New Rules Podcast



Helping you write New Rules no matter what place and space you find yourself.


  • E52: How to Manage the Tension

    19/06/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    Life comes and goes, seasons of leadership come and go.   Bri and Adrian share their personal insights and experiences navigating the varied phases of life and leadership. From times of intense focus and hard work to moments when seeking help is crucial. In this episode, we discuss the importance of knowing when to put your head down and grind, and when to reach out for support. It's about understanding the balance of tension between being a helper and accepting help, and recognizing that sometimes just showing up is enough.  We also dive into the concept of seasonal leadership – how your approach and mindset might need to shift as you transition from one phase to another. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and unsure of what’s needed next? Are you aware of the season you’re currently in and what it requires of you? Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authenticall

  • E51: How to Heal: Do You Want to be Made Well?

    12/06/2024 Duration: 51min

    Have you ever wondered about the real impact of therapy on mental health? Or mental health on leadership capacity? This week, our hosts open up about the profound and often challenging journey of mental health and the transformative power of therapy. Bri and Adrian share their personal experiences, providing a raw and authentic look at their paths to mental wellness and their thoughts on the struggles and benefits of therapy. We tackle finding the right therapist. It’s not just about getting support; it’s about ensuring that your therapist holds you accountable and helps you make real, tangible progress, rather than allowing you to stay stuck in unproductive patterns. We also explore the concept of being truly made well. Have you ever considered that some of your unresolved issues might be intertwined with your identity? Are you actively working towards healing, or are you holding on to familiar pain because it’s become a part of who you are? Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who f

  • E50: The Authenticity Gap: Are You Living a Lie?

    05/06/2024 Duration: 55min

    You can’t be good at everything. Even the most successful people face challenges when stepping out of their areas of expertise. In this episode, we delve into the importance of recognizing and embracing your unique talents to lead a more fulfilling and successful life. Highlights: Recognizing Unique Talents: Just like leaders, everyone needs to identify their strengths and focus on them. We explore how pinpointing and embracing your strengths can lead to greater fulfillment and success.  Analyzing Abilities: We discuss the importance of analyzing your abilities and aligning your efforts with what you excel at. By understanding your own talents and purpose, you can lead with confidence. Avoiding Perfectionism: Learn how to avoid the pitfalls of chasing perfection in areas that may not align with your natural strengths. Embracing your unique abilities allows you to focus your energy where it matters most. Join us as we discuss the journey to self-discovery and the power of aligning your efforts with you

  • E49: The Backstory: Drake, Kendrick, and Sex Robots?

    24/05/2024 Duration: 56min

    You’ve probably heard of the growing animosity between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. And likely Will Smith slapping Christ Rock. And maybe even sex robots? Just like leaders, celebrities face the consequences of their actions. From Drake and Kendrick's feud to Will Smith's Oscar moment, we explore how their past choices influence their present behavior. Join us as we discuss the importance of understanding your own history. By understanding your personal narrative, you can lead with maturity and integrity, setting a positive example for those you lead. Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself. To stay connected, visit us at the following places to help as a guide for you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader! More of a visual person?  You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel: Youtube: To stay conn

  • E48: Eyes Wide Shut: The Hidden Cost of Decisions

    08/05/2024 Duration: 52min

    Are your eyes wide shut to the cost of the decisions you make? As a leader, every choice you make comes with its own set of losses, gains, and sacrifices to be made with both.  In this week’s episode, we'll explore the intricate balance of weighing these costs and benefits. We discuss the value of having a deep understanding of the choices you make so you can be prepared for the ramifications– both positive and negative and how to lead with dignity when you find yourself stuck in a choice you have made. By acknowledging the hidden costs of decisions, leaders can navigate challenges with clarity and purpose. Check out our previous episode E12: Benefits of Toxic Leadership where we discuss what can happen when you find yourself in a less than ideal environment linked here: Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself. M

  • E47: Trust the Process: The Art of Empowerment

    01/05/2024 Duration: 33min

    Do you hoard power or do you give it away to empower the ones around you?    As a leader, your journey of growth and empowerment isn't just about personal achievement; it's about creating an environment where everyone thrives.    We discuss insights that illuminate how fostering development and empowerment among your team members isn't just a leadership tactic but a fundamental responsibility.   By embracing this, leaders can not only unlock the full potential of their teams but also leave a lasting legacy of empowerment and inspiration.    Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself.    More of a visual person?  You can WATCH today’s episode on our Youtube Channel:  Youtube:   To stay connected, visit us at the following places to help as a guide for you on your journey to becoming an authentic leader!  

