New Rules Podcast

E52: How to Manage the Tension



Life comes and goes, seasons of leadership come and go.   Bri and Adrian share their personal insights and experiences navigating the varied phases of life and leadership. From times of intense focus and hard work to moments when seeking help is crucial. In this episode, we discuss the importance of knowing when to put your head down and grind, and when to reach out for support. It's about understanding the balance of tension between being a helper and accepting help, and recognizing that sometimes just showing up is enough.  We also dive into the concept of seasonal leadership – how your approach and mindset might need to shift as you transition from one phase to another. Have you ever felt overwhelmed and unsure of what’s needed next? Are you aware of the season you’re currently in and what it requires of you? Whether you are a corporate leader, parent, or any individual who finds themselves in a position of leadership - we hope this podcast brings you one step closer on the journey to becoming authenticall