It Ain't Ogre 'til It's Ogre



We watch Shrek once a month. We talk about it. What have we done?


  • It’s Ogre


    It’s been fun. Listen here.

  • Ep. 72: Bichon Frise Presents: It Ain’t Ogre Til It’s Ogre: The Variety Hour: The Musical: The Show: The Musical!


    The holiday season is coming to a close. And with it comes the end of another season of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Ti It’s Ogre! But as the Ogre Crew celebrate the festivities, Chris discovers a horrible truth: the podcast has been bought by greedy businessman David Zaslav, who wants to turn the show into the […]

  • Ep. 71: Doris (Or, Aren’t We Done?)


    Fire up the oven, convicted felon Muffin Man. Because we have a big order to fill! That’s right, it’s November, which means one thing. It’s Turkey Time! And, of course, it’s time for the Ogre Crew to gather around the podcast studio table to share a Friendsgiving feast! But what would an Ogre Crew Friendsgiving […]

  • Ep. 70: Muffin Man (Or, How About Some Levity?)


    We’re back, boils and ghouls! In this month’s spookily silly (and hopefully frighteningly funny) episode, the Ogre Crew host a wacky costume party that includes a couple of surprising guest stars! But as the evening’s festivities take a terrifying turn for the worse, the boys need to figure out who among them has sinister motivations. […]

  • Ep. 69: Prince Charles (Or, Are We Out of Line?)


    Is that a tinfoil hat on your head, or are you just happy to see me? Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, as on this month of It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, Will, Matt, Chris and our friend Bailie Tilton come together once again to celebrate our patented (don’t @ us, Rogan) conspiracy theories episode! […]

  • Ep. 68: Thelonious (or, The Shreckoning)


    Ladies and gentlemen, the moment has finally arrived. It’s time for … The Shreckoning! That’s right, for the first time ever, we’re talking about ALL FIVE Shrek movies, including Shrek the Third, Shrek Forever After, Puss in Boots, and, of course, The Ghost of Lord Farquaad, i.e. Shrek 4-D, among a few other supplemental Shrek […]

  • )?nevaeH oT teG eW naC ,rO( ognoM :76 .pE


    !ereh netsil a ti eviG ?rof gnitiaw uoy era tahW .leuqes detamina eht fo noisrev errazib siht fo gninaem eurt eht dniheb seicaripsnoc s’elaD otni teg ew erofeb s’taht dna ,kcapnu ot tol a s’tI .sthgis egnarts rehto gnoma ,traf-itna yllufrewop ergo na dna ,namuh detnioppasid a otni nrut gorf gnik a ,sevle otni nrut […]

  • Ep. 66: Pinocchio (Or, What Should We Fix?)


    This month on It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, in the spirit of bringing back our favorite guests, Silly Sickos’ Anna Rigatti returns for another round of Ogre silliness! It’s been way too long since we’ve had Anna join us for some Shrek-related shenanigans, so we had a lot of fun catching up with our […]

  • Ep 65: Fairy Godmother (Or, How Do We Thrive?)


    It’s May!!! The fifth month!!! And you know what that means: It’s the 18th anniversary of Shrek 2! Will, Matt, and Chris are back again to celebrate. In fact, they’re camped out in Shrek’s swamp to surprise him! Check out how that goes here!

  • Ep. 64: Dragon (Or, Who Could Ask For More?)


    This month on It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, we’ve got a blast from the past! Ryan Gabos, our first-ever guest, makes his long-awaited return in yet another hour long (and very silly!) episode (we’ll try to go short next time!). Don’t miss out on the fun. Check it out here! (Also, unfortunately there is […]

  • Ep. 63: Kyle (Or, What Shall It Be?)


    It’s March, and we’re always a little mad, so it’s time for another round of March Madness! In this month’s rambunctious episode, the Ogre Crew are joined by our good friend Abdalah El-Barrad to discuss Shrek 2 and, more importantly, battle it out to see who is truly the best character in Shrek 2. The […]

  • Ep. 62: Puss in Boots (Or, What Did We Do, Too?)


    This month on It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre, we’re all about the number two (2), baby! We’re in the second month of the second year of the 2020s to discuss Shrek 2 (two) once more! And we have double the laughs with our good friend Lauren returning to the show. Tune in to hear […]

  • Ep. 61: Shrek (Or, Again, What Have We Done?)


    The final season is upon us as Will, Matt, and Chris return for one last go-round the calendar! Join us here to hear our initial thoughts about our first viewing of our final film: 2004’s Shrek 2! What a sentence!

  • Ep. 60: A Very Turtly Christmas


    The year is nearly done, and there’s no disguising the fact that this year’s movie selection wasn’t an easy watch/rewatch! To round out this tumultuous fifth season, the Ogre Crew is on the quest to discover an elusive Master of Disguise Christmas special, only to be visited by an unexpected returning guest. Along the way, […]

  • Ep. 59: Abraham Lincoln


    We’re nearing the end of the month and the end of the year. Despite our best intentions, our original plans for this month’s episode fell through, so we have to improvise! The show must go on, etc! As such, Matt, Will, and Chris scramble to put together this season’s penultimate episode in a timely fashion, […]

  • Ep. 58: Bubble Man


    In this spooky and certainly quite kooky new episode, the Ogre Crew stay in the It Ain’t Ogre ‘Til It’s Ogre headquarters with a special mission: to deliver candy to the local children in their creepy, far-on-the-hilltop house! But as the lads discuss their pitches for a modern-day horror-ific version of The Master of Disguise, […]

  • Ep. 57: George W. Bush


    Ohhhhhh snap! It is September again, folks, and you know what that means! That’s right! Will, Matt, and Chris are gonna be discussing conspiracy theories surrounding 2002’s The Master of Disguise! This year, things get a little spicy when we get our first ever guest caller, Dale Johnson! Find out what he has to say […]

  • Ep. 56: The Cuteness (featuring Cory & Charlie from Generation VHS!)


    This month on It Ain’t Ogre Til It’s Ogre, Cory Woodroof and Charlie Ridgely … wait, Cory and Charlie? From Generation VHS?! Could it be? Yes, it be! It’s our first official switch-’em-up episode. As Will, Matt, and Chris take over the latest Generation VHS, Cory and Charlie spend an hour as guest hosts of […]

  • ssoR boB :55 .pE


    !ereh gninigami-er lacisnesnon siht no sthguoht sselesnes ruo raeh ot netsiL .ydemoc yevraC anaD dediugsim eht fo noisrev wen gnibrutsid siht si taht ssendam eht ssecorp ot tseb rieht yrt sirhC dna ,ttaM ,lliW ,nees eb ot tnaem saw ti yaw eht mlif eht gniees yllaniF .esiugsiD fo retsaM ehT s’2002 fo tuC drawkcaB eht […]

  • Ep. 54: Slapping Dummy Man


    This month on It Ain’t Ogre Til It’s Ogre, we all watched The Master Of Disguise, obviously. Of course. Why wouldn’t we? It’s the mid-year point, baby! And we cover the whole movie in-depth, for sure. Totally. Very extensive coverage. No question about it. Be sure to listen to our thoughtful, super specific, and extremely […]

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