New Mindset, Who Dis?



Hi, Im Case Kenny (@case.kenny on Instagram) and I firmly believe that the world belongs to those with perspective.Perspective doesnt come from the latest curated headline online, or the latest self help guru. It comes from weirdos. Nerds. Misfits. Odd balls. Eccentric, future CEOs. jetsetting artists and musicians people who chase purpose and understand that they are always one decision away from a totally different life.Im fascinated by human potential and the mindsets that allow us to reach our own. Ive been fortunate to find my passion in life and I find fulfillment with it each day. I want to help you do the same. Join me on my weekly podcast New Mindset, Who Dis?. Its a different kind of podcast... no gurus, no fluff and no preaching of generic life advice just short but real and relatable conversations on self-help, wellness, and mindsets with practical and personal insights into how to live a passionate, purposeful and happy life. Short, weekly episodes that are less than 10 minutes in length on how to live the life youre meant for that will leave you thinking to yourself new mindset, who dis? and other people thinking wow youve changed.


  • 602 - Why won't they meet you at your level?

    03/06/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I talk about why some people aren't capable of meeting you where you are - aka why certain people can't meet your standards, effort, etc. I talk about how to not let their reality dictate your own, and what to look for specifically in friends and partners.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 601 - Their hesitation is a decision (unsure people)

    30/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about how to handle unsure people in your life. I talk about why if they need convincing, they're not worth convincing. I talk about why their uncertainty is about THEM, not you.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 600 - Dance with your audacity

    27/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode (600!), I talk about why audacity is the key to the life you deserve. I talk about how to break free of expectation and "low common denominator" goals, ambitions, and standards.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 599 - Bitterness is baggage

    23/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about where bitterness in life comes from and how to let it go. I talk about why letting go of bitterness is the key to manifestation.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 598 - Don't let their "self awareness" fool you

    20/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about "self-awareness" in friends and partners. I talk about why it's an essential quality that makes room for the qualities you want to receive (kindness, empathy, loyalty). I also talk about how some people "weaponize" self-awareness to avoid changing their behavior.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 597 - Stop chasing unavailable people (w/ Matthew Hussey)

    16/05/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    In this episode, I talk with relationship expert and best-selling author Matthew Hussey about chasing unavailable people, the truth about confidence, and a new way to think about self love.Get his book "Love Life" anywhere you get books.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 596 - Do this when you feel overwhelmed

    13/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about a psychological strategy to help you when you feel overwhelmed. I talk about how to zoom out and consolidate your life's problems.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 595 - Closure is an inside job

    09/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I talk about what closure really is, what it looks like, and how to give it to yourself. I talk about WHY vs. WHAT and how to be your own spark for moving on.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 594 - Do they like me or hate me? (Attribution Theory)

    06/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about the assumptions we make about how people perceive us. I talk about Attribution Theory and why we have two choices to make.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 593 - Act like it! (quiet confidence)

    02/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    In this episode, I talk about what a healthy ego looks like and why you should have some fire in your chest. I talk about presenting evidence of your growth and what it means to have "quiet confidence."My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 592 - Happiness is the absence of desire

    29/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I talk about what happiness really is and why it's found in balance - not becoming a monk devoid of any desire, and not becoming a hot mess. I talk about how we can "choose" happiness.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 591 - What do you bring to the table? (a lot)

    25/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    In this episode, I talk about what you actually bring to the table. I talk about why "I'm not interested" is the most powerful phrase you can say and why it reflects your growth.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 590 - Luck comes from being present

    22/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about how being unrushed leads to more luck in life. I talk about why "lucky" people are more present and how this attract more joy.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 589 - Exploring codependency in relationships (w/ Mark Groves)

    18/04/2024 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, I'm joined by Mark Groves and we talk about what codependency really is, "The Great Disconnect" in dating (why we sometimes hide aspects of ourselves to receive love), independence, and much more. You can find Mark's new book "Liberated Love" anywhere you buy books.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 588 - Your relationship is a mirror

    15/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode, I talk about how your relationships are a mirror into yourself and into others. I talk about the two types of mirrors and why they are guides, not judges.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 587 - The universe is giving you a sign. Do you see it?

    11/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about the signs all around you that the "universe" wants you to see. I talk about how to see them and what to make of them.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 586 - Stability in a relationship is NOT boring

    08/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about why peace should be the foundation for your relationship. I talk about why drama might make love feel alive, but peace is what makes it last.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 585 - Set a "Freak-Out Deadline"

    04/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    In this episode, I talk about how to avoid unnecessary worry and anxiety. I talk about how to remain in the present instead of the future of "what ifs."My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 584 - Being unrushed is true wealth

    01/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about a lifestyle of being unrushed. I talk about how intentional slowness amplifies joy in life and why it's true wealth.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

  • 583 - You are too full of life to not walk away

    28/03/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, I talk about what it means to "walk away." I talk about how to avoid complacency and I dive into two specific things to look for in partners and friends.My NEW journal, "The BOLD Journal" is available now on Amazon!Instagram: @case.kenny

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