  • E46: Before It's Too Late: Untold Stories and Unasked Questions

    17/04/2024 Duration: 50min

    Have you ever had questions you wished you could ask someone before it’s too late?  This week Bri does just that, as Adrian is in the hot seat! Join us for a special episode where we dive into a mix of leadership insights and a bit of fun! This week Bri takes time to ask Adrian questions she would want to know if anything ever happened to him. We tackle questions on leadership – Adrian gives advice on navigating how to challenge those around you to grow while still loving them where they are, family and co-workers alike. Adrian gives us the advice he wishes he had in his 20s, 30s, and now in his 40s and ways in which he would have implemented these sooner. And of course, we end with Adrian and Bri’s trend predictions for the rest of 2024. Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authentically yourself.    More of a visual person?  You can WATCH today’s episode

  • E45: I Don’t Wanna Grow Up: Confronting Responsibility in Todays Culture

    10/04/2024 Duration: 43min

    Do you ever look around and wonder where did all the adults go? In this week's episode, Adrian and Bri discuss the nature of leadership and what it means to take responsibility for your actions as an authentic leader. Join us as we discuss: - How our extreme emotions have easily become the currency in this day and age - Maturity shifting to being the minority vs. the majority - The dangers of good intentions that are easily corrupted by power - How to not allow yourself to become a pawn in a game by being mindful of how many access points you allow into your life. - Where you should and shouldn't be taking responsibility as a leader and how defining that can make you a better leader in the places you do carry weight and power. - A couple markers of maturity to begin living out of and growing into to make a real impact in today's world. - Practically how Adrian has taught his 3 kids to critically think even when they are in the height of an emotional situation - The state that we find ourselves in, in regard

  • E43: Value Violation: How to Address Culture Slippage

    03/04/2024 Duration: 53min

    Does the wake of your leadership make people better?   If the answer is yes, it’s likely you’ve had to undergo heavy weight that has required sacrifice.    In this week's episode, Adrian and Bri discuss why effective leadership will cost you - and how to develop the tools needed to navigate this challenge in a healthy way.    Join us as we discuss:  Using data to analyze human behavior and development How Adrian handles organizational culture slippage Knowing when to intervene in company challenges The importance of getting to the root of your frustration Why radical communication is vital to the health of your organization The role of emotionality in authenticity  Why undergoing tough situations develops necessary resilience  How to navigate ‘bad days’ and show up for others regardless The concept of ‘sowing in opposite directions’  How breakthroughs happen on the other side of showing up  Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position o

  • E43: Decoding Your Decisions: Do you have a Decision Making Framework?

    20/03/2024 Duration: 54min

    Decisions are what drives our life in any direction, whether positive or negative.   We are often taught to ‘make better decisions’ in life, health, business, and beyond. However, if we don’t know what drives our decisions, how can we steer ourselves in the right direction when emotions are high?    In this episode, Adrian and Bri talk through what it costs to evaluate, understand, and apply emotional intelligence around healthy decision-making.    We’ll Discuss: How your ego will cause you to make bad decisions Adrian talks excessive spending out of insecurity  We aren’t aware of how we come to a decision There is no ‘process’ to make decisions in the current world Why we make decisions out of insecurity in our status Why it’s important to slow down and not make decisions based on other people’s anxieties. How you lead when those you empower are having a ‘bad day’ vs bad ‘series of days’ The difference between making ‘intuitive’ decisions and decisions based on ‘data’ Why you need to step o

  • E42 | Projection Leadership: Are You Practicing What You Preach?

