Money Matters



Dave Meyer interviews finance commentator Greg Heberlein for KNKX's Money Matters.


  • Parting Words of Wisdom from Financial Commentator Greg Heberlein

    14/01/2014 Duration: 03min

    When Money Matters first aired on KPLU some 7 years ago, we were speculating about whether the housing bubble was going to burst, and wondering if we were heading into a recession. It's certainly been a wild ride since then. All good things must come to an end, and it's time to bid farewell to financial commentator Greg Heberlein. For our final show, we leave you with some advice to keep in mind going forward.

  • Resolve To Manage Your Money Better In 2014

    31/12/2013 Duration: 03min

    No matter how financially savvy you are, there’s always room for improvement.

  • The Stock Market Thrives On Uncertainty

    17/12/2013 Duration: 03min

    It is said the stock market climbs a wall of worry. Well, it was a really, really, big wall this year. Financial commentator Greg Heberlein groups the worries into three categories: Economic, Political and Market.

  • Crunching the Numbers Surrounding Bitcoin Fever

    10/12/2013 Duration: 03min

    Have you been swept up in bitcoin mania? Bitcoins purchased at the beginning of this year were valued at $13.50. As of Dec. 9, they were trading at close to $900. That’s a rise of more than 6000 percent! Many folks are eyeing the virtual currency as an easy way to make huge profits. But KPLU financial commentator Greg Heberlein urges caution. Bitcoin prices may very well continue their march into the stratosphere. Or the bubble could burst.

  • Tableau Software is one of Seattle's Fastest Growing Companies

    19/11/2013 Duration: 03min

    In the Center of the Universe, Seattle’s Fremont neighborhood, stands Tableau Software . Tableau is 10 years old and has been a publicly owned company for just six months. It’s growing fast. In just the past three years, employment has gone from fewer than 200 to more than 1,000. Financial commentator Greg Heberlein says Tableau is a company that local investors should keep their eyes on.

  • Microsoft Board Member Faces Scrutiny

    12/11/2013 Duration: 03min

    When Microsoft holds its annual meeting Nov. 19, shareholders will finish voting for the company’s board of directors . Usually it’s a straightforward affair, but this time, the candidacy of John W. Thompson will be closely examined. Recently, a company that advises major shareholders on corporate governance urged shareholders to vote against Thompson .

  • Don’t Throw Away That Old Stock Certificate!

    22/10/2013 Duration: 03min

    It’s not uncommon for heirs to stumble across old stock certificates when disposing of an estate. What should you do with them? If the stock is for a recognized company that’s still in business, your task is relatively easy. If there’s no cancellation stamp on the certificate, any brokerage can cash it in for you (but you’ll need to provide the necessary paperwork proving you inherited it). If you don’t recognize the company name and can’t find it online, then you have some work to do. We’ll help you get started.

  • Could You Fall for a Ponzi Scheme?

    15/10/2013 Duration: 03min

    If a financial adviser offers you a quick way to double your money, should you go for it? Hold on to your wallet! The bigger the promised return, the more skeptical you should be. On this weeks Money Matters, Greg Heberlein looks at Ponzi schemes and how to avoid them.

  • Why Buy U.S. Savings Bonds?

    08/10/2013 Duration: 03min

    Are U.S. savings bonds still a worthwhile investment? KPLU financial commentator Greg Heberlein thinks so. Even with all the government shutdown shenanigans in Washington, D.C., Greg says savings bonds are still one of the safest investments you can buy. In addition to safety, savings bonds are ideal for savers of modest means who need to sock a few dollars away each month. You can buy a savings bond for as little as $25.

  • Death and IRAs

    17/09/2013 Duration: 03min

    You've worked hard to fund your golden years with an Individual Retirement Account ( IRA ). But what happens to that money when you die? Well, since you won't be around, maybe you're not worried about it. But financial commentator Greg Heberlein says a little planning now can make things easier on your loved ones down the road.

  • The Lure of the Exchange Traded Fund

    10/09/2013 Duration: 03min

    Why are exchange traded funds ( ETFs ) growing in popularity? Financial commentator Greg Heberlein says the ability to buy and sell them at any time during market hours makes them very appealing.

  • A Reverse Mortgage May Not Be Your Best Option

    20/08/2013 Duration: 03min

    We’ve all seen the TV commercials: Fred Thompson, Robert Wagner, Henry Winkler and others urging us to sign up for a reverse mortgage. As alluring as the ads are, financial commentator Greg Heberlein says anyone considering such a deal needs to give it some serious thought.

  • Is Multi-Level Marketing Right for You?

    13/08/2013 Duration: 03min

    Is multi-level marketing (MLM) a good way to make money? At a time when family budgets are strained and jobs are hard to find, it’s a fair question. KPLU financial commentator Greg Heberlein recommends you do your homework before signing on with an MLM company.

  • Beware of Penny Stocks

    23/07/2013 Duration: 03min

    To get an enormous stock market gain, buy a penny stock. To risk losing all of your investment, buy a penny stock. Still interested? Financial commentator Greg Heberlein recommends you steer clear of penny stocks.

  • Greg Heberlein's Guide to Disneyland

    16/07/2013 Duration: 03min

    Many families plan to go to Disneyland someday, but it's an expensive proposition that requires a lot of planning. Should you buy a package or figure it out for yourself? Do you need a car? When are the best months to go? What are the best days to enter the park? How expensive are tickets and food? Financial commentator Greg Heberlein is a big Disney buff and has visited the park dozens of times. He's more than happy to share his knowledge of Walt Disney's Magic Kingdom on this week's Money Matters.

  • Take advantage of your 401(k)

    09/07/2013 Duration: 03min

    Are you saving enough for retirement? Most Americans aren't. According to a report from the National Institute on Retirement Security , 45 percent of American households don't have anything saved for retirement. Four out of five working households have retirement savings less than one times their annual income. Financial commentator Greg Heberlein says one way to turn this around is to encourage more people to take advantage of 401(k) retirement plans.

  • Don't worry about rebalancing your portfolio

    18/06/2013 Duration: 03min

    The financial markets have been roiling lately, a sign that a change of direction might be about to occur, or already is underway. However, crystal balls tend to be more cloudy than clear. No one consistently appraises the markets accurately. No matter the market direction, financial advisers are not timid about telling you to rebalance your portfolio. But KPLU financial commentator Greg Heberlein says it's OK to ignore that advice.

  • Could your money-market fund 'break the buck'?

    11/06/2013 Duration: 03min

    If you think the money in your money-market mutual fund is as safe as the cash in an FDIC insured bank account, think again. Although money funds have been very safe investments in the past, there's always the possibility they could drop in value or "break the buck". Federal regulators are considering new rules that could impact the cash you park in money-market funds. But it looks like the targets at this point are funds catering only to corporations and other large institutional investors.

  • Warren Buffett is investing in newspapers. Should you?

    21/05/2013 Duration: 03min

    In our digital world of social media, blogs and the like, is the newspaper industry a dinosaur? Only 11 newspaper businesses are publicly owned. Is it foolish to invest in them? Legendary investor Warren Buffett doesn't think so. He's acquired 28 papers in the past couple of years. A veteran of 32 years at The Seattle Times, financial commentator Greg Heberlein, can't help but believe Buffett is on the right track.

  • Cash in your portfolio? It's nothing to feel guilty about

    14/05/2013 Duration: 03min

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average and the S&P 500 have been hitting record-high levels this year. Many investors retreated from the stock market a few years ago and have cash sitting on the sidelines. Are you feeling pressured to invest? Financial commentator Greg Heberlein says there's no need to rush back into the market.