Gospel grounded messages for life
Marriage and families, for most people, are the path to flourishing
13/10/2024 Duration: 22minI've seen plenty of examples of the destructive effect of marriage. Nevertheless, God says and shows that marriage is the path to flourishing, for most people. A sermon on genesis 2:18-25 on October 13.
LOVED: By others
22/09/2024 Duration: 18minBeing loved does some great things for us. But it isn't easy to be someone who can be loved. It means being vulnerable and dependent. That's what someone else has done exactly right for us. Sermon on Sept 22, 2024, 1 John 4 and others.
The gospel gives you something to give
08/09/2024 Duration: 26minChristianity has something to give. Whether you know it or not, feel it or not, or even have the right thing, whatever sickness, hardship, or trial you run up against in life, the gospel gives you something to give. A sermon on Act 3:1-10 on September 8th, 2024.
People might do great things, but little people lead great lives that bring glory to someone else.
01/09/2024 Duration: 23minKids know the importance of giving honor and glory to someone else. They boast about their parents at school. We give glory and honor to things to by our lives - perhaps to money, or family, or our career. But do we honor good things? Do we glorify the right things? And what could it do for us if we honored someone else who honored us first! A sermon on Deuteronomy 4:1-9 on September 1, 2024.
Press, don't pass, on the pressure to live by faith
25/08/2024 Duration: 22minOur age pressures us simultaneously to be both filled with faith and to turn away from faith. We aren't going to get away from that pressure. The only thing we can do is press into it. We can do that because Jesus pressed on to push back against sin, death, and the devil. A sermon on Hebrews 11:24-28 on August 25, 2024
Grace for Darker Days: As Wild as the Weather
24/06/2024 Duration: 21minThe solution for days of wild weather is not to try to tame it, control it, or somehow think we are gods. It is to get a king who is truly as wild as the weather is. A sermon on Mark 4:35-41.
The Good Life: Relationships Central and Center
25/06/2023 Duration: 23minA good life has to navigate the stages and transitions of life. Relationships are central to both the stages and the transitions. One relationship needs to stay at the center. June 25, 2023, Sermon 2
The Good Life: Rebelieve Relationships
11/06/2023 Duration: 24minWe say good things about the importance of relationships, but we're wired personally and culturally, in so many ways, to resist relationships. In order to love, we will rebelieve relationships. Matthew 19 June 11, 2023
Be Better Built
07/05/2023 Duration: 23minThere are a number of practical reasons to be part of a local congregation. It is frequently difficult to be part of congregation and go through the experiences, on a regular basis, that will really form us into God's people. But Jesus was crushed so that even if we are hard pressed, we will never be crushed and destroyed. He is a foundation so we are better built. 1 Peter 2:4-10
A new person into a new world
23/04/2023 Duration: 21minThere are so many good things in our world, but there is plenty too that we'd like to be rescued from. There is an offer to make us new people in this world; and there is an offer to give us a new world. But Christian salvation offers us salvation as a new person into a new world. It's better than we could imagine. Acts 2:32-41
First steps: You can pass the test
17/04/2023 Duration: 24minAfter the disciples thought they saw Jesus dead and risen, the whole thing almost came to a halt for various reasons. They were stuck in the mess of their time. They were changed, and they went forward with fresh confidence and boldness. Will we get past all the mess of our time, or we will be stuck for our own reasons? Peter assures we can receive the mark of "genuine". We can pass the test. 1 Peter 1:3--9
He lives!
10/04/2023 Duration: 20minEverything in life has results and consequences. Some we like, some we don't. If we go to school, we can probably get a job and make a living. If we find a spouse, we can have kids. One action had more consequences than anything else in life - the resurrection of Jesus. If Jesus lives, _____________. How do you fill in that blank? John 20:1-18
Come and eat
06/04/2023 Duration: 16minThe struggle with evil, with pain, with difficulty, with challenge is real. We sit and wait for deliverance, freedom, and liberation. While we sit, we eat. This is food for the fight. Not burgers, but the food of Christ, the true Passover Lamb. Mark 14:12-17 Maundy Thursday 2023
You can live in the light. You can live in the truth.
19/03/2023 Duration: 22minEven the Bible does not always seem to tell the truth or the facts. Did Jesus tell the truth? There is a lot that we need to investigate and search out. But there is a depth to the truth that we cannot imagine. Darkness fell on Jesus so we can always have the light of truth. John 8:12-20
Questions give clarity to avoid a crisis
12/03/2023 Duration: 24minLife is filled with tough questions and difficult, dangerous situations. God provided a tabernacle for the people to provide security and safety for their difficult journey. Jesus is the true tabernacle for safety and security on our trip. Ask the tough questions and find that every path in life leads to him. John 7:1-52
Stop, sin.
27/02/2023 Duration: 25minJesus meets a man paralyzed for 38 years. He doesn't just heal him. He stops sin in its tracks. Will we? If he has stopped sin, will run the other way and keep away from sin? John 5:1-15
We might not feel good. He will fill us with good.
19/02/2023 Duration: 22minI marvel that the woman talked to Jesus about so many problems in her life and still went away saying, Come and see. That's not how we tend to feel. Jesus might not always make us feel good. But he will give us something different than we can get anywhere else. The gospel will fill us up, even if we don't always like the fact that we need it. John 4:1-26
Not just a better you, a different you
12/02/2023 Duration: 24minReligious people often have the impression and give the impression that God wants better people. It's true Jesus teaches basic principles and truths to live better lives. That isn't the main thing. Chiefly, Jesus wants us to have a new life. A different life. John 3:1-17
Only Jesus gathers people to God
05/02/2023 Duration: 22minThe temple was established by God as a way to get near God. Jesus came in and rejected the conveniences it offered in an attempt to help people get God's gifts. None of it could get people close to the holy, consuming God. What are we relying on to get us close to God? Do we have anything better to keep us in the presence of the holy, good God? Jesus offers a better temple in John 2:13-22.
Come to the party. Enjoy the party. Be part of the party.
29/01/2023 Duration: 24minThis new world that Jesus gives us is not only or primarily a world of rules, codes of conduct, regulations, and ways to live a better life. It is first and foremost a world of grace, where God in Jesus pours out his good gifts to us to cover over our embarrassment, shame, and disgrace. We see that wonderfully at Cana in a wedding. John 2:1-11