Brands That Book With Davey Jones



A show for creative service-based business owners who want to learn how to build their brands and find more clients.


  • Episode 226 - Getting Started with Pinterest Ads

    22/05/2024 Duration: 43min

    In today’s episode I’m chatting with Erin Harding of Simple Pin Media. We recently worked with Erin to up our own Pinterest ad game (aka - we had none) and her wealth of knowledge blew us away. I knew we had to get her on the podcast to share all things ads with you. We’re chatting everything from getting started, to who Pinterest ads are a good fit for to some of the surprising ways Pinterest ads differ from Meta and Google ads.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 225 - Creating Valuable Art that Sells

    15/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    Today’s guest is painter and artist mentor Emily Jeffords. I’ve owned a few of Emily’s prints for years and it was a huge honor to chat with her today. In this episode we walk through finding inspiration, creating artwork that sells and the artist journey. Regardless of whether you're a painter or fine artist, if you have a creative heart, you'll find a ton of takeaways in this episode.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 224 - Shifts in the Wedding Industry

    03/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    Elizabeth Sheils, co-founder of the popular CRM, Rock Paper Coin, joins Davey on the podcast today for a wide-ranging interview. Any service-based business could benefit from this conversation but especially those in the Wedding Industry as the conversation. Initially we set out to discuss proposals and her unique take on where unique proposals fit into the booking process but the discussion evolved to focus more on shifts in the wedding industry. As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 223 - How to Find an Audience for Your Online Course

    27/03/2024 Duration: 25min

    This week I’m joined by Chad Campbell of Teach Well Online. Chad and his wife Becca Campbell are good friends and frequent guests on our podcast. You might know them from their success of Little Z Sleep, The Course Company or The Sleep Sorority. In this episode we dive into finding an audience for your online course, choosing a topic and how to begin structuring your content in a way that makes sense for the learner.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 222 - How to Use Products to Avoid Burnout

    20/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    Today I’m joined by photographer and business coach Christa Rene. We’re diving into ways you can avoid burnout as a service provider by adding products to your business, why clients typically don’t buy from online galleries and what you can do instead to increase your profit per session while shooting less.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 221 - Building a Community Around Your Business

    13/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    Today's guest is Daniel Shear, co-founder of Season's Yield, a bakery here in the Shenandoah Valley. We're chatting about how he and his wife built their business selling loaves of bread out of their house and it's evolution into Bread Days, a bi-weekly experience that hundreds, sometimes up to 1,000, people attend at their farm. As we chatted, I couldn't help but reflect that so much of what they're doing now, and the experience they provide, may not have ever happened, had they not done things the way they did them. They were able to steward what they had, start small, and by doing that they eventually created an experience that people seek after here in Virginia.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 220 - 9 Common Homepage Mistakes to Avoid

    06/03/2024 Duration: 27min

    What goes into a high converting homepage? We try to answer that question in this episode of brands that book. If you're looking for more homepage content be sure to check out our blog and youtube channels. We've actually released a lot of homepage content lately and specifically a youtube video and blog post both published in the last few weeks. Plus, at this point, you can pretty much find content about any website page that you're trying to design, over on our youtube channel or on our blog.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 219 - How to Build and Sell Showit Websites

    28/02/2024 Duration: 20min

    Lately we’ve been receiving a lot of questions about designing and selling Showit templates, so I roped Krista into doing a quick, 20 minute, q+a style podcast episode with me while I asked her some of the questions.If you’re thinking about becoming a designer or if you’re already a designer and you want to start designing and selling Showit website templates, this is a great place to start. We cover what you need to get started, helpful Showit resources, our favorite ecommerce platforms for actually selling templates, where Krista designs templates and some of her favorite design related tools, and what kinds of support we offer for template sales.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 218 - How to Utilize an Integrator for a Successful Launch

    21/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Today's episode features Kat Schmoyer, founder of KS Agency, an agency that provides innovative services for businesses that want to create, launch and sell digital products. We're talking more about what it would look like if you're going to launch a digital product, what Kat would recommend doing in order to get you that product launched, and how an integrator might help you. As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 217 - How to Choose the Perfect Colors for your Brand

    14/02/2024 Duration: 27min

    Today on the podcast we're joined by our good friend and fellow Davey + Krista designer, Sara Metzger. Sara has been on the team for nearly 5 years and she is the genius behind many of the custom brands we create. We're walking you through the exact process we use to define aesthetics and ultimately create color palettes for our clients.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 216 - Top Pinterest Marketing Trends for 2024

