Transformational Energy Leadership



Transformational Energy Leadership is about getting at the core of what is required to make transformational leadership work, energy. This show digs into the underpinnings of what a variety of guests believe are essential to making positive transformation happen. Guests share their perspectives about what makes them successful in their respective field resulting in sage advice, unique insights, and specific tips and tricks to incite personal action.Transformational Energy Leadership pulls from my areas of expertise, which is leadership, communication, cultural influences, and education. As a certified professional coach, I ask the questions that require deeper reflection connecting real-life examples that bring positive transformational leadership to life. Transformational Energy Leadership is broadcast live every Friday at 8 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


  • What is really holding women back? It's More Complicate Than You Think

    01/05/2020 Duration: 54min

    The Wall Street Journal recently reported that, “women today lead 167 of the country’s top 3,000 companies – more than double the share a decade ago, but still under 6%.” “Despite all the attention and the one-off successes, the overall picture still looks bleak,” says,” co-founder of Her New Standard, Ellen Keithline Byrne. The problem is people are stuck in the old narratives about what’s holding women back and not shifting their perceptions to what the data shows. Denise D’Agostino, co-founder of Her New Standard, says that “what’s encouraging is that more and more research is clearly indicating that diversity of thought at the top of an organization contributes to increased productivity, innovation and profits. It’s not just nice to have a more equitable workforce, it’s a good business decision. With these findings, companies are taking a more serious look at how to make changes, but as we know, changing how we do things is hard.”

  • Lead From The Future

    17/04/2020 Duration: 54min

    Everyone admires visionary leaders like Jeff Bezos and Steve Jobs, who look past the conventional wisdom of their day, foresee a different and better world, and mobilize others to join them in their quest to create it. But few leaders understand the principles and practices that practical visionaries use. It is not just what they think but how they think that allows them to see so much farther and clearer. In this episode we will discuss: · How leaders can catalyze even the most complacent companies into visionary-driven growth · How leadership teams can develop a vision from scratch, connect it to a strategy, and then program and implement it in the best possible way · How to embed future-back thinking in both an organization’s C-suite and its wider culture · How a sufficiently long-term planning horizon and a powerful firm vision have allowed such unicorns as Amazon and Google and long-established enterprises like Procter & Gamble and J&J to sustain their growth.

  • We're All In This Together

    10/04/2020 Duration: 55min

    Have you ever been on a highly talented team, but the team wasn’t very good? Have you ever been on a team where not every single member was a rock star, but something about the team just worked? We’ve all had these types of experiences. Yet, it can be difficult to understand what makes one team successful and another one not. In this show we will dive deep into the ways great organizations build trust, collaborate, and operate at their peak level. While each team and organization have their own unique challenges, goals, and dynamics, there are some universal qualities that allow teams to come together and thrive: an environment of psychological safety, inclusion and belonging, navigating conflict, and maintaining a healthy balance of high expectations and empathy. And, facing a global pandemic and all of the ways this impacts the economy, the way we work, and how we live, is a painful, but important reminder of how interconnected we all are. So, what is the leader’s role in all this?

  • Cracking the Leadership Code

    27/03/2020 Duration: 53min

    What does it really take to successfully lead in the 21st Century? Leading well is difficult. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. Bad leadership results in disengagement, turnover, unhappiness, anxiety, stress, and poor performance. Today’s workforce seeks a new type of leader, better equipped to navigate the speed and complexity of our digital workplace. Employees (59% of whom are Gen Y and Z) want to work in organizations with a clear sense of purpose, with leaders who connect with empathy, communicate with authenticity, and collaborate with transparency. This new type of leader is not born, but made. Becoming this strong leader comes down to the choices that we make and the habits we create. Building on a simple model of Connection, Communication, and Collaboration, this show will open your eyes to the obvious and not-so-obvious reasons why leading today is so difficult.

  • Leader Mindsets: The Key to Unlocking Effective Leadership

    20/03/2020 Duration: 55min

    What makes the difference between an effective leader and a dysfunctional leader? How can leaders maximize their effectiveness when they have a large span of control? The answer to these questions lies in an individual attribute that most leaders overlook: their mindsets. For decades, researchers have found that mindsets are foundational to and drive how individuals think, learn, and behave. Despite their foundational influence, few in organizations ever talk about or focus on mindsets. In this webinar, Dr. Ryan Gottfredson will help leaders at all levels awaken their mindsets and learn how to harness the power of mindsets to enhance their leadership as well as the culture throughout their organization. You will learn: (1)The power and importance of mindsets in leadership effectiveness (2) Identification of specific mindsets that drive leadership success (3) The degree to which you possess the mindsets necessary for leadership effectiveness (4) How mindset can impact org leadership

  • Intentional Integrity

    06/03/2020 Duration: 53min

    Most companies think they have integrity…until they get boycotted, protested and skewered in the press. They’ll punish and apologize for lapses but have no clue about prevention. Rob Chesnut is Chief Ethics Officer at Airbnb and knows first-hand what it takes to drive integrity into corporate culture. A former Federal Prosecutor who prosecuted spy Aldrich Ames, he went on to found the Trust and Safety Department for eBay and the integrity training program for Airbnb: two companies with business models dependent on trust that had to invent the rules in the new frontiers of e-commerce and platforms. Rob joins us to discuss ethical blindspots at work from #metoo to alcohol consumption to how we acquire and use data. He also provides insight into how to survive an integrity lapse in an age when a single tweet or a bad Yelp review can live forever.