    13/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    ‘Values’ are terms given to define the principles that we embody in our personal and professional lives.    However, many times we are unclear in our understanding of these important structures that make up the fabric of our lives.    In Part Two of this Two-Part Episode, Adrian and Bri dive into what it means to truly live according to our values.    We’ll discuss:   How can you tell if something is a true value of yours? Is it possible to have values that we don’t live out properly? Why your character is how you live out your values in high-pressure situations  What external movies/stories do you gravitate towards emotionally, and how does this connect to your core values? How do high-pressure situations affect how you behave? Why empowerment is a value of Adrian’s How a lack of comfort can force you to expose your true values  When Adrian and Bri felt they did not live up to their values   Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of

  • E41: Projection Leadership | What Shadow Are You Casting On Others?

    06/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    When we hear the term projection, we often attribute it to how others dump their emotions in an unhealthy way.   What if we could ‘project’ positive traits onto other people instead - simply through leading authentic lives?    In part one of this two-part episode of the New Rules Podcast, we dive into “Projection Leadership” - and how those in power can lead by example to make a difference in the lives of others.    We’ll dive into:   How ‘Trauma’ and ‘PTSD’ have been hijacked and watered down by culture How leaders/coaches can damage those they lead through their own anxiety Why you will project onto others, the question is what type of impact you will have Strict leaders vs “collaborators” Being decisive vs indecisive in leadership  Why you MUST aware of your skills and your pitfalls Why authentic leadership is healthy for any organization How the mental health movement has been hijacked among organizational leadership Why an ‘emotional health journey’ should show progress, not stay stagna

  • Lead or Get Left Behind: How to be a High-Performer

    21/02/2024 Duration: 01h09min

    In the fast-paced world we find ourselves in, we are constantly pressured to perform at a higher level.   However, as authentic individuals, we know that leadership goes far beyond following trends and simple catchphrases.    In an organization, it can be easy to be ‘seduced’ by a talent or skill - but culture prevails when it comes to longevity in the marketplace.    When it comes to building authentic personal and professional lives, we must trust in the process of self-awareness backed with results-driven confidence.    So, what does it mean to truly be a high-performing leader in today’s culture?    In this episode we discuss the common misconceptions surrounding work performance, work-life balance, taking personal responsibility, and so much more.   We’ll discuss the following topics:   What Is a ‘High Level’ Leader? Confidence Being Developed Through Results  Being Coachable is Imperative  Approaching Development Organizationally  Character vs. Talent How to Critically Think  Hiring For Cu

  • E39: Valentines Special: How to NOT BE the Toxic One

    14/02/2024 Duration: 58min

    Relationships are the cornerstone of the human experience. Whether positive or negative, they can alter how we live our lives, view the world, and even view ourselves. If living authentically is vital for our own flourishing, how do we set the standard for authentic relationships in our personal and professional lives? It starts off with being self-aware. Without awareness, we can never be aware and in-tune with the needs of others. In this captivating episode, we will dive into: - Human beings were meant to be in relationships, but we are not taught how to do them well - Most relationships are built off of bad habits - We are ill-equipped to manage conflict in our relationships  If you can’t take care of yourself, you’ll look to others to fulfill your needs Great relationships require humility and proper expectations  How Adrian’s childhood taught him how to ‘survive’ and read rooms well  How our upbringing can alter our level of emotional intelligence  How the modern dating landscape is challenging and in

  • MLK, Diversity & Systemic Racism

    07/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    Unity is not formed for the sake of unity.  When we move forward, we must move with a purpose. To kick off Black History Month, we’re recognizing not only the leaders that came before us - but what it means to move with a mission. First, we examine the complex life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - and how he represented the nuance of authentic leadership through internal struggles and external triumph. Specifically, we’ll look into:   The FBI Wiretaps of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and “King: a Life” (Jonathan Eig)  Managing the tension: the generational impact of Dr. King and the personal struggles he faced with confrontation and infidelity  Why it’s important to know the ‘whole story’ I  have a dream was written at 11:00pm the night before The importance of standing by your convictions We never reach perfection, but find joy in the pursuit of betterment Why it’s important to ‘hold’ personal pain and not project on family/friends Learning to act according to environments you find yourself in How A

