Agent On Fire



The best in the business trust him with their secrets. But who does he trust with his? You! Sit back and get ready to discover the underground strategies for making REAL money and creating a life of PASSION and REWARD in real estate. He's hardcore. He's no BS. And he plays to win big. Here's your host and THE Agent On Fire, Mike Costigan.


  • Who Wants to Be a Celebrity Agent?

    04/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Ever wondered how to become a community ‘celebrity’ in real estate? The agent who’s always ‘there’ and keeping their presence known. Becoming a celebrity in your local community isn’t hard at all.It’s all about making connections and becoming the person people think about when they're ready to buy or sell a house. Today, you’re going to learn how to achieve something many real estate agents will never get to experience; the opportunity of becoming the community celebrity real estate agent. Strap yourself in for yet another quick and easy lesson on how to actually make something of yourself in Real Estate. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in unlistable markets. Go there right now!  

  • Magic Mike's Church of Agentology

    25/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The vast majority of real estate agents just want to be generous. They want their clients to love them, and they’ll do just about anything to make that happen - including slashing their commissions! So the bottom line is this… Your business isn’t a charity, and you’re not Mother Teresa. It’s impossible to serve anybody, give people good advice and expect them to trust you when you’re making no money. Stop being a ‘commission cutter’ and look after yourself FIRST. If you fail to do this, you not only suffer, but you kill off your clients by doing them a huge disservice. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!  

  • How to Stop Sellers from Stealing

    18/02/2018 Duration: 08min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Sellers are the bad guys in the real estate game. The thieves. The criminals. The poachers. The burglars. Call them what you will, every one of them is going to try and take advantage of you. They all do. And it has to stop - right now. Be sure to tune into this episode as Mike Costigan turns up the heat and shows you how to protect yourself from thieving sellers trying to steal YOUR money. And make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!  

  • Chicken Shit

    11/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your Free Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The truth is, most real estate agents would rather walk a mile in chicken shit than having to face a million dollar seller. Instead, they choose to stay at the bottom of the mountain and chase the cheap listings like every other agent and wonder why they are always dissatisfied with their below average results. As Mike Says… “Low hanging fruit (low-priced listings) taste like crap. They’ve been nibbled on, fondled with and drooled on by every other low bar agent.” Today’s episode focuses on going after the easy access, but highly expensive listings. It’s a competition-free zone ready for YOU to snap up! Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • Impending Death of an Overworked Agent

    04/02/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” The majority of real estate agents pressure themselves into being available for their clients virtually around the clock. Working every hour, of every day, seven days a week doing ‘busy work’ that’s doing next to nothing helping build a real business that pays you even when you’re not there. In this episode, Mike shares his painless process for eliminating ALL the BS ‘busy work’ from your life. The same process that took Mike from 5 to 7 figures in income and from driving a mediocre BMW to piloting a million dollar Mclaren. You may not want the fast car, but one thing every real estate agent craves is more freedom. And this episode is going to help you get exactly that. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!  

  • Feasting On Bloody Sheep Heads

    31/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Wolves are the wave-makers of the real estate world. They stand away from the crowd and probably piss a lot of people off but are always the ones with full stomachs. They are the innovators who ignore the masses and are completely focussed on their goal of getting more listings. They don’t waste time doing open houses or sending cards to their sphere of influence. They leave that busy work to the ‘sheeple’. So that begets the question… Which are you: The starving sheep or the hungry wolf? Join Mike Costigan once again for another RED HOT episode of Agent On Fire. Trust yourself and the wolf instinct inside you and you’ll soon succumb to all the success and happiness you desire in life as a real estate agent. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • A Fairy Tale and An Un-thankful Turkey

    31/01/2018 Duration: 04min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” People come up with all kinds of BS excuses not to work, and Thanksgiving is one of the biggest. The time most agents put down their ‘tools,’ power down the computer and take the entire week off to relax and consume copious amounts of turkey and pumpkin pie. Sure, it sounds appealing to wind down to a crawl for Thanksgiving, but think what would happen to your business if YOU were the one helping your clients while all the other agents rested on their laurels for an entire week? Put down the goddamn turkey leg, and get fired up with today’s daily dose to become the Agent On Fire in your community! Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • 31 Minutes

    31/01/2018 Duration: 06min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Are you spending too long on listing appointments and still unsatisfied with your closing percentage? Many real estate agents today talk themselves out of the sale without even knowing it. In Mike’s words... “The more you talk, the faster you talk yourself out of the sale and decimate your closing percentage.” Watch as clients eyes glaze over as you ‘chit-chat’ your way out of yet another listing. However, there is a simple solution. Today, Mike turns up the heat and shares with you his secret for drastically slashing your time spent at appointments while simultaneously increasing the number of listings you close without the sleazy ‘cheesy’ sales pitches. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in un-listable markets. Go there right now!

  • How To Make Real Estate "PROFIT"-ABLE

    31/01/2018 Duration: 07min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Here’s the cold, hard, unadulterated truth about most Real Estate Agents… They don’t make sh*t. It’s both embarrassing and depressing. Most stay stuck below the poverty level, working 80 hour weeks trying to make a deal and merely supplementing their household income. Admittedly, for you reading this, that’s not why you got into the Real Estate game right? You want to be successful and ditch those endless work weeks and finally have a business that runs on its own without you being there every minute of every day. Then you won’t want to miss this episode of Agent On Fire! Today Mike Costigan talks real, hard truth. The truth about where your profit is hidden and how to unlock it by building a BUSINESS with great people, leverage, and great systems without burning out. Make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever be

  • Get the H**l Off the Real Estate Roller Coaster

    31/01/2018 Duration: 05min

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets” Let’s be honest for a second...being a real estate agent ain’t easy. It’s simple (if you’re listening to this podcast), but it isn’t easy. And for the majority of real estate agents, most days are a struggle. Hustling for leads and sales in the hope of growing your business. Every day you’re stuck on the real estate rollercoaster, and it sucks. It makes you sick. Exhilarating one minute, disheartening and frustrating the next! But it doesn’t have to be like this. If you want to be a SUPER producer and take your business to the next level, then you have to get yourself off the real estate roller coaster. If you’re after consistent, and predictable sales, then today’s episode is for you. And make sure you head over to and download the free cheat sheet showing you how to list houses in 30 minutes (or less) while charging more than ever before EVEN in unlistable markets. Go there right now!    

  • Agent On Fire - Intro

    31/01/2018 Duration: 44s

    Go to and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”

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