Agent On Fire



The best in the business trust him with their secrets. But who does he trust with his? You! Sit back and get ready to discover the underground strategies for making REAL money and creating a life of PASSION and REWARD in real estate. He's hardcore. He's no BS. And he plays to win big. Here's your host and THE Agent On Fire, Mike Costigan.


  • Homeseller vs The Zero F___s Bull

    22/07/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an incredibly powerful communication skill that can help you build trust and become more persuasive when getting more listings in real estate. What is NLP? NLP helps you (The Agent On Fire) guide your clients through a process to become more decisive in the listing process. It establishes trust between you and your clients to trigger confident and concise decision making. And in today’s show, you’re going to learn some of Mike’s tips and experiences when it comes to using this powerful method in your real estate business. If you want to start learning how to take care of ANY bullfight instead of dealing with the carnage, simply go to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Locked Doors and No Key

    15/07/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”  In an age where the real estate culture is so competitive, being hardworking and dedicated are qualities you must have to succeed. However, it’s important to remember where to draw the line. Chasing the almighty dollars can quickly and easily consume you without you even realizing. When you spend 12 hours a day, driving round in traffic chasing cheap listings, and coming home looking exhausted, setting a bad example your kids feel sorry for, something has to change. Tune in and get a handle on this TODAY before you start sliding down the irreversible real estate slide and are unable to stop. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Icy Hot Listings...Shaq Off The Dust

    08/07/2018 Duration: 05min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Shaquille O’Neal; regarded as one of the most dominant athletes in Basketball history. Towering at a staggering 7 ft, weighing in at 360 pounds and an enormous size 23 shoe, this superstar sure knows how to dunk a basket. He can also teach you a thing or two about getting listings in real estate as you’re going to hear in today’s episode. Tune in and listen to this ‘stealthy’ marketing genius show and learn how to make yourself utterly irresistible to your prospects. If you want to go from icy cold to super hot in your market, just go to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Godzeelow Dropped To Her Knees

    01/07/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The latest dose of fear mongering is designed to get you to read between the headlines. But being the successful agent you are, you must understand that there is always going to be a place for a full service listing agent. And in order to be a provider of that you have to deliver what a seller can not do for themselves. Today is another ‘on fire’ episode from Mike Costigan where you’re going to learn another strategy for creating leverage and freedom as a real estate agent. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Your Real Estate Website Really Sucks

    24/06/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Most real estate agent website suck. 99% of them are created using copycat templates, offer little to no value and never generate any leads. But it’s not as hard as you might be thinking to DOMINATE your local community using a website as long as you implement what Mike shares today. It’s expert marketing 101 for your real estate website that’ll give you almost instant authority and credibility. If you’re ready to become an expert marketer rather than having to worry about rounding up your prospects, head on over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Bloody Eyes and Blind Real Estate Marketing

    17/06/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” “Most agents are predictably, unpredictable.” They actively advertise, but very few have an effective marketing strategy let alone the results to back it up. If you’re marketing sounds similar to blindly throwing darts, and you’re tossing money into non-targeted advertising in the hope something sticks, you seriously need to get back to the drawing board... ...or just listen to this episode of Agent On Fire where Mike shares with you his predictability formula to help mine out the GOLD in your neighborhood without wasting your hard earned money. It’s not complex. It’s surely not overwhelming. It’s simply about being smart. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Who's Stealing Your Cheese

    10/06/2018 Duration: 04min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” You can’t live a fulfilling life as a real estate agent on an inventory of crumbs. To succeed in this business, you have to be the one holding the chunks of cheddar. And to get your hands on these ‘wedges of cheese’ (a.k.a listings), you’re going to need to plan, practice and persist. Most agents can’t and will not succeed because they’re flat out lazy. They remain stuck, starving themselves on the little nibbles of success. Put a stop to this in today’s episode and learn how to make sure feasting is no longer an issue, guaranteeing yourself a good night's sleep with a full belly - every night. Let’s put a plan in place to get you the listings that make you the ‘Mighty Mouse’ of your community. Be sure to head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Hillbillies to Millionaires (Agents That Is)

