Feng Shui-it Tv's Podcast



A series hosted by real life Feng Shui Consultant, Ivy Ellerby. Each week in her new multi-topic show, Ivy explains the principles of Feng Shui in simple terms.


  • Episode 7 Feng Shui-It - Interview with Pam Lorentz Interview Only

    19/03/2018 Duration: 23min

    I have an amazing guest today with us today, it's Pam Lorentz. She is here with us to talk about cranial sacral therapy, which is a cool therapy to receive. Before we go over and talk about cranial sacral therapy, I want to make sure that you hit that subscribe button, so that you never miss any episode of Feng Shui-It: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClmK9OscVhKcZHaIiKZoH4w Lots of people understand that it's a useful type of therapy, but they don't quite know what it is. They'll hear me say, "I went to cranial sacral therapy." And they're like, "Oh, that sounds cool, but what is it?" Visit my website: http://www.fengshui-it.com/

  • Episode 6 DIY Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Singing Bowls as Energy Medicine)

    19/03/2018 Duration: 02min

    Singing Bowls as Energy Medicine. Singing bowls have been used for centuries, and have a beautiful tone. The purpose of the bowl in Tibetan and Himalayan cultures is to restore vibratory frequencies of the body, mind, and soul, which are out of harmony and diseased. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/18/singing-bowls-as-energy-medicine

  • Episode 6 Wonder Why Wednesday question

    19/03/2018 Duration: 01min

    How Do You Ensure that You’re Creating a Restful Place for Sleep? Answering this question, three different ways: "My bedroom that does not have any walls to place my bed on without a window, closet or en-suite bathroom door. How do I ensure that I'm creating a restful place for sleep?" https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/18/how-do-you-ensure-that-youre-creating-a-restful-place-for-sleep

  • Episode 6 Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Interview with Christina LeBoeuf Interview Only)

    19/03/2018 Duration: 25min

    What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is not simple; it is years of studying and a lot of knowledge of Chinese medicine. Electrodermal Screening was important. I found that thermography made a huge difference. What is electric lymphatic drainage? What can acupuncture be used to treat? Well, Chinese medicine is a complete health care system, so it helps restore our balance, so therefore it treats everything pretty much. 7 Questions About Acupuncture! o What can acupuncture be used to treat? o Is acupuncture painful? o How do we prepare for the acupuncture treatment? o How long is an acupuncture session? o How many sessions should I expect to go to acupuncture treatment? o What is thermography? o How does thermography help you to enhance acupuncture? What is Thermography? • How does thermography help you to enhance acupuncture? • How early can thermography detect issues? We have studies showing that it can find breast cancer ten years before any other exam, and the reason is that breast cancer starts out as an area

  • SoulLossExtraction & Shamanic Divination. Episode 5 Feng Shui-It - Ivy Ellerby (Interview Only)

    26/02/2018 Duration: 21min

    Soul loss in Shamanism is a result of trauma - part of the soul, to survive splits off and goes into hiding. Shamanic divination is a big part of Shamanism. It's not fortune telling. Anybody can learn to go to their compassionate helping spirits and ask questions. You develop your language with them. They may speak to you; they may show you a movie, you may have an actual conversation, you may smell something, you may have an emotion from it. The Shamanic Practitioner and Journeying! Throughout history, people have been both through family lineages born into it, or some traumatic event, which was like mine with my illness, called to it as you were, and then. In reality, for day-to-day practice, almost anybody can train to do Shamanic journeying. Now, that's not to say they're going to become a Shamanic practitioner or a Shaman, okay? A person does not typically call themselves a Shaman. If you are successful and the spirits choose to work with you; you help people, miracles sometimes occur literally, people m

  • Episode 5 Wonder Why Wednesday question - Mya Lia

    23/02/2018 Duration: 03min

    Today we're going to take a question from Mya-Lia Mya-Lia. From Mya-Lia S. Thanks so much, for sending in your question to our Wonder Why Wednesday on our Facebook page. You too can add a question to our Wonder Why Wednesday Facebook page. Right here below in the description, we have all the information on how you can submit your question and have a chance to win some cool Feng Shui gear. So let's get to her question. She has a long question. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/12/wonder-why-wednesday-how-do-you-apply-a-bagua-to-the-second-floor/ She asked: "When using the bagua map for a two-story home, and the bagua map does not fit on the second story the same as it does on the first story because the foyer occupies an area of the map the ceiling in the foyer is the second story ceiling; do I place the bagua map over the exact space as I did on the first floor anyway? It would exclude the area of the second floor entirely, counting it as a missing area, but including the steps that are from the secon