    07/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    We're chatting with Pinterest expert, Kate of KH Social, about all things Pinterest 2024. We talk about current best practices, how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your site for years to come, how many pins you actually need to share in a day to be successful using trends and how to get started if Pinterest is new or if the extent of Pinterest use includes recipes, outfits, and wedding inspiration from that time you were engaged in 2014.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 215: How to Launch a Million $ Business in 48 hrs

    31/01/2024 Duration: 53min

    In this episode, we discuss his recent book launch, Million Dollar Weekend: How to Launch a 7-figure Business in 48 Hours. We jump into how to create a viable business idea and find your first customers WITHOUT having to create anything at all.Check links and resources in the show notes to enter the giveaway! Those can be found at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 214: How to Grow a YouTube Channel to over 100k Subscribers

    24/01/2024 Duration: 43min

    This week’s episode features Sam Reid, host of a YouTube channel, The Studio Revue. I met Sam a few years ago because we both live in the same area. When we met, he had about 10,000 or so YouTube channel subscribers. At the time of recording this intro, he has over 125,000 subscribers. Of course, I had to chat with him about how he was able to grow his channel to over 100k subs in just a few years.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check ’em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 213 - Power Partners - Is this the key to growing a business?

    22/11/2023 Duration: 29min

    This week's episode features marketer Jennifer Staats of Staats Solutions. Jennifer and her team manage the marketing for realtors and brokerages across the country. I just love chatting with business owners from various industries because there's usually so much that you can glean and appropriate when it comes to sales and marketing. So many things that you can take and apply to your own business, even if you're in a different industry.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 212 - Do these things to bring your business full time

    15/11/2023 Duration: 31min

    This week's episode features artist, Caleb Curtisi, of Curtisi Co. Caleb is a woodworker and I met Caleb earlier this year in Arizona, while visiting some friends out at Showit HQ. It was fascinating learning about his business. While he spent years working on his craft, he's only taken his business full time, this past year. From the outside looking in, it seems like he's avoided many pitfalls that many new business owners fall into.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 210 - How to Increase Your Website's Conversion Rate

    01/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    This is a little bit of a different format as we've done in the past. We published a blog post about increasing your website's conversion rate and are using the podcast episode as an extension of what we publish about on the blog. If you like this format, be sure to let us know so we know to record more podcasts like this one.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 209 - Website Metrics to Track in 2024

    25/10/2023 Duration: 29min

    What are the most important website metrics to track?  It's a good question that we were recently asked. I wrote a blogpost about it but wasn't able to fit all of my thoughts so we thought it'd also be a good idea to chat through on the podcast, so here we are! We chatted about website metrics every business should track and took a more granular look at service-based and e-commerce businesses too.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 209 - How to Shift Your Mindset

    18/10/2023 Duration: 31min

    Throughout our business we've always made it a point to invest in education, whether it be through courses, mentors or coaches, we've always valued learning new skills. If I could go back in time, the very first thing i'd invest in would be mindset coaching. What I've come to realize over the last few years is that mindset really is what creates the ceiling of what one is able to achieve. Fortunately, I've been introduced to a lot of different resources both in people and programs that focus on just that. These past few years have taught me that focusing on mindset is just as important as focusing on my physical health.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.Speaking of resources, our friend and mindset coach, Brad Bizjack, is hosting a 5-day free challenge, that helps people rewire their minds for 6-and-7 figure success. Check out the show not

  • Episode 208 - How to Create a Website Launch Marketing Plan

    18/10/2023 Duration: 23min

    In today's episode, Krista and I are chatting about how to put together a marketing plan for your next website launch. Winter is coming and we've found that, in the past at least, that's typically the time that people start thinking about making updates to their brand or to their website. If that's you, consider checking out our line of stunning, easy to customize, showit and wordpress website designs at If you're looking for a more "done for you" option, send us a message at to learn more about custom, brand + website design. As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

  • Episode 207 - Exactly What I Would Do If I Restarted My Wedding Business Today

    04/10/2023 Duration: 24min

    Some of you might not know this but back in the day, Krista and I ran a wedding photography business together. In today's episode, we cover the 5 things I would focus on if I were to go back and start that business over again. If you're in the wedding industry, this is relevant, even if you're not a photographer specifically. Really, this is what I would do regardless of what service-based business I was starting. Yes, some of the specific examples might change but this is what I would broadly focus on.As always, links and resources can be found in the show notes. Check 'em out at And if you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a review over at Apple Podcasts.

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