  • Free Yourself From Conflict and Achieve Optimal Outcomes

    28/02/2020 Duration: 53min

    Do you ever blame or avoid others? Blame yourself? Or seek to collaborate even when others refuse? These destructive habits can keep you and others stuck in what Jennifer Goldman-Wetzler calls the conflict loop. This show will address ways you can demonstrate true leadership and break this cycle. From observing your very own conflict habits and patterns, honoring ideal and shadow values, to imagining your ideal future, you can successfully break the conflict loop. Actively engaging conflict will demonstrate the true leader that you are that requires energy and can truly lead transformation.

  • Trust Based Leadership

    31/01/2020 Duration: 54min

    What exactly is meant by trust-based leadership? What does integrity, the power of why, “like”, understanding plateaus, and sharing the mantle have to do with trust? “Trust is a critical link to all good relationships whether personal or professional.” When present, the speed of things moves quicker and when trust is low or even absent, the results can be poor productivity and low energy. This show will dig into practical approaches for building long-sustaining trust.

  • Hey Leaders - Master Your Mind!

    17/01/2020 Duration: 54min

    Master Your Mind; Counterintuitive Strategies to Re-focus and Re-energize Your Runaway Brain. Fed up with trying to get ahead in business by working longer hours and continually racing your brain at a hundred miles an hour? Unfortunately, success in business is spelled M-O-R-E: better results, faster growth, more revenue, greater efficiency. Do more. Make more. Achieve more. And do it now. Master Your Mind offers an antidote to the endless (and pointless) cycle of doing more in order to succeed. The counterintuitive approach of slowing down can help optimize your performance and get you the positive results you've been searching for. Master Your Mind reveals the tactics and methods that lead to increased energy, revenue, and good health in a self-sustaining way. The approaches presented are not pie-in-the sky but have proven to be effective with the authors' thousands of clients. We show how to stop thinking your success relies on quantity, rather quality.

  • Restoring the Soul of Business

    10/01/2020 Duration: 56min

    As today’s companies race to compete on data, algorithms and AI, they risk losing touch with something far more valuable: what’s human. Some companies are failing to meet this new challenge. So what to do? In this show, Tobaccowala will define the challenge we’re faced with in a world that has too much math and too little meaning. Next, we will discuss how anyone in business can counterbalance the digital and the analog with practical techniques for counterbalancing screens, codes, and algorithms with human thoughts, interactions, and feelings in the workplace. Finally, Tobaccowala will show how leaders can strengthen the soul of their business in “the third connected age” by fusing story and the spreadsheet.

  • Be Transformational By Leading With Gratitude

    27/12/2019 Duration: 54min

    Workers want and need to know that they are appreciated. New research shows that gratitude boosts employee engagement, reduces turnover, and leads team members to express more gratitude to one another – strengthening team bonds. Despite all these benefits, few executives effectively utilize this simple tool. In fact, new research reveals “people are less likely to express gratitude at work than anyplace else.” What accounts for this gratitude gap? What ingratitude myths are holding leaders back? What are the most powerful gratitude practices? These questions and much more as we explore the powerful effects of gratitude. Sadly, many people just don’t express gratitude – not only at work, but in all dimensions of their lives.

  • From West to East: Future Leaders Need to Future Proof

    20/12/2019 Duration: 54min

    The world is going through a shift from West to East and business values and practices are following suit. Future leaders need to adapt and future proof in order to keep up. What are the opportunities Asian Americans have in the current climate to bridge worlds and pioneer the leadership of the future? Diana Wu David has lived in Asia for two decades and worked globally to help companies adapt and capitalize on future trends through her writing, consulting and courses. We'll spend some time discussing how you can also take advantage of future trends for your own leadership journey.

  • Self Awareness and Self Regulation

    06/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    Two of the most important aspects of leadership are self-awareness and self-regulation, for without these skills, it’s extremely difficult to perform consistently as a strategist, guide, advocate, mentor, negotiator, and all the other roles a leader must take on. Liz Kislik writes for Harvard Business Review and Forbes about the challenges leaders face in building organizations and delivering results, and helps family-run businesses, national nonprofits, and Fortune 500 companies solve their thorniest problems while strengthening their top and bottom lines in the process. In this session, Liz will share tips for developing high-performance workforces, dealing with challenging employees and team conflict, as well as how leaders can strengthen their emotional intelligence and practice necessary self-care.

