Money Minding Today




  • Death by Money: Conventional Money Wisdom (show 2 of 5)

    19/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    The phenomenal growth of the personal development and financial seminar industries demonstrates that people aren’t happy with their status quo and are looking for something to help them deal with the result of living in a society fueled by credit. Unfortunately, this need has also fuelled the growth of inappropriate or fraudulent internet and investment schemes. The chase for the ‘quick fix’ can be subtle, and is often justified intellectually and combined with substitutionary attempts to satisfy unfulfilled desires only God can fill. The lure for more doesn’t have to be a huge material showcase of glitz and glamour either. I was recently told of someone who had purchased $212 in lottery tickets because he was looking to have more cash for Christmas shopping! This lottery thinking takes the focus off small opportunities that our Lord provides to each of us personally on a day-to-day basis; but we must first seek Him in the day-to-day financial reality of life for His Power to create wealth to fulfill His pur

  • Death by Money - Money Minding Today - Sam Piercy

    13/01/2018 Duration: 27min

    When our conventional money wisdom approaches personal finance from the perspective of ‘spend less than you earn’, don’t overspend, so you can accumulate enough money for retirement, MoneyMinding for financial grace shows you how an ‘earn more than you spend’ approach, helps create balance with a mindset to support ongoing and increasing income through Jesus to overflow blessings – not to accumulate enough for yourself to last your lifetime. It doesn’t matter whether $1000 is a lot of money to you, or whether you’ve got millions, if you aren’t able to connect biblical prosperity with basic financial math to efficiently use the money tools of the day, you will experience some level of ‘death by money’ in your life through uncertainty, stress, guilt, resentment, or your unfulfilled Godly purpose! Listen here as Sam Piercy begins to unlock the causes of money stress, and how a simple $10 solution can be the catalyst to transforming your financial mind for you to live in triumph over money, regardless of your c

  • Seeking, Speaking and Financial Systems - Money Minding Today - Sam Piercy

    05/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    January 6, 2018: Seeking, Speaking and Financial Systems The question about how to seek God with your whole heart and also be a good financial steward has many people believing that talking about finances is serving money.

  • Letting Go - Money Minding Today - Sam Piercy

    05/01/2018 Duration: 28min

    Welcome to MoneyMinding Today! I’m your host, Sam Piercy. This week we’re going to take a high level look at the issue of giving. Next week, we’re going to follow up with receiving. This week’s show is called ‘letting go’, and next week is called, ‘bringing in’. When I shared with one of my prayer team that I felt the Lord leading me to share about this, his comment was simply, ‘oh wow!’ So...

  • Bringing In - Money Minding Today - Sam Piercy

    05/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    December 16, 2017: Bringing In What is the size of the harvest required to live the life God has called you to live? Welcome to MoneyMinding Today! I’m your host, Sam Piercy. This week we’re going to follow up from last week’s show on ‘letting go’ where we talked about the 4 types of biblical giving, as well as saving and spending.

  • Wonderful Life - Money Minding Today - Sam Piercy

    05/01/2018 Duration: 29min

    December 30, 2017: It’s a Wonderful Life Small things repeated consistently produce the biggest results in the shortest amount of time. Welcome to MoneyMinding Today! I’m your host, Sam Piercy. This week we’re talking about a wonderful life – inspired by the 70 year old Christmas classic, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’