  • Episode 5 DIY Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Faceted Crystal)

    23/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    Today we're talking about how to hang your faceted crystal. On a previous show I've already talked about how to choose the right facet crystal, so today I'm going to show you how to hang those wonderful faceted crystals you've already chosen. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/12/how-do-you-hang-a-faceted-crystal-properly

  • Episode 4 Interview ONLY (Sharon Licata- Shamanism )

    23/02/2018 Duration: 28min

    What exactly is Core Shamanism? https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/05/take-a-shamanic-journey-my-interview-with-shaman-sharon-licatapart-i This is an ancient practice that has been around for thousands of years and is supported by science. There are entire cultures that revolve around Shamanic beliefs and the ability to heal through these practices. There are Amazonian groups that know of many plants and their medicinal uses, and they gained this knowledge through Shamanism. Learn more about these ancient practices and how they can help you heal. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/05/take-a-shamanic-journey-my-interview-with-shaman-sharon-licatapart-i/ What exactly does it mean to journey? Journeying is what Shamans do and have done for millennia, and there are many ways to do it. A sonic driver or rattle at a certain number of beats per second eventually causes your brainwaves to switch to theta waves or trance waves. It enabled you to journey to the different realms to find the answers that you

  • Episode 4 DIY Feng Shui

    23/02/2018 Duration: 04min

    The first reason is that “crystal-clear”, natural quartz is extremely rare to find in nature, and so that makes them super expensive to purchase. Another reason, I choose to use human-made crystals, is that natural quartz crystals have imperfections in them, and that makes them very difficult to cut into a multifaceted stone. If you just get the ones that are human-made, they're not going to have those imperfections in them. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/04/faceted-crystals/

  • Episode 4 Wonder Why Wednesday question

    23/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    3 Awesome Feng Shui Tips About Your Dining Room Table. Today we are announcing this week’s Wonder Why Wednesday Winner. But before I do, click here to subscribe to my YouTube Channel, because I don't want you to miss anything we post especially if you could be our next winner. Fran W. , you're my winner today! Your question you want me to answer is: “I'm looking to buy a new dining room table. Are there any tips you can give me to make sure my purchase has good Feng Shui? https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2018/01/11/3-awesome-feng-shui-tips-about-your-dining-room-table-wonder-why-wednesday/

  • Feng Shui It! - Episode 3 Quantum Healing - Ivy Ellerby (Interviews Lauren Hanson Interview Only)

    22/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    I am very interested in the energetic healing arts and I am excited to be bringing you information on these subjects. Lauren Hanson is a healer who specializes in quantum healing, a form of energy healing that is focused on being heart-centered to support physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. She practices QHHT, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. I was happy to sit down for a session and interview with this talented healing practitioner! An interview that will keep you amazed from the beginning to the end. Enjoy! Visit my website: http://www.fengshui-it.com/

  • Episode 3 Wonder Why Wednesday question - Ivy Ellerby (Clocks)

    22/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    “When using big clocks in your décor, should it be a functioning clock or if not, what time should it be set on to show continuity?” It’s always good Feng Shui to have functioning clocks in your home. The goal of Feng Shui is to always have chi moving through the space at a pace that’s not too fast and not too slow. If there’s stagnant chi in a home, which is what would happen around the clock if the clock is not moving continuously, it could become negative chi. Any item that’s not really serving a purpose in a home, and a clock that’s not running doesn’t really serve a purpose, it’s going to create some negative chi. Visit my website: http://www.fengshui-it.com/

  • Episode 3 DIY Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Himalayan Salt Lamps)

    22/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    One of my favorite items in my home is my exquisite collection of Himalayan Salt Lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are hand-chiseled solid block of salt. They have a beautiful pink color or kind of orangey due to the high concentration of trace minerals contained within the salt. The salt block is then hollowed out in the center and a light source is inserted as well as a wooden base so that it can stand. Some of the benefits include things like improved breathing, reduced allergy and asthma symptoms, they have less colds and flu, reduced stress, they have fewer headaches and migraines, reduced symptoms of inflammatory diseases like arthritis and skin conditions…

