


Joel D. McMahon is a pastor, teacher and counselor currently serving San Felipe United Methodist Church in historic San Felipe, Texas.


  • Judgment

    19/05/2024 Duration: 34min

    Matthew 6:1-4 Every person, is appointed to die, after that the judgment. But, if you don't give your life to Christ, you'll be punished for every evil work you've done. If you give your life to Christ, He took your punishment for you, and you're actually going to be rewarded for every good work you've done. Even the word judgment becomes a good news word because of what Jesus did!

  • Handling Conflict

    12/05/2024 Duration: 43min

    Sooner or later a couple is going to have a conflict. If conflict is handled in self-centeredness, conflict becomes a wedge; if handled in love, as the Lord desires, it become glue to the relationship. Two concepts to remember: 1. The objective is to resolve the conflict, not win a fight. 2. When one of you wins, you both lose!

  • Bearing Fruit

    05/05/2024 Duration: 35min

    John 15:1-8 All through the New Testament you can see that spiritual fruit is expected from the Christian life. Jesus tells us, “You shall know them by their fruit.” It is very important to note that the fruit the Lord expects in our lives is not the goal of the Christian, but the proof, or evidence of our abiding in Him.

  • Check The Connection

    28/04/2024 Duration: 38min

    John 15:1-7 Before you can abide in the Lord, draw life from Him and bear fruit, you have to be connected!

  • Bad Words - Repentance

    21/04/2024 Duration: 45min

    Luke 24:44-49 Repentance is not a bad word. The Greek word we translate “repentance” means to “change your mind. The most important thing we must change our mind about is God. Once we change our mind about Him, and realize that He loves us and is for us, and we need Him, we’ll quit running an hiding from Him, and He will begin to change our hearts.

  • Bad Words - Condemnation

    14/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    John 3:16-21 The Good News changes everything. The Good News takes all the bad news and filters it and changes it, so that all these words (condemnation, repentance, judgment, death) that were very, very bad news for us as sinners, all change because a Person, a Messenger, The Messenger came into this world, and brought the Good News!

  • What If

    07/04/2024 Duration: 26min

    2 Chronicles 20:1-30 We worry a lot about the “What-ifs” don’t we? When faced with a challenge or problem in life we can waste a lot of time on the ‘what-ifs. On Easter morning the two Marys realized they had a problem: “Who will roll away the stone for us? At the moment the question came up, they had 2 choices. They could just get on to the tomb and see what could be done, or they could have gotten caught up in the “what-if” game: What if the guards are mean to us? What if they refuse to let us into the tomb/ What if there’s no one around? Interestingly, when they got there there was no problem at all. Jesus had already risen, an the stone was no problem at all. We can waste a lot of time worrying about the “what-ifs.” What should we as Christ-followers do instead?

  • My God Can Do Anything

    31/03/2024 Duration: 34min

    Mark 16:1-8 Many have grown up in the Christian faith, and believe God can, but when it comes to them, personally, they don't believe God will! They believe God might do it for somebody else, but don't believe God will do it for them. Maybe you've even heard about God doing really incredible things, but you just think God's going to do it "way over there;" “He’s never going to do it over here. That’s for others, not for me.” A child has the faith to believe not only my God can but my God will do these things in my life..

  • God Forgives Me

    24/03/2024 Duration: 19min

    God is 100% Loving God is 100% Merciful God is 100% Just Only one place that all three of these characteristics can come together to bring us into a forgiven state with God, and be brought into His Kingdom, and that place is the Cross. That’s why we sing, “What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.”

  • God Takes Care Of Me

    17/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    David was very confident, not only about his present circumstances, but also that in the future God would see him all the way home. He believed that valley times were appointed for His good. He learned things about God that could be learned no other way than being in the deep ravines of life. He stayed close, trusted in God's protection and guidance all the way. All because he could say, "The Lord is my shepherd."(Like a Child, God takes care of me.)

