God have to say about who we should surround ourselves with? In 2023, it feels like meaningful relationships are hard to come by. Despite being more connected than ever, young adults face increasing rates of loneliness. This week in our Mindfull series we’re examining some of the ways that God desires for us to be known and to use His people in our lives to point us back to Jesus.

  • Why your thoughts don't matter - Audio

    09/02/2023 Duration: 44min

    Our thoughts dictate our actions and the outcome of our lives, but what happens when we don't know what to think? Or worse, what happens when we realize that our thoughts are wrong? Absolute truth is an uncomfortable idea to wrestle with at first, but when we begin to see that God is good and He created truth, our minds can be put at ease. In the second week of our Mindfull series, we'll be looking at how God's thoughts are not our thoughts, and how we can shift our mindsets to be more in line with what God has planned for us.

  • Why your thoughts matter - Audio

    02/02/2023 Duration: 48min

    Very few things shape the outcome of our lives like our thoughts do. Young adults are daily confronted with choices of what to think and how to think, but God's Word doesn't leave us in the dark. Come listen in the the Block's 2023 kick off, as we look at what God has to say about why our thoughts matter, and why it's important that we audit not only what we think about, but also what we put into our minds with the content we consume. ------------------------------ The Block KC is the young adult ministry of Lenexa Baptist Church and Journey Bible Church, and exists to help young adults build their lives on what counts by applying the truth of God's Word and cultivating true community. Come join us in person on Thursday nights at 7, and check us out on our Instagram, @theblock.kc

  • ID's: Temple - Audio

    08/12/2022 Duration: 50min

    Ever wonder where the phrase "my body is a temple" comes from? It's much more than fitness jargon from personal trainers. It goes all the way back to the building of God's temple in the Bible, and it has to do with the fact that God wants to live with humanity. If you ever feel far from God, His Word spends time informing us of His desire to have a personal relationship with you. Come learn what it means to truly be God's Temple in our final talk of the year and the last talk in our ID series.

  • ID's: Jars of Clay - Audio

    01/12/2022 Duration: 56min

    Oftentimes, challenges in life can cause us to question our purpose or doubt our value. However, the Bible speaks very clearly to both of these issues, telling us our value that is given by God AND the purpose He has marked out for us. Join us as we take a look at God's thoughts on finding your true worth and calling in our fourth installment of the ID series.

  • ID's: Aliens - Audio

    17/11/2022 Duration: 48min

    Are you an alien? Of the identities that the Bible gives Christians, this may be one of the strangest on the surface level. What God is actually saying, though, is that followers of Jesus have a different citizenship, and therefore, look different from the rest of the world. If you've ever wondered, why are my friends who follow Jesus different, or why as a follower of Jesus am I NOT different enough, this talk is for you.

  • ID's: Salt and Light - Audio

    10/11/2022 Duration: 43min

    The Block KC exists to help young adults build their lives on what counts. 20s and 30 somethings--Join us every other Thursday at 7 to hear a talk about God and His Word, and to connect and reflect on what it means to follow Jesus. theblockkansascity.com

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