  • Create Awesome!

    15/11/2019 Duration: 54min

    This show will explore the passion held by Justin Miller and his team in the creation of Care For Aids. Learn lessons from leading a multi-national organization with a clear vision and mission to serve communities across Kenya and Tanzania hardest git by HIV/AIDS. And, hear from his testimonial of what it takes to create awesome. More about Care for Aids -- Care for Aids operates 61 centers in communities across Kenya and Tanzania; Uganda centers are opening this year. Care For Aids centers are operated and overseen by 173 full-time national staff and has graduated over 15,500 individuals from their 9-month program. Those clients represent 51,000 dependent children who are now not at risk of being orphaned. Care For Aids calls them “orphans prevented.” For the faith audiences, 4,000 of their clients made decisions to follow Jesus in the program. Take a listen now!

  • The Art of Quiet Influence

    01/11/2019 Duration: 55min

    The topic for this show is based on Jocelyn Davis's latest book, The Art of Quiet Influence. In it she weaves together timeless wisdom from the great sages of India, China, Japan, and the Islamic world—from Confucius to the Buddha, Rumi to Gandhi—with research and insights from modern-day experts and her own experience. Says Stephen M.R. Covey, bestselling author of The Speed of Trust: “Jocelyn Davis’s terrific book boldly asserts that a person cannot gain influence over someone by using position, authority, or power to coerce … Genuine influence must be earned and won. It is through the quiet strength of caring, trusting, and affirming individuals that this is truly accomplished. A tremendous and relevant read!”

  • Transformation Leaders Connect First

    25/10/2019 Duration: 54min

    In CONNECT FIRST: 52 Simple Ways to Ignite Success, Meaning, and Joy at Work (McGraw-Hill; October 22, 2019), psychologist and executive coach Melanie Katzman Ph.D. gives actionable advice for restoring joy and amplifying success at work through the power of human connection. In her dual roles as a therapist and a consultant to companies on six continents, Dr. Katzman found that connecting first as humans—and then as colleagues, coworkers and community members—is the solution to almost any conflict encountered by both her clinical patients and her corporate clients.

  • Encore: Leadership and Friendship?

    04/10/2019 Duration: 54min

    We live in a time of great loneliness, inequality, hatred, conflict, and disconnect. But we are not the first. Pretty much every civilisation in the last five and half thousand years has grappled to come to terms with the same fundamental troubles we experience now. We keep making the same mistakes over and over, struggling to find lasting peace, safety, and security for our families and ourselves. I believe the key to getting off this crazy, destructive, merry-go-round can be found in better understanding the fundamental drives in every human being. Among them, recognising the role of friendship in our transition from being tribal hunter-gatherers to farmers and how this changed our priorities. In our hearts we can identify we are a tribal people, but we are missing the deep connection we once had as tribal friends. I believe the life we have been longing for is at fingertips. Friendship, broken down into ten practical components can be applied to virtually every aspect of our lives.

  • Hey Leaders - Love Is Just Damn Good Business

    27/09/2019 Duration: 56min

    To achieve leadership and competitive advantage, we need to put love into action. So declares executive coach, author and thought leader Steve Farber. And while many believe love is a soft skill we give up to become successful, today’s winning ventures reveal the opposite: love is a hardcore leadership principle that shapes winning organizations and elevates the customer experience. Farber urges readers to “Do what you love… in the service of people… who love what you do.” In Love is Just Damn Good Business, Farber reveals why love matters and how you can integrate it into your organization and leadership style. Farber compares business with real love, as with parallels including accountability and setting an expectation of excellence. When love is part of an organization’s framework, employees are more loyal, more likely to produce products and experiences customers will love, and reciprocate with loyalty and referrals.

  • Immigrant Entrepreneurial Leadership

    20/09/2019 Duration: 55min

    Breaking into an industry like commercial real estate, which has traditionally been off-bounds for immigrants, requires pre-existing relationships and operates on a “country club” like setting (for example, who you know and how long you have known them). Omar will share howe he moved from Canada three years ago and leveraged his personal and professional story to craft a message that resonates with immigrants and Americans alike. Our discussion will address familiar themes explored with other leaders representing a variety of sectors, fields, and professional paths: How to craft and sell your story Mental barriers that hold back immigrant entrepreneurs When to play to societys expectation and when to choose to break free of those restraints Why reframing is one of the most important skills for an entrepreneur How to get scale right out of the gate Cultivating the right relationships

  • Amplifying Your Leadership Presence

    09/08/2019 Duration: 55min

    Many of the smartest people in organisations may be coming up short of their full potential—not because they lack intelligence or technical proficiency, but because they haven’t developed the executive presence to deliver their message with clarity, poise, and conviction. In this talk we will define what Executive Presence is and will unpack the four main elements that anyone can use to amplify their presence.

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