  • God Is With Me

    10/03/2024 Duration: 22min

    “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10 Jesus tells us in Mark 10:15, “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the Kingdom of God like a:.little child will never enter it. The way that a little child would describe God’s omnipresence would be to personalize it and say, “God is with me.” Scripture makes it clear that God, although greater than we could ever imagine, is big enough to be with each one of us in a very personal way. As we recognize His presence, talk to Him, and listen to Him we find forgiveness, peace, answers to our burning questions, comfort, purpose and hope. Are you enjoying His presence? Did you know that you could?

  • God Is For Me

    03/03/2024 Duration: 26min

    I have discovered you can never enter the Kingdom of God by questioning God’s motives, existence, etc. Even though I live in the Kingdom, I can never prove it to you. The only way is to approach God like a little child, trusting and believing what He has revealed of Himself in His Word and through His followers down through the ages. As long as we stand back, arms folded, saying, “I want to believe. Prove it to me and I’ll believe it,” as I did for many years, you will never make any headway. However, if you will take the things He has revealed and start applying them as if they are true, He will prove Himself to you. We begin our four-week study of childlike faith by examining the core conviction we must have if we are living out of a childlike faith, and that is that “God is for me.”

  • The Way of the Cross

    25/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    Luke 9:23-27 What greater sacrifice could you give this Lent than your self-centeredness? From what I read in the Bible, this is the greatest sacrificial gift you can give to the Lord.

  • Why Were You Born

    17/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    Jonah 3:1-5, 10 Mark Twain said: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Both of those days are important to God, too. He needs you to be you right now. The answer to why you were born is something that a lot of people struggle with, and approach in a lot of different ways. If you are one of those who has struggled with this, I hope this message will help you, because one of the things that is answered clearly in the story of Jonah is why you were born.

  • The Importance Of Words

    11/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    At this point in history, everything from social media and politics to cultural conflict has brought us to a time when we as Christians need to step back and consider our words, their power, how we have been using them and how we should be using them. Think about it. Everything you have said this week has either been life-giving or death-dealing, and there is nothing in between. The tongue has the power to kill, to destroy, to hurt, to maim and to assassinate, or to heal, help, inspire, encourage, influence, save and bring peace.

  • The Wilderness

    04/02/2024 Duration: 22min

    When we think of “the wilderness” we think of remote, desolate places filled with loneliness and the unknown. In the Bible we see many go through times in the wilderness. As we look at the Bible accounts of people in the wilderness, we see first of all, that although they thought they were all alone, they were in the very presence of God. Next we see that in the wilderness we can find an intimacy with God we can find nowhere else. Finally, we see that when the people came out of the wilderness they emerged with knowledge and power they could receive in no other way. In our day there are many sorts of wildernesses people find themselves in: They may involve relationships, finances, spiritual dilemmas, health, or any other number of situations where you may think that you are all alone, or that maybe God has just forgotten you. You’re not all alone. God is with you. He hasn’t forgotten you.

  • The Blessings Of Faith

    28/01/2024 Duration: 23min

    Genesis 12:1-4 Just as God called Abraham, God calls you. It’s up to you to leave the things He calls you from and head out to the the places He wants to show you. As you answer His call, the promises of Abraham become yours.

  • The Leap Of Faith

    21/01/2024 Duration: 26min

    God’s call to Abraham was to leave where he was and go where he would lead him. He had a wonderful plan for Abraham’s life. Wonderful promises were given to Abraham if he would do this.

  • He Believed God

    13/01/2024 Duration: 33min

    The Question We Each Need To Ask Ourselves as this New Year Begins: “Am I Living A Life That Pleases God? Am I Living A Live Of Faith?”

  • Fresh Start

    31/12/2023 Duration: 33min

    Luke 4:16-21 In Luke 4:16-21 Jesus reads from the Book of Isaiah written 700 years before, and declares that this Messianic prophecy is fulfilled in Him. To sum up the mission of His first advent, He has come to free us from our past, help us live in the present and look forward to the future. He came to give us a Fresh Start. What better time than the beginning of the year to make sure that we are embracing what He offers!

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