  • Feng Shui It! - Episode 2 DIY Restful Bedrooms

    22/02/2018 Duration: 03min

    In this DIY section, we are talking about “Stimulating Your Senses in the Bedroom.” The bedroom is a place for rest and relaxation. For the body to be rejuvenated, the energy in the bedroom must be calm, with more yin energy. We are talking colors, sounds and so much more. We don't want energy disruption to our natural sleep patterns. The color of your bedroom should immediately tell your mind, "It's time to settle down." Adding sounds that promote calm and relaxation can be useful. We've addressed all the stimulation to your senses, in the bedroom.

  • Feng Shui It! - Episode 2 Wonder Why Wednesday Question.

    21/02/2018 Duration: 03min

    Wonder Why Wednesday: Ottoman or Coffee Table? I’m here to answer today's winning question for Wonder Why Wednesday. "My wife and I disagree about whether or not to have an ottoman or a coffee table in our family room And in the Wonder Why Wednesday section, I will answer, or perhaps not, the question: Ottoman or Coffee Table in the family room?

  • Feng Shui It! - Episode 2 Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Interview with Will LeStrange Interview Only)

    15/02/2018 Duration: 27min

    A conversation with Feng Shui expert Will Lestrange. Earth Acupuncture and Geopathic Stress (Part I) Earth Frequencies (Part II) Few people, across our country, do a lot with earth acupuncture and geopathic stress. It sounds like a foreign concept; we start off by just really talking about it as well as explaining it. Earth acupuncture is a technique that is applied to deal with a problem that occurs in the environment. That problem is involved with a disturbance to the electromagnetic frequency that comes out of the earth. We will talk about the word geopathic stress. This is the umbrella term that's given to the phenomena of earth energies Some are reading a frequency that's coming out of the earth is by using dousing rods; a pendulum or dowsing rods. Could we use geopathic stress in a constructive way? How does a person know when they're feeling the effects of earth frequencies? Visit my website: http://www.fengshui-it.com/

  • Episode 1 Wonder Why Wednesday question

    15/02/2018 Duration: 02min

    This is your Wonder Why Wednesday question from our Facebook page. Make sure and send those in, and you'll have a chance to win a lucky gift pack of Feng Shui It! gear. The question on Wonder Why Wednesday was, "I know that we shouldn't block windows or doors with furniture, so what's the best way to arrange it to attract all the goodness we want to attract?" We never want to block doorways or windows with large pieces of furniture. Basically, as a rule of thumb, if you have a hard time moving around a space or area with too many items in it, like too much clutter or too much furniture, chi is going to have the same problem. https://fengshuiit.wordpress.com/2017/12/02/is-your-furniture-size-proportionate-to-the-space-that-youre-filling/

  • Episode 1 DIY Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Flower Essences)

    10/01/2018 Duration: 04min

    I’ve discovered the use of Flower Essences years ago and incorporate them into my self-healing practices. I wanted to share this information with you because it is something simple and effective you can use to center and calm your emotional and mental body. Flower essences are energetic imprints of the life force of plants which interact with the subtle body of the human being to evoke specific qualities within us. If you haven’t tried using Flower Essences yet, I highly recommend them.

  • Episode 1 Feng Shui - Ivy Ellerby (Interview with Will LeStrange Interview Only)

    10/01/2018 Duration: 30min

    Be sure to subscribe! Don't miss an episode. Ivy Ellerby interviews lifelong Feng Shui student Will LeStrange (followed globally by many). Will bravely shares his experiences with the Dalai Lama, NASA, kinesiology, time management and success psychology. This is an insider’s view into the early practices of Feng Shui and the science behind it, covering everything from EMF's to Geopathic Stress. You won’t want to miss this. Focusing on the art and science of Feng Shui and how it supports the health and well-being of humanity, Will and Ivy entertain, share ideas and raise awareness of the many ways in which our surroundings affect and influence our lives. Will’s profound understanding of the relationship between our inner and outer landscapes makes him an authority on creating healthy, life-enhancing places to live and work. Will LeStrange was trained in China and Europe by some of the finest masters of today and this episode is a powerful introduction to just one area of his expertise and wisdom. Visit my webs