    03/06/2018 Duration: 05min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The word focus doesn’t earn the respect it deserves in the real estate world. Sure, we hear about motivation all day long, but not much attention is given to how focus can have the ability to affect your productivity. Focus is your ability to pay attention to the things that will move the needle in both your business and your life. Focus is the gateway to ALL your thinking, and without it, you will suffer. So maybe it’s time to take a look at your own life and your view on everything. Is it time for a small shift in your blueprint? A shift in your behavior. A shift in your focus A shift in your language. Small shifts can create GIANT rewards both monetarily and mentally. Listen to today’s episode of The Agent On Fire, and you’ll learn the importance of aligning yourself with the right habits that can extract the value rewards from your vastly untapped well of opportunity. All it takes is a laser focus on what you really want. Make su

  • Candyland Ain't So Sweet For Sellers

    27/05/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Attracting and retaining clients is essential to the success of your real estate business. Long-term clients are much more likely to feel satisfied as well as referring more customers to you. Treat these people like gold dust. They aren’t just numbers and surely shouldn’t be left on the shelf to sour. Today’s episode will feed your sweet tooth listings for life as Mike shares his key to customer retention and over-delivering on your customer’s expectations. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • The Entrepreneur Manifesto

    20/05/2018 Duration: 04min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Entrepreneurs are like the modern-day rock stars and the thought of being one is extremely appealing to many. But few agents actually know the real truth about entrepreneurship. It’s hard and can sometimes feel like you’re fighting a solid stone brick wall. There are no shortcuts or magic ‘tricks’ to make stacks of cash appear at the touch of a button or the click of your fingers. You have to work relentlessly hard. In Mike’s own words… “Everyone wants to be the entrepreneur...until you’re the one who writes the cheques, and that’s where everyone fails.” Get yourself ready for another ignited episode of Agent on Fire where you’re going to learn the REAL truth about what it takes to be an Entrepreneur in real estate. Leave all your preceded thoughts at the door, and be ready to have the torch held under your ass. Ready to learn how to make stuff happen like a total boss? Then go to and download the free cheat sh

  • A FATAL Dose of Broker Cyanide

    13/05/2018 Duration: 08min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Ferris Bueller once famously said… “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” And when it comes to real estate, if you fail to recognize lousy advice from your broker, then you’re destined for a future of frustration and hamster wheel hustling. The truth is, most brokers have no idea how to teach YOU real sales skills. The fundamental skills that sell homes. Instead, they focus on the ‘security’ of taking slices of commission from your pie. Rockstar brokers, on the other hand, are few and far between. If you’re lucky enough to find one, these are the people who are out there, in the trenches selling homes. They enjoy the risk. They acknowledge the chase. And they live for the sale. Today is all about understanding where your time is being effectively and efficiently spent. No one cares about how many items you’ve crossed off your to-do list or how many appointments you’ve been

  • What The hell Do You Want

    06/05/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Ask the question, ‘what do you really want’ to most real estate agents and what follows is usually one of the following: Either a moment of stone-dead silence or An amalgamation of numbers relating to how many homes they want to sell or how much profit they want to make. But in reality? They have no real idea what they actually want. Numbers are finite. But your life experiences are based on precious moments. The main point of today’s episode is understanding how to figure out what YOU really want and to put a stop to thinking of numbers as goals. Your ‘secret’ to success lies in the programming of your mind and the way you think. Become the next ‘mega agent’ by heading over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Puck U

    29/04/2018 Duration: 05min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Your success in real estate is directly equivalent to the number of listings you get. And the number of listings you get is directly correlated to the number of shots you take. For you to succeed in this game, you must master the art of learning to move and shoot to evolve in business. The problem? Most agents don’t know how to shoot. They don’t know how to get listings. Hence they spend their entire life on the rollercoaster of struggle, frustration and overwhelm. Today’s episode is about learning to treat your real estate business like a hockey game and developing an ice-like strength to your game plan so you can skate circles around other real estate agents and take the shot! No more hiding away in the sidelines. It’s time to step up and elevate your game! If you’re sick of being the sitting duck and want to get some real points on your real estate board, then make sure you head over to and download the free

  • Your Stewpid Email Can Wait!

