Learning Flutter



Flutter is an sdk released by Google to create awesome app for iOS and Android with one codebase. With this podcast, we are going to learn flutter together. I will tell stories about my flutter adventures as a developer and I will bring on the show other developers to share their stories too. At the end of the day I hope we will create awesome app and opens source projects together. This is the learning flutter podcast.


  • Learning Flutter 003

    24/04/2018 Duration: 35min

    This episode is about Dart and Flutter in general. We have a discussion with a Dart developer Kevin Segaud. Kevin works for Lefty: https://lefty.io . links of Kevin's repositories: - organisation Jaguar: https://github.com/Jaguar-dart - Firebase : https://github.com/firebase/firebase-dart - Lefty: https://github.com/leftyio - Flitter: https://github.com/dart-flitter - Flutter facebook oauth : https://github.com/Kleak/flutter_facebook_oauth_example & https://medium.com/@segaud.kevin/facebook-oauth-login-flow-with-flutter-9adb717c9f2e Kevin social links: github- https://github.com/Kleak twitter- https://twitter.com/kevin_segaud Thanks to Kevin Segaud (@kevin_segaud)

  • Learning Flutter 002

    26/02/2018 Duration: 24min

    This episode is about creating an application about Instagram authentication. Creating a simple UI for your flutter app using column and rows. The Instagram authentication with oauth. Thanks to Kevin segaud for his article about Facebook authentication. https://medium.com/@segaud.kevin/facebook-oauth-login-flow-with-flutter-9adb717c9f2e https://medium.com/@develodroid/flutter-iv-mvp-architecture-e4a979d9f47e https://oauth.net/2/ https://www.instagram.com/developer/ https://github.com/WillyShakes/flutter_auth Thanks to Kevin Segaud (@kevin_segaud), Chema Rubio (@develodroid)

  • Learning Flutter 001

    07/02/2018 Duration: 15min

    Intro • Story • Features • Principles • The end