Looking for that authentic connection with other Moms, feeling like social media has just become filtered pictures and false highlights reels of other peoples lives? Kaitlin and Kristi are sisters, moms, and entrepreneurs keeping it real with candid conversations about all aspects of life. It's like having a chat with your best friend! From business, to mom life, to love, friends, fashion-you name it- we go there. So get comfy and join us while we create a space just for you, to regain your love of self and love of community. We want to remind you of your own light and help inspire you to share it with others.
Honoring Your Health
16/05/2019 Duration: 13minLet's take a moment today to honor our health, our bodies and our minds. Take a break from the shame and diet culture that surrounds us to truly cherish what brings us joy and in turn good health.
Grab Life by The Horns- Welcome to Taurus Season
09/05/2019 Duration: 15minThe Sun transits in the sign of Taurus from approximately April 21 until May 21 and Kristi dishes on what you can expect.
Becoming a Butterfly
18/04/2019 Duration: 15minDo you know how a butterfly actually goes from a caterpillar to a cocoon to a butterfly? It's very uncomfortable, just like any big change can be. Today Kaitlin shares this random wealth of information along with some thoughts on life this Spring has been bringing up for her.
Steps to Financial Health
11/04/2019 Duration: 42minThere is so much focus on your mental and physical health these days but what about your financial health? After all, it can greatly impact your mental and physical health! Today Kaitlin shares a few simples steps she uses to stay on top of finances while living off one income in LA!
Simple Steps to Have the Best Day Ever
04/04/2019 Duration: 10minToday Kristi shares some simple steps on how she ensures she has a an amazing day- including how to turn a crappy day into a great one! Short and sweet and to the point- check it out!
When you Become a Momster
28/03/2019 Duration: 18minMomster= Mom Monster.....Ever have one of those days where you feel like you were the biggest monster to your children? Where your patience was worn so thin you couldn't bare it anymore? Kaitlin shares about her challenging week transitioning her 3.5 year old from a crib to a toddler bed while sharing a room with her 1 year old. She had many #momstermoments and while they are not her proudest moments that she would rather not admit to, sometimes its those moments that need to be shared.
Responding vs Reacting
21/03/2019 Duration: 01h08minToday we have our first guest- Jen O'Rourke who has a background in clinical psychology and is a licensed MFT specializing in children from newborn- 5 years old. We discuss how to respond to your children vs reacting to them including what the benefits and give some examples. This is such a powerful conversation that can be applied to kids of any age as well as any type of relationship. Jen is available for phone or Skype consultations- contact her at
Toddlers vs Teenagers- Which Stage of Motherhood is Harder?
14/03/2019 Duration: 52minKaitlin (mom of two boys- 3.5yo & 1yo) and Kristi (mom of 16yo boy and 12yo twins) talk about the different stages of motherhood they are in. What is hard, what is similar, what is pure crazy! Is one harder than the other or is it the same just different?
Overcoming Lupus with Kristi Warwick
06/03/2019 Duration: 20minToday Kristi shares her inspiring story of her journey with Lupus and ultimately overcoming both her autoimmune diseases. She opens up about how it has impacted her life and what she thinks contributed to this miraculous news. This is one you will not want to miss!
Shine Sister Shine
28/02/2019 Duration: 44minOur deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, handsome, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some; it is in everyone. And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others. -Marianne Williamson
You Deserve to Be Here
21/02/2019 Duration: 14minEver feel like you don't belong? Big people make you feel small? Afraid to try something new? Kaitlin talks about taking up space- feel more confident in whatever it is you choose to do as you have the right to take up space just like everyone else.
Setting Your Day Up for Success
14/02/2019 Duration: 34minToday we discuss the power of getting ready in the morning and how we like to set our day up for success. It's time to take back our mornings, avoid chaos and start our days off right!
What it Takes to Start and Run an Online Fashion Boutique- The Story of Nobella Grace
07/02/2019 Duration: 58minn this episode, Kaitlin interviews Kristi about how she started her online fashion boutique Nobella Grace. There are a few other podcasts where Kristi has shared the general story of Nobella Grace but today we dig deeper and get the full story including questions from you! If you've ever wondered what it takes to start an online fashion boutique or online business in general- this one is for you! Other Podcasts Kristi has been interviewed on: Book Kristi mentioned:
Manifesting Made Simple
31/01/2019 Duration: 48minNow that Manifesting has become so mainstream, the true simplicity of the practice has been overcomplicated by lots of people trying to teach lots of different steps and techniques on how to practice it daily. Kaitlin and Kristi are here to remind you of just how simple Manifesting and practicing gratitude can be as well as sharing their personal stories and ways to get back on track.
How to REALLY Overcome Other People's Opinions
24/01/2019 Duration: 19minOn this weeks Sacred Space podcast, Kaitlin shares her experience with dealing with other people's opinions- which are mostly the ones we make up in our heads. She also shares the KEY to not caring what other people think that isn't really spoken about.
Highs and Lows of 2018
14/01/2019 Duration: 45minKristi and Kaitlin share their highs and lows of 2018. From giving birth, to screaming babies to health scares- we go deep in what scared the crap out of us to what lifted us up.