  • Leadership Is Lonely | Human Connection, Elon Musk, & Lessons From My Father

    17/01/2024 Duration: 01h02min

    Are YOU lonely? In a society built for fast-paced communication, with tools to link people together from all over the world, we still find ourselves feeling alone. In Episode 37, we take the necessary dive into why human beings are a “Loneliness Epidemic.” In order to solve loneliness, we first must give it an effective diagnosis - which we’ll find by examining the topics below: What are the practical symptoms of loneliness? How we are relationally malnourished Why conflict is a necessary thing, not a bad thing How Adrian personally struggles with feeling alone Why leadership is inherently lonely How do we USE the tools we have been given? How to ‘sit in the mud’ with someone Why do we isolate further when we feel lonely? How would Adrian FIX the loneliness epidemic? Feeling alone can manifest itself in countless different ways. It is vital that we understand nuance when approaching the loneliness epidemic.  If you or someone you know is struggling with loneliness, reach out to a friend or

  • E36: PART 2: Rick Rubin & Bringing Dignity Back to Work

    10/01/2024 Duration: 30min

    Our work should be art - a reflection of our authentic selves. In the last episode, we examined why our work should be deeper than a 'necessary evil.' But how do we actually push through the challenges required to live out our purpose and calling in this world? In Part 2 of this 2-Part episode, we discuss why people are hesitant to make necessary changes required to authentically develop. We'll examine: Why people are resistant to change Why authenticity is incredibly important  The College Football Playoff decision was a disgrace The 'meritocracy' dog-whistle Our work should be food for the soul, not just medicine How we can overdose on work How Adrian's faith shapes his views on work Are you satisfied? After participating in this discussion with us, we hope you can be one step closer to unlocking your full potential and helping others do the same! May our art inspire, provoke thought, and pave the way for progress. Let’s create a legacy that transcends the ordinary and propels us towards a future defined

  • E35: Rick Rubin & Bringing Dignity Back To Work

    03/01/2024 Duration: 44min

    Let our work be a masterpiece, a reflection of our passion and commitment.   Embrace the canvas of your life, where your ‘art’ is a manifestation of creativity, purpose, and authentic development .    I've often said that our work should be art - and still be challenging enough to pave the way forward.    In this episode of the New Rules Podcast, we discuss how to make art and let others tell the story.   - How Rick Rubin inspires Adrian to lead a life of creative development - Why your work SHOULD be art - Why having a calling doesn’t remove the ‘grunt’ work - Dismantling “People just don’t want to work anymore”  - The Science of Work - Why placing the organization first is healthy for the individuals within it  - The structure & discipline required to flourish in any environment  - Why you should bring dignity to your work    After participating in this discussion with us, we hope you can be one step closer to unlocking your full potential and helping others do the same!   May our art inspire, provoke t

  • New Year Same You? How to Set Realistic Goals for the New Year

    20/12/2023 Duration: 59min

    Will 2024 be a New Year, New You?    Welcome to Episode 34 of the New Rules Podcast, where we delve into the intricacies of authentic development and goal-setting entering 2024.   We  explore the realities involved in creating more realistic goals, tackling challenges along the way, and discovering effective ways to help someone envision their own future.   Get ready, because we’ll tackle: Why “New Year New Me” is not true, and how it can hurt setting realistic expectations.  Examining the impact of generational differences on goal-setting. How do the struggles faced by different generations shape their perspectives on what's achievable? Discussing the unique challenges faced by each generation and how these challenges influence the goals they set for themselves. Providing practical tips and strategies to maintain momentum and navigate the challenges associated with embracing an authentic direction in life. How a scarcity mindset can negatively impact your goal-setting How Adrian personally sets h

  • Pace Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself: Maintaining Leadership to Avoid Burnout

    13/12/2023 Duration: 58min

    In the realm of leadership, there's a profound beauty in understanding the fuel behind your passions and values. It goes beyond mere goal-setting, serving as a pathway to genuine clarity that sparks motivation and transforms dreams into reality.   As leaders, our responsibility extends beyond personal aspirations. It's about zeroing in on the passions and values that drive us, shaping a vision for the future. Setting standards that authentically reflect who we are, and then, with unwavering commitment, guiding our teams along the same path.   Join Adrian and Bri in Episode 33 as they delve deep into the crucial importance of Authentic Leadership. Discover how authenticity becomes the heartbeat that inspires trust, fosters cohesion, and ensures an unwavering commitment to shared goals.   This level of leadership demands transparent communication, a commitment to self-reflection, openness to constructive feedback, and a celebration of every success—no matter how small.   In this Episode, We Discuss: Leadershi

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