Positive Fix



Positive Fix is dedicated for entrepreneurs with the attitude, expertise and drive to thrive in life by leveraging their unique gifts, follow their passion and server their purpose. This series will share inspirational stories and strategic insights to improve your life and achieve your bold vision. Tune in for positive vibes and empowering content that rocks!


  • The Core Key Element to Achieve Success

    21/02/2017 Duration: 09min

    Have you ever stopped to ponder why some people succeed and others don't? Why some people have the same opportunities and life circumstances and grow and others stagnate? In this podcast I share my believe on the Core Element of Success. Also I recap the core thoughts and ideas in the first series of Positive Fix, Setting the Stage. Before you can reach your full potential rock the stage of life you must to set the stage for success.

  • Going with the Flow or Obsessive Drive

    31/12/2016 Duration: 06min

    Do you typically "Go with the Flow" OR possess an "Obsessive Drive" for success? Which is better if you're dedicated to achieve your BOLD Vision? In this session I go over both models and discuss this spiritual paradox in more detail. Let's be clear though. The results you achieve in your life directly reflect your habits which are created by your thoughts and beliefs. If you're looking to change your results, you must first change your mind which is why we're covering this topic.

  • Three Vital Keys to Succeed in Sales

    16/12/2016 Duration: 08min

    Have you ever stopped to think what it'd be like to have a surging business that is making a difference in the world? Would you like to learn three simple steps to increase your sales and grow your business? In this Positive Fix I share with you the 3 vital keys to succeed in sales that you can implement and have improved sales immediately. Regardless of who you are, you are in sales to some degree. Any time you speak to people you want them to buy into your ideas. If your an entrepreneur you definitely need to be good in sales. Even if you employ sales people you must master the art of being able to sell your ideas and get buy in to succeed. Businesses must be able to sell products or services to stay in business and grow. As we're wrapping up setting the stage for success, I thought it was important to share the three keys for success in sales. You must be able to sell to be a rockstar professional and truly live your dreams.

  • Understanding Your Reasoned Motivation

    13/12/2016 Duration: 05min

    Have you dreamed about having energy and drive even when your facing the biggest challenges? Would you like to be empowered with more power when you are climbing your way to the top? In this podcast we discuss techniques to bring the fuel to the fire and ignite your passion to harness your natural energy and unleash your full potential. All rock stars have inspiration, rockstar professionals define their reasoned motivation. Learn more about Reasoned Motivation on Amplify Your Business http://bitly.com/get-amp.

  • Establishing Your Inspired Mission

    30/11/2016 Duration: 07min

    Your inspired mission is the declaration of the actions and efforts you plan to take to achieve your goals and bold vision. Establishing your inspired mission is a critical part of getting in tune with your goals and ambitions. Listen in and learn more, then take the action of drafting your inspired mission. Please feel free to connect with me at facebook.com/kenny.harper.rocks and share your mission with me. BTW, my mission is to inspire and empower 100,000 people with the desire to thrive in life by leveraging my unique gifts, sharing gained insights and connecting with other powerful leaders to spread a better message. Your life is what you make of it. Be proactive and make it what you want.

  • Setting Your Bold Vision

    22/11/2016 Duration: 07min

    As we continue to Set the Stage for Success, in this Positive FIx we introduce the concept of Defining Bold Vision and how it can benefit you and your life, business or career. Defining a Bold Vision with clarity helps utilize the law of attraction, helps guide you make better choices and follows the success habit to begin with the end in mind. For entrepreneurs looking to Thrive in life, it is critical to define a Bold Vision.

  • Defining Your Clear Objective

    11/11/2016 Duration: 06min

    The Positive Fix series is for entrepreneurs with the attitude, expertise and drive to thrive in life by leveraging their unique gifts, following their passion and serving their purpose. American author, business man and keynote speaker Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People states that you should “Start with the End in Mind”. That’s very great advice and an effective habit I suggest following before trying to begin achieving great results your life. You are living your life right now, and everything you do, every decision you make affects where your life is heading. For those looking to thrive in life, it is very important to define your clear objective by answering the following question: What are you trying to achieve and why are you trying to achieve it? Many people don't answer this question and can spend a lot of time and energy taking the wrong actions. Some people never take the time to find this clarity. But the successful people who thrive in life do and if your goal is to thriv

  • What is Success & What are Your Gifts, Passion & Purpose?

    11/11/2016 Duration: 07min

    The Positive Fix series is for entrepreneurs with the attitude, expertise and drive to thrive in life by leveraging their unique gifts, following their passion and serving their purpose. It is people aiming to succeed in life. But what is success? What does it mean to thrive in life? What are your unique gifts? What is passion and purpose? Taking time to identify who you are, what you're about and the purpose you serve is one of the first steps to succeeding in whatever goals you set in life. Share your insights and comments at facebook.com/kenny.harper.rocks.

  • From Blueprints to Stage Design

    02/11/2016 Duration: 05min

    If you had to create a stage for a major musical act, how would you go about doing it? In many ways creating our lives or business is like setting the stage and there is a process to follow to do it correctly and get the right results. Having worked with many entrepreneurs, read many books on the matter and experienced my own failures and successes I've learned the important steps that you must follow in the beginning to achieve the desired results in the end.

  • Setting the Stage for Success

    02/11/2016 Duration: 05min

    Positive Fix is a podcast series dedicated to the entrepreneur with the attitude, expertise and drive to thrive in life by leveraging their unique gifts, following their passion and serving their purpose. In this introduction session Setting the Stage, Kenny shares his backstory and inspiration of Positive Fix. Success starts from within. Fuel your mind with the right energy, take action and reap the rewards. Hashtag is #positiveFix.