    22/04/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” “Stop being a slave to your inbox!” Email is a huge distraction, especially for hungry real estate agents wanting to get quality listings, grow their business and take control of their habits, rather than allowing them to control us. If you’d class yourself as an obsessive email checker, this episode is for you. This will be your solution to finally ‘unhooking’ yourself from your smartphone (at least some of the time), and give you the chance to double, triple, even QUADRUPLE your productivity. It’s time to wrestle back control from your digital device and achieve the level of business success you know you’re capable of. If you’re ready to start taking home some big chunks of cheese, head on over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now, follow the guide and DO what it says.  

  • You Are Not FINE

    15/04/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” “Fine = Contempt = Settling = Is for pilgrims and not for successful real estate agents.” You’ve probably said the word a million times: Fine. Even when things are clearly ‘not fine’, people find it extremely difficult to express. Pretending everything’s fine is a common trait of many agents. But under the hood, it’s an entirely different story. If you want to stop being ‘just fine’ and discover the most easy to-do things that will create freedom from yourself AND multiply your income, simply tune in to today’s show. “Do something every day that helps you grow just 1% and watch what happens to your life as a real estate agent.” Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • FSBO KO's the Big Mouth Agent

    08/04/2018 Duration: 09min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The big mouth agent loves to talk about NOTHING other than himself. He (or she) spends all their time boasting about how ‘great’ they are and what results they’ve had in the past with the goal of winning over the homeowner. But the FSBO? They couldn’t care less. They just want somebody to help them sell their damn house with as little heartache as possible. Today, Mike gives you one the easiest and most accessible Real Estate seller sources on the planet as well as his proven way to build unbreakable trust with your leads. It’s no BS. There’s NO hype. Just straight up truth and honesty to win you the listings you want as a Real Estate agent. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Open Houses are for LOSERS

    01/04/2018 Duration: 08min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Real estate open houses are one form of sales tactic - but do they really sell homes or is it more about the hype? Most real estate agents will talk way too much about the benefits than they should. From Mike’s experience, open houses are a game for losers and sellers HATE them. “Stop pissing away hours of your life doing open houses. Instead, do something that’s worth your time.” In today’s episode of Agent On Fire, you’re going to learn a little gem of wisdom to why open houses are a complete waste of time and what you should be focussing your energy on instead to get the results you want as a successful real estate agent. Ready? Let’s do this! Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!    

  • Are You Hustling or Just a Sleazy Real Estate "Hustler"?

    25/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” There are two types of people in the world, hustlers and everyone else. The hustler is a rare breed. It’s someone who has ambitions and aspirations that align together. These are the people who know what they want, are willing to make short-term sacrifices to get there and see challenges as an opportunity to grow. But you should never confuse hustlers with work-mules. A work-mule is too busy ‘doing things’ whereas the hustler is smart enough to know where they should be allocating their time to get the results they so furiously want. In today’s episode, Mike releases the fire once again to bring you the distinct differences between REAL hustling and straight up sleaziness. Here are the best bits: - The ONLY answer to achieving massive success in Real Estate (0:50) - Don’t try and bullsh*t a bullsh*tter (1:30) - What most Real Estate agents do wrong almost all the time (2:40) - Why you’ll never find a successful agent ‘at the offic

  • Your Bleeding Toes in Sharky Waters

    18/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Many agents never get listings because they’re easy prey for guys like me and you - the people who know how to do it and have a proven process of getting results. If you’ve no idea what your metrics are, whether they’re working, or have no real strategy for growth, then you're going to be snapped up by the great whites of your community. To win in the real estate game, you have to be both unique and investable. So the question becomes… What makes YOU better, more efficient, faster, a better negotiator, more superior, or just easier to deal with? In today’s episode, you’re going to learn the fundamentals to shark-proofing your real estate business rather than becoming the next piece of shark-bait, ready to be snapped up by the hungry agents of your marketplace. If you want to become the great white shark of your marketplace, head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minu

  • Lying, Cheating Scumbags

    11/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Honesty and integrity are essential components in any business, but it’s paramount in this business of real estate. Or In Mike’s words… “Real estate is a crazy business and sometimes downright cutthroat. People will lie, cheat and steal just to make a buck or two.” Integrity and trust are so important in the real estate industry. They always have been, and always will be. Most agents focus solely on the money - and it’s the reason why they stay broke, struggling to even supplement their household income working 80 hour work weeks. Today’s episode is all about becoming the honest, integral real estate agent. Integrity is critical to your success in both business and life. And success stems from WHO we are, and how we treat other people. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable marke

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