There Will Be Swearing



Johnny and Brad shooting the poop about anime, gaming, and other types of nerdy crud. Sometimes, we have another lame-o talking about that sort of stuff too. Oh, we tend to swear a lot. We also have a podcast and smell nice.


  • New Music and Super Science-ish Boob Facts

    08/05/2018 Duration: 47min

    Johnny, Brad, and Nick nerd out about first concerts, musical tastes, and local (to us) musician friends. Dig some new music, won't you? There's also chat about super scientific boob facts, band names nobody should use, and Brad says "Buddy down" a few times. Featuring tunes from: Bryce Bangs Loxodon Audrey Burne Absorbed Katelynn Corll Natalie Lucassian

  • The Video Games That Made Us

    01/05/2018 Duration: 34min

    Johnny and Brad reflect on the classic video games that made them fall in love with the hobby.

  • Scacos and Sexy Bon Iver

    24/04/2018 Duration: 38min

    Johnny and Brad yap about comedians, Ready Player One, Scottish tacos, old punk rock kids, Flint, Bon Iver erotica, crap on Netflix, cosplayers, Brad gets confused.

  • Flat Planets and Blue Waffles

    17/04/2018 Duration: 39min

    Johnny and Brad talk about flat earth theory, stupid band names, Lovecraft, blue waffle, STD in your eyes.

  • Buttersquirts

    13/04/2018 Duration: 41min

    Johnny and Brad hang out with Nick and talk about movie reboots, more poo talk, awful movies, The Golden Girls, and fake adult movie names.

  • The Maiden Voyage

    27/03/2018 Duration: 37min

    Johnny and Brad talk about the dumb petition going around to have Fortnite banned, our love of anime, and poop...doodoo...dookie. Yay! ...