Resurrection A/g Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Resurrection A/G sermons


  • Healthy Mind pt 7 - Thoughts (Audio)


    As we bring our discussion about having healthy minds, we talk about the power of our thoughts and what the Bible has to say about changing the way we think.

  • Healthy Mind pt 6 - Sadness (Audio)


    As we celebrate Easter, we discuss sadness and talk about what we can learn from the disciples as they processed their own sadness at the death of Jesus.

  • Healthy Mind pt 5 - Anger (Audio)


    Is anger a sin? We answer this question biblically and discuss how to overcome it.

  • Healthy Mind pt 4 - Fear (Audio)


    We all know the verses that talk about fear, but how do we put it in to practice? King David in Psalm 3 gives us insight into how he defeated fear.

  • Healthy Mind pt 3 - Emotions (Audio)


    Our first online service! We continue our series on having healthy minds as we talk about a biblical perspective in dealing with our emotions.

  • Healthy Mind pt 1 - Knowledge (Audio)


    Healthy in body, spirit and MIND. As we begin a series on having a healthy mind, we look the gathering and storing of information... knowledge.

  • Fix Your Trust (Audio)


    Where is your hope? Is it in others, relationships, yourself? When our hope is in anything apart from Jesus we will be left disappointed. What does it look like to put our hope and trust in Christ, and Him alone?

  • Healthy Body pt 7 - Death (Audio)


    With very few exceptions, every person who has ever lived has died. It is something we will all most likely face. What happens when we die? What role does death play in our lives? What does the Bible say about it and how does that comfort us?

  • Healthy Body pt 6 - Healing (Audio)


    There is a lot of misunderstanding as it relate to our biblical understanding of healing. Is it for today? Why doesn't God heal everyone? Is there a formula or process that we can take to achieve it? We take a look at what the Bible has to say...

  • Healthy Body pt 5 - Sexuality (Audio)


    With all of the debate and controversy today as it relates to human sexuality, we look at God's plan and His biblical design for it, how sin changed it, and what we should do about it now.

  • Healthy Body pt 4 - Gender (Audio)


    Pastor John and Pastor Jill share a conversation around a biblical understanding of gender and how it relates to God's view for having a healthy body.

  • Healthy Body pt 3 - Use As Intended (Audio)


    Our bodies are created for work, play, and rest. Too much of one with out the others leaves us unbalanced. If we want to be healthy we need to find balance and use our bodies as they are intended.

  • Healthy Body pt 2 - Life (Audio)


    Our view of life begins, is lived, and ends will inform our priorities and attitude toward life in general. The Bible is clear though, all life, in all stages, matters.

  • Healthy Body pt 1 - Food (Audio)


    We begin a series addressing a biblical definition of having a healthy body. In this message, Pastor John discusses our relationship to food and what the bible has to say about its role in our lives.

  • Divided (Audio)


    A house has different rooms, different compartments, where we do different things. We often compartmentalize our lives is many different ways but what are the dangers we face when we do that with our walk with Jesus?

  • From Mundane to Holy (Audio)


    Pastor Jill shares how the gospel can take the mundane things of life and make them holy moments.

  • Sheep (Audio)


    The Bible uses the imagery and metaphor of shepherds and sheep often. More times than not, we are the sheep. As we look into what the biblical authors would have known about sheep it informs us what we are being compared to and how Jesus being the...

  • Come and See (Audio)


    As the shepherds are told about the birth and Jesus, they look at each other and say "come, let us see this thing". From that moment on, People that have encounters with Jesus go and tell others to "come and see" who this Jesus is...

  • Life pt. 5 - The Church (Audio)


    What are the standards that the Bible sets for a healthy church? We believe the answer is to gather, connect, grow, and go.

  • Life pt. 4 - Spirit (Audio)


    As we continue our series about life, we talk about what it means to be healthy